Kansas City Playlist: Anti-Vaxx Holocaust Analogies Aren't Helping

Tonight we focus rare point of mainstream agreement on both sides of the COVID debate . . . 

Fact . . .

Neither Republicans nor Democratic Party leaders endorse Holocaust references in the context of the debate over COVID vaxx mandates. 

A double down from Mayor Q on the topic . . .

His tweet actually earned a surprising bit of support.

Meanwhile, in fairness we note Kansas Republican opposition against this tactic . . .

“It’s disappointing that analogies to the Holocaust are being perpetuated,” said House Speaker Ron Ryckman (R-Olathe), who is not on the committee, in a Tweet. “Let me be clear: the issues being debated today are important to KS, but they are in no way comparable to what millions of Jews endured who were ripped from their families, & marked for death by the Nazis.”

Reality check . . .

This crackpot strategy has been wrongly ascribed to conservatives. The disgusting rhetorical tactic is now universally rejected by NEARLY EVERYONE. Using fringe argumentation to denounce mainstream vaccine mandate opposition is cynically deceptive given that Kansas Guv Kelly has also expressed her criticism of Prez Biden's orders that are currently tied up in court.

And so we dedicate tonight's playlist to this sordid topic and ongoing pandemic debate . . .

A tune about tactics . . .

Hip-hop vaxx remix . . .

80s old school hit references the Black Plauge . . .

As always, thanks for reading this week. Hopefully, we'll have more for the morning update but right now we hope denizens of our blog community have a safe and fun Saturday night.
