Kansas City Star Advocates For Racial Quotas On Police Board

Here's the rub . . . 

Given population trends . . . It might actually make sense for a Latino or an Asian person to be considered for the police board if we were REALLY talking about representation. 

Put TKC down for advocating in support of Asian ladies. ALWAYS. 

Thing of is . . . Pushing quotas undermines a candidate's skills and experience. It's a losing fight that mistakes the very real strength of a diverse coalition united by common goals for fashion party guest list.

Still, in fairness, here's the argument . . .

The vacant slot is expected to be filled in late February, according to Parson’s office. We believe Parson should strongly consider a minority female candidate. As with any public body, representation of the diversity of the community it serves is important on the police board.

But the knowledge, skills and lived experiences of Black and other minority women are being left out of the policymaking decisions for the Kansas City Police Department.

Nearly three decades have gone by since the last Black female police commissioner, Stacey Daniels-Young, was first appointed to the police board. She served from 1995 to 2005.

“There should be a Black woman on the Kansas City Police Board,” said Gwen Grant, CEO and president of the Urban League of Greater Kansas City.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Gov. Parson, give Kansas City a police board more like the community it serves | Opinion

OPINION AND COMMENTARY The new year brings an opening on the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners and an opportunity for Missouri Gov. Mike Parson to address a glaring omission: Zero women of color sit on the powerful police board today, and not one has served as a board commissioner since the mid-2000s.
