Kansas City East-West Transit Fakes Consensus By Way Of Urbanist Hipsters

East/West transit sounds like a great idea . . . This is something that locals have demanded for DECADES.

However . . . The most effective and quick solutions would likely involve RAPID BUS TRANSIT that would offer cheap and effective ways to transport workers. 

INSTEAD . . . Our urbanist scumbag friends want more light rail in order to prop up development schemes. 

This shady approach is a fact of life. But here's where it hurts . . .

Sham public meetings lure rubes in order to spread propaganda.

The whole point of this blog is to myth-bust deception targeting taxpayers and provide a reality check for anyone willing to read a bit whilst sifting through some of our more hilarious insights, hottie tribute and fart jokes.

Accordingly . . .


In Kansas City politicos mostly treat people like props and this is one of many examples . . .

RideKC East-West Transit Study project partners include the Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA); the City of Kansas City, Mo. (KCMO); Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kans. (UG); and the University of Kansas Health System.

This study is unique because it’s a multi-party, bistate effort to analyze the technical and financial feasibility of high-capacity east-west transit connections across the state line. The corridor includes connections to the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension as well as north-south RideKC MAX Bus Rapid Transit and bus services on both sides of the state line. Building on previous studies which have identified specific corridors as potential transit opportunities, the project study area is from Rainbow Boulevard to the west and the Truman Sports Complex to the east, and 31st Street to the north and 43rd Street to the south.

For more information about the RideKC East-West Transit Study, visit the project website at www.eastwesttransit.org.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Public Meetings Slated for RideKC East-West Transit Study in October

(Kansas City, Mo. | Sept. 16, 2022) The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA), in coordination with several project partners, will host two in-person meetings and one virtual meeting in October for the KCATA East-West Transit Study.
