Kansas City 'Defender' Blog Offers Giveaway After Spreading False Serial Killer Rumor

To be fair . . .

Even if the cash comes by way of bitter and humorless racially charged animus . . . It all spends the same. 

And so, in the aftermath of spreading fear and inaccuracies and following families of missing people BEGGING them to stop.

Here's the offer that's not quite robin hood targeting po'folk with fake news . . .

"These types of events are vitally important to us because we aren’t only a news outlet, we are a community organization that is actively committed to building directly alongside and showing love to Black people and our community."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Defender Hosts "Pop-Up Grocery Buyout" at Food Center, Gives $500 Cash Directly to Black People

If we raise $500 this week, we'll do another Buyout this upcoming Saturday (hopefully with even more money). Do you want to donate towards our Pop-Up Grocery Buyout Fund? We accept cashapp at $KCDefender or Venmo at @kcdefender. You can also In our inaugural episode, we interview local organizer, leader and revolutionary, Jenay Manley of KC Tenants.
