Listening Session: KC Pet Project Radio

One of the BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS shares something fun for the late night and a sign of local services using digital media for better branding & fundraising. 

Take a listen . . .

KC Pet Project has their own online radio station

Sure, it's more of a playlist with a few quickie promo tracks thrown in but we like what we hear. 

The music is mostly retro, upbeat and provides some decent background music whilst doing other stuff. 

Accordingly . . .

Since they're providing the freebie radio station . . . We have a request . . . 

Any chance they can check their archives and find that EIGHT MILLION BUCKS they promised to taxpayers who passed GO bonds back in 2017 with money added to support the shelter upgrade???

The group was supposed to use their private fundraising skill to match KCMO taxpayer funding. At least that's what they promised.

Instead . . . KC Pet Project swagger jacked KC Animal Services, canned a bunch of old school dog catchers and now operates by way of 12th & Oak largess. 

It's the same old election time betrayal song but we love the classics here at TKC.

Hopefully, more of the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!
