Insider: Kansas City Mayor Q Should Make Peace With Po-Po & Missouri GOP

This morning we want to focus on a bit of unconventional wisdom in the aftermath of a controversial law enforcement election.

The results were overwhelming . . . By a 27 point margin, Missouri voters backed police funding. 

To be fair . . .

The effort was soundly opposed by voters inside Kansas City . . . However, polling over the past few years tells us that a ballot initiative for local control of police is not assured and VERY unpopular in the Northland & South side.

Meanwhile . . . 

Insiders tell us this is just the beginning of the debate . . .

"What the Missouri GOP showed him was that they have the resolve, the votes and the money to push back all of his activist legislation. The midterm vote on Amendment 4 made that clear."

So what's the best path going forward???

"The mayor needs to come to a compromise or expect more of the same. He would be smart to say something like 'how can we work together on public safety?' rather than back another losing lawsuit. If he's smart . . . I hope he'll think about KC's interest and the desperate need to support police & fight crime above his own political ambitions." 

Developing . . .
