Missouri Republicans are fighting to wrestle control away from local governments given COVID confusion, pandemic politics and legal battles.
Now . . .
We've been told to "trust the science" but this kind of legislative power play is pure politics and it leaves voters & resident EXCEPTIONALLY VULNERABLE to the whims of locals elected officials who have been ruthless when it comes to crackdowns on small operators.
Moreover . . .
If the property tax hot mess is any indication of how the courthouse handles their biz . . . More healthcare authority might further jeopardize the lives of locals.
Via our KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY . . . Here's the word . . .
Resident curmudgeon and Jackson County’s least favorite legislator is trying to make public health waves again.
No, not a mask mandate, but an ordinance that tries to combine the power of the health department and the ultra liberal-wing of the Jackson County Legislature into one entity.
Crystal Williams and Jalen Anderson are trying to circumvent a recent court ruling and establish a public health framework and enforcement guidelines that would NOT follow state statues. In an effect, they are throwing up middle fingers to the MO legislature, the MO courts, and the Governor.
Of course, they are claiming this is to “protect” citizens..but in all honesty, this is another big government power grab.
It hasn’t been about science for a long time…and this ordinance reeks of politics.
Follow-up . . .
Crystal Williams and Jalen Anderson are introducing an ordinance during the Jackson County Legislative meeting tomorrow morning. Highlights of the ordinance:
1. All health decisions will be made by the health director, including closing schools, restaurants, businesses.
2. Health director has no oversight, does not have to answer to anyone.
3. Forced vaccinations of kids, without parental consent.
4. Sheriff Department would be used to enforce control. Fines and jail time could be levied.
5. Your pet could be killed if deemed a public health nuisance.
6. Quarantine camps. For ANY communicable disease.
7. List of multiple diseases, beyond Covid19.
TKC Interlude: Do we think the county is going to come kill your puppy or take you to a COVID camp? NO.
We joke around A LOT on this blog but all of it is in service of making COMMUNITY NEWS more interesting and so far we're really disappointed at the cynical and nearly tyrannical government crackdowns amid this pandemic.
The very legit and relevant complaint here is that there's nothing in this EXCEPTIONALLY SLOPPY LEGISLATION that says the courthouse can't get downright medieval with very few checks or balances.
The ordinance does very little to protect the liberty & freedom of the people it hopes to govern.
This legislation is rushed, incompetent and inept.
Even worse . . .
This kind of politically charged & reactionary approach to public health is DANGEROUS.
And NOBODY should give Crystal Williams or her eyebrows this kind of power.
Full Text of the Bill:
#5588: AN ORDINANCE enacting chapter 39, Jackson County Code, 1984, to be titled "Public Health," consisting of thirteen sections, with a penalty provision.
Additionally, TKC TIPSTERS hear it will be referred to committee…Crystal’s committee.
However, there are some rumors that she is going to try to “perfect” the bill tomorrow and call for a vote.
2/3rds (6 votes) will be needed to pass the ordinance into law, regardless if it is tomorrow or the next legislative meeting.
This is some serious shit. No matter your political leanings...
Developing . . .
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