Apropos for #TBT - In an otherwise garbage movie . . . The idea of "recycled food" from Judge Dredd in 1995 is still worthy of a chuckle.
From that science fiction flop, here's some local news facts from a charitable organization working in the metro . . .
Surplus food from Kansas City restaurants could provide up to 1 million meals to hungry families.
Food insecurity is real in Kansas City.
In our city, 1 out of every 6 kids is food insecure.
40% of food insecure kids don't qualify for federal nutrition programs like SNAP.
Food pantries are not always able to provide fresh, healthy, perishable foods.
And so, this organization has a much better take on the "recycled food" idea and serves people in need.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .