This week a surprise resolution nearly extracted $30-MILLION DOLLARS from Kansas City's budget and ALMOST NOBODY noticed.
Thankfully, our blog community and KICK-ASS INSIDERS were keeping track.
Let's start with the legislation first . . .
RESOLUTION NO. TMP-2755 - "Directing the City Manager to present a funding plan that will result in the City contributing $30 million from Unappropriated Fund Balance for the purpose of funding the local strategies outlined in the Blueprint for Violence Prevention and Healthy Communities and directing the City Manager to present the funding plan to Council before or at the same time as the presentation of the annual budget, if possible, but in no event any later than 24 hours prior to the first public budget meeting."
The resolution was introduced by Fifth District Councilwoman Ryana Parks-Shaw who is unopposed in the upcoming April primary election.
Here's the background and we invite locals to check our work given that lot of this can be confirmed by merely watching the Thursday's KCMO legislative session.
Council lady Parks Shaw introduced the sketchy resolution in a surprise move that wasn't on the docket.
That's right, a proposal worth 30 MILLION BUCKS without so much as a committee meeting consisted of nothing more than a scrap of paper put on the desks of council member with only minutes to vote.
Mayor Q wasn't at the Legislative session and conservative council lady Heather Hall was absent as well.
However . . . Given the size of proposal a NINE VOTE majority was needed.
Council ladies Theresa Loar & Katheryn Shields balked at the resolution and asked their colleagues to send it back to committee.
By the grace of God OR maybe the same weasel who paused the world's most powerful particle collider . . . The Internets connection of Council Lady Melissa Robinson timed out during this vote.
OR . . . The smart timing of her Internets problems confirms that the council lady is exceptionally savvy and didn't want to take part in helping to approve this kind of HORRIFIC legislation.
Sadly . . . Other council members weren't so smart.
Of course the termed out politicos who supported this effort don't really matter much . . .
What's curious to us . . .
How ANYONE running for reelection would vote to approve faux-crime-fighting pork.
Consider . . .
Incumbent council members Kevin O'Neill, Eric Bunch & Brandon Ellington all supported this EPIC 30 MILLION GIVEAWAY with very little checks, balances or even a modicum of deets.
Sure . . .
We all want more cash to fight crime . . . Most voters and even The Prez claim that money for police is a good idea.
But here's what we know for certain . . .
Moreover . . . As we investigated this issue, insiders talking with www.TonysKansasCity.com remind us that this cash was slated to be taken RIGHT OUT OF THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND and would serve to further strain the budget and possibly impact emergency cash that might be needed given these uncertain times.
Whatever the case . . .
30 MILLION BUCKS nearly vanished in a matter of moments and only one vote prevented an EPIC CRIME GROUP PAYDAY with nearly zero city hall oversight.
All of this might be important and offer a reason why upcoming council elections are so critical.
Developing . . .
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