Show-Me GOP 'Chaos Caucus' Divided

An interview from earlier in the week that that deserves attention for those who haven't seen it yet.

Here's a behind the scenes glimpse at the Missouri GOP not quite as united as locals would believe:

Missouri State Sen. Cierpiot blamed the lack of bills passed during spring session on the conservative caucus. Cierpiot claimed that the caucus spent a third of session working on a congressional map that would have helped their own careers at the expense of the Republican party overall, referring to them as the “chaos caucus.”

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Cierpiot unloads on the current state of the Senate on Mundo in the Morning

Monday morning Sen. Mike Cierpiot, R-Jackson County, took to Pete Mundo's "Mundo in the Morning"' show on KCMO radio in Kansas City and shared his views on the conservative caucus, Missouri Right to Life and the current state of the Missouri Senate.
