Sadly, the fortunes of Kansas City newspaper continue to fade despite hype about new hires and digital gambits.
Here's the word sent by way of KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS and journalism loyalists . . .
Take a look at their ask . . .

Your friends and neighbors — people across our communities — are seeking complete and accurate information as they navigate the news, their lives and the changes around us.
And information is more complex than ever. That’s why we at The Kansas City Star are launching a new fall fundraising campaign to ensure continued coverage of critical local news. We are asking for your support of our Missouri gun violence coverage in partnership with Report for America.
Your tax-deductible donation can help make it happen.
You can help us put more eyes on issues that need more attention and give a boost to our clear-headed watchdog approach
And we're stronger when the voices of all members of our community are part of the conversation.
Will you join our newsroom campaign to help support more local journalism in this critical area?
Thank you for supporting our newsroom and the future of local journalism. And thank you for being a contributor to The Star's Missouri Gun Violence Project.
— The Kansas City Star team
At the time of this writing . . .They've only earned 95 bucks from three donors. And so the demand for local news is CLEARLY not as great as so many media "experts" claim.
To be fair, journalism in any form is not a well-paid profession.
As a rapidly aging Gen-Xer . . . TKC just got his first real bank account today. I've been using one of those pay-as-you-go cards that they sell next to the candy aisle at the drug store for most of my "adult" life.
However . . . 95 bucks worth of donations isn't going to buy much crime coverage for the Kansas City Star. I'm not even sure if that'll cover Dave Helling's per diem.
Honestly, we're not even linking this out of spite . . . Maybe a few people might be inspired by our snark and send them a few bucks.
Very much like people on the street begging for cash . . . We don't begrudge anyone an honest effort to ask for help.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .
Kansas City Star's Fall 2021 Campaign: Missouri Gun Violence ProjectYou decide . . .
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