Missouri Democrats earned a bit of progress that was acknowledged and then dutifully dismissed following this week's election.
Five flipped House Seats sounds nice . . . A net gain of three is somewhat less newsworthy.
More interestingly . . .
Here's a better post title and perspective from a reader we're honored to have check TKC . . .
Mayor Q for U.S. Senate, sez St. Louis dead-tree dino
And so . . . Here we are . . .
The bench for Missouri Democrats doesn't look very impressive and the Republican Jeff City hegemony only seems to be getting stronger despite crumbling highways, a worsening opioid crisis, a healthcare staffing shortage and public education quickly fading . . . It's fun to meme the blame for all of these systemic problems against Prez Biden until voters start asking local elected officials to take a bit of responsibility for the desolate walnut bowl economy in rural Missouri . . . Don't worry. That probably won't happen any time soon. And it might not matter after the Eastern Euro-trash war scares EVERYONE into submission.
However . . . Until then . . .
Here's a bit of advocacy and a hint at bigger & better things awaiting Mayor Q . . . A preview of an impending Face/Off given that Congressman Cleaver doesn't really like the current city hall honcho . . .
"The party has to get to work — now. And the party cannot expect to be competitive with the current slate of prominent Democrats. Galloway seems done with politics. St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones and Rep. Cori Bush have aligned themselves with such a far-left extreme they would have no chance of attaining broad-based statewide appeal. Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, with some careful image cultivation, might be worth consideration."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Editorial: Lipstick-on-pig approach won't give Missouri Democrats a statewide win in 2024
Despite a dismal election season in which not a single Democrat was elected to a statewide seat and Democrats remain badly outnumbered in both houses of the Legislature, the Missouri Democratic Party still managed to apply copious amounts of lipstick to Tuesday's election pig.
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