A recent passing of a metro area icon deserves mention today.
His obituary is the stuff of legend and insiders from throughout Johnson County are justifiably singing his praises as a pioneer, businessman and leader.
Here's just a passage from a newsworthy memorial . . .
In 1972, Hayward Spears founded Hayward’s Pit Bar-B-Que, a reflection epitome of Aristotle’s proverb — “Pleasure in the Job Puts Perfection in the Work.” Hayward’s Pit Bar-B-Que was founded on a dream of turning a cherished family tradition into an iconic business in his namesake. Hayward has been the recipient of many awards. In 1985, he was voted by Walt Bodine as the best barbecue restaurant in Kansas City. In 1990, Ingram’s Magazine voted Hayward’s the best barbecue for the last 8 to 10 years. In 1985, Hayward was elected to the Mid-America Bank Board of Directors. In 1992, he was voted the Minority Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young and Merrill Lynch. That same year he was voted one of the 100 Most Influential African-Americans in Kansas City.
For the entirety of his career, he became an essential and reliable fixture in his community; he served as a Board Member of the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce, The Overland Park Convention and Visitors Bureau, and a member of the Foundation Board of the Johnson Country Community College.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Obituary for Hayward Spears Sr. | Thatcher's Funeral Home, Inc.
Life Reflections In lieu of flowers and in alignment with Hayward Spears Sr.'s entrepreneurial spirit and legacy, our family requests donations be made to support the nonprofit organization, Generating Income For Tomorrow (G.I.F.T.) More information can be found on G.I.F.T.'s website, https://www.kansascitygift.org.(Donation page in memory of Hayward Spears Sr.
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