This story of vehicle registration and probs with the po-po should inspire some common ground betwixt classic car owners and advocates against controversial rules allowing civil forfeiture.
Here's how the story starts out . . .
He bought the 1959 Corvette from an Indiana used car dealer in 2016, and when he went to have it inspected, the KHP decided it was “contraband” based on an altered Vehicle Identification Number. The VIN ‘alteration’ issue is that it had been painted over as much as 40 years before in a previous restoration, something of which THE NEW OWNER was unaware. Still, KHP sized the vehicle and spent years trying to have the rare, valuable, classic car destroyed.
Even while admitting he had committed no crime.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
'Innocent Owner' finally gets his Corvette back from Kansas Highway Patrol - The Sentinel
Martinez bought the 1959 Corvette from an Indiana used car dealer in 2016, and when he went to have it inspected, the KHP decided it was "contraband" based on an altered Vehicle Identification Number. The VIN 'alteration' issue is that it had been painted over as much as 40 years before in a previous restoration, something of which Martinez was unaware.
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