Show-Me Suicide Trending In Rural Missouri

Sadly . . . It seems that "traditional values" and right-wing voting reliability aren't REALLY helping people stuck in the middle of Missouri. 

In fact . . . 

A tragic suicide trend reveals growing rural Missouri desperation amid the urgent effort to address mental health issues amongst populations & communities that haven't traditionally had access to this kind of care.

Check the stats . . .

"The Missouri Department of Agriculture launched the 24/7 AgriStress Helpline earlier this month. According to one study, between 2003 and 2017, the suicide rate among rural Missourians grew by 78 percent."

Read more via links . . .

New mental health crisis hotline available for Missouri farmers

HANNIBAL (WGEM) - There is now a place where Missouri farmers can get easy access to mental health resources. The Missouri Department of Agriculture launched the 24/7 AgriStress Helpline earlier this month. According to one study, between 2003 and 2017, the suicide rate among rural Missourians grew by 78 percent.

Missouri crisis centers see wave of calls since the 988 suicide hotline's launch * Missouri Independent

In its first days of operation in July, a newly revamped, national mental health hotline was already exceeding Missouri providers' expectations as a wave of people dialed three numbers: 9-8-8. They ranged from the curious to those seeking help, and several providers across Missouri told The Independent calls had already increased by 50% within a week of the new three-digit number's rollout.

Developing . . .
