Sketchy Kansas City activist allegations of racial bias and deadly threats are slowly fading from the national news scene.
Because common sense & TKC readers inform us that serial killers and sex dungeons don't really endanger most in Kansas City.
However, one of our readers flatters us and brings up an accurate criticism of this blog . . .
"Tony, a few years ago you (were) posting pictures of Jack the Ripper as you were trying to generate talk when that stripper crashed her car in English Landing Park. I think you need to ease up a bit here."
This comment is worth featuring . . . And discussing just a bit.
First thing . . .
TKC didn't need to "generate" anything . . . Everybody was talking about this story and it was on local newcasts nightly . . . The tragic story of strip club worker Toni is part of local lore . . .

Also . . .
NOBODY believes the official explanation from police that not only defied the laws of physics but also contradicted a great deal of testimony from her "friends" at the strip club.
Sadly . . . The case remains consigned to history and critical questions faded.
We suspect the same might happen in this case . . .
HOWEVER, we're hopeful that the investigation will lead to more public information.
About TKC Jack The Ripper references . . .
As always we remind readers . . . THIS IS A BLOG. Literary references are part of the fare we offer readers interested in an ALTERNATIVE perspective from mainstream content mill garbage media.
Brief aside . . . During this sage we remember another local blogger/citizen journalist was TOTES unhinged and made a great many wild accusations against police . . . So much so that po-po put out a content warning on his social media posts and threatened to sue him . . . Anybody else seeing a pattern???
TKC actually toned down coverage back then . . . As always, we've used the "Jack the Ripper" reference to try to provide a bit of historical perspective on news stories and consider the big picture about this longstanding Western culture trope.
Also . . . Whilst critics claim this blog is guilty of crassness and poor taste . . . We're CERTAIN that we DID NOT blame systemic racism or police for the sordid circumstances which surrounded the tragic death of a strip club worker.
In this current epoch . . . Mainstream news outlets are bashing the po-po for missing persons . . . Which is a seemingly new tact that's hard to understand given that police are the only people helping families looking for the missing in so many instances.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Spotlight is on Kansas City and its problem of missing black women
After a Black woman escaped captivity in Excelsior Springs, a vigil was held on Oct. 16 to raise awareness of the issue of missing Black women in Kansas City, as well as to pay respects to those who have not returned home. // Photo by Mili Mansaray/The Beacon This story was originally published by the Kansas City Beacon.
Cops called reports of missing Kansas City women 'completely unfounded'. Then 1 turned up.
When a woman wearing a metal collar and a latex minidress said she escaped her captor's home just outside of Kansas City, Missouri, a community leader who sounded the alarm about missing Black women and a possible serial killer in the area had one thing to say to police: Told ya.
Finally . . .
When discussing "Jack The Ripper" we must always reference a classic hip-hop diss track that should provide a welcomed release or at least a motivation to "get in more steps" and train to run away from the many fears which haunt Kansas City . . .
Developing . . .
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