Of course welcoming all communities in Kansas City is cool . . .
But let's be realistic.
How many denizens of the LGBT community are paying 900 bucks a month for a Kansas City Star subscription???
Please venture a guess . . . I'll wait . . .
Meanwhile, the old codgers who typically read the paper are, sadly, chased away by content that often makes them angrier than watching MSNBC . . .
Still we respect their hustle and willingness to chase away most of their readership in favor of "servicing" a progressive agenda that might or might not pay the bills in the future . . . Given that there are so many other media outlets taking the same tack . . .
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Diverse leadership aims to make KC Pride festival most welcoming yet
Star Palmer, board president of Kansas City Pride Community Alliance, has worked to bridge LGBTQ+ communities and increase diversity. The board is planning the Pride festival June 10-12, 2022.
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