Special thanks to THE BEST & BRIGHTEST in our blog community for an early note on an upcoming conversation.
Given the rising COVID numbers, it'll be interesting to see a bunch of people gathered in masks to talk about guns.
Here's the premise . . .
Most citizens deplore the mass gun violence that is currently plaguing our nation. However, Second Amendment advocates fear their rights could be limited if laws addressing guns are changed. Yet, anxiety levels of people of all ages continue to rise when in public spaces such as schools, houses of worship, retail stores and other public venues. What can be done to mitigate the increasing preponderance of gun violence in American society?
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Addressing Gun Violence in Public Spaces (In-Person)
Join American Public Square at Jewell for this special “KC at the Square” event as we discuss ideas for the community to find common ground when it comes to addressing gun violence in public spaces.
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