Kansas City Playlist: Newspaper Hack Offers Correction

For the most part, locals have turned away from the newspaper en masse as the dead-tree institution struggles to retain influence given so many other options for content.

However . . . 

Sometimes their screw ups are so obvious that news readers from throughout the metro are forced to respond. 

One example from this week . . .

EVERYBODY hated a recent column which seemed to contend that the progress of KCPS was dependent upon on the return of white students. 

Actually . . . The column was so fundamentally flawed that the author was forced to retreat after of litany of mean tweets were sent his way . . .

Again, it's to easy to beat up on a newspaper that operates out of a P.O. box but it's late and right now their misery inspires our quickie playlist dedicated to print media.

A recent dead-tree tribute from one of our favorite artists . . .

Fan tribute to Fiona . . .

All time ALT takedown . . .

As always, thanks for reading this week.

Have a safe and fun Saturday night and we hope to see you for mid-morning update.