In his latest missive, a progressive and prolific Kansas City faith blogger shares insight into American history and political repercussions.
Here's the money line . . .
"Religion, of course, was one source of much of this appalling racist rubbish. Many churches, especially in the South, found twisted ways of reading the Bible that they used to justify slavery and, after the Civil War, to justify Jim Crow and segregation. The task of American Christians today is not to feel guilty about what our ancestors did or failed to do but, rather, to do what we can to put things right today so that the systemic racism they created and that has continued to benefit many white Christians even today gets ended forever."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .
How far Americans have traveled (and haven't) on race
In the conversations (a polite word for it) Americans have been having about race in recent years, especially since the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, it's not been unusual to hear some version of this:...
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