A help wanted notice from this downtown's largest daily newspaper offers a glimpse at local journalistic hiring requirements . . .
"This editor also will oversee the team that leads our race and equity coverage. While equity and inclusion are a focus for all our reporting teams, it's crucial that our breaking news team is focused on the fairness of how laws are enforced and prosecuted as well as on how tragedy when it strikes can disproportionately impact based on class, race, ethnicity and other factors."
Here's a welcomed INSIDER perspective . . .
"I just saw that The Star is looking for a "breaking news editor." Setting aside the fact that The Star no longer has a large enough staff to adequately cover breaking news (they mostly scan Twitter and Facebook) the ad is notable for a couple of things.
"First, the ad's emphasis on covering "breaking news" - the who, what, when, where, and why - is secondary to a focus on equity, inclusion, and activism. While not surprising, it appears that, at least when it comes to a job search, The Star has given up the pretense of being an objective, news gathering organization.
"Second, the requirements for this higher-level position are a bachelor's degree and a year or two of experience. I think that translates to "we'd like a recent college graduate who worked for free on their college newspaper, and will work for almost free for us."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
The Kansas City Star is seeking an experienced and passionate editor to lead our Breaking News team.
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