Pickleball Proves Perilous But Investors Like Paddy Put Up Big Bucks To Power Pastime

Sorry, but our blog community reserves the right to remain skeptical about a game that is best played with beer in hand. 

Admittedly . . . 

Paddy and his investment advisors are probably smarter than all of us.

In the meantime, thanks to our BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS for sending us this missive about the future sport and fortunes at risk to control the game . . .

"Until recently, pickleball was widely perceived as the last athletic refuge of those who had undergone a knee, hip or spouse replacement. In reality, the sport—where 300 different paddle manufacturers bear witness to an as-yet unrealized potential—is in the throes of its terrible tweens. Growing pains aplenty, and a litany of f-words: factions, fractures, friction … . In short, picklebalkanization."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Pickleball Is Booming. Pickleball Is in Chaos.

There are: Too many leagues. Too many federations. Battling billionaires. Bad behavior. And the growth of a booming sport is on the line.
