Kansas City Public Library Fights Against Proposed Missouri Book Ban

A struggle against censorship gives new life to a struggling local institution.

Check this inspired passage from a recent website update . . .

"A proposed administrative rule threatens to reduce community access to public library books and other resources. This measure would take choices out of the hands of individuals and families, instead giving inappropriate control to the state and activist groups. It would also put restrictions on the open exchange of ideas, stories, and experiences."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Protect Your Freedom to Read: Speak Up On Proposed State Rule

Missouri's secretary of state wants to enact a new policy that libraries believe endangers your freedom to read and threatens to reduce community access to public library books and other resources. A public comment period runs through Wednesday, December 14, 2022, giving you a chance to speak up for your right to read and speak out against censorship.
