Rules ordering Kansas City residents to wear COVID masks as part of a public health effort will persist as Mayor Q offers new legislation that expands his power and continues a local dress code.
This info comes from one of the ALL-TIME-GREATEST TKC READERS . . .
"Masks forever - 210903 and 210902 extend the Kansas City mask mandate to Nov. 6."
Interesting . . . The new city hall website kinda hides the legislative text but a few clicks leads us to the money line.
"That this ordinance shall expire on November 6, 2021, at 12:59 p.m. unless rescinded, extended, modified or amended pursuant to applicable law."
And so this makes a lawsuit from Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt even more important as it's likely we'll be wearing these masks into next year . . . And maybe then some . . .
Now . . .
Now, there's strong feelings on both sides of this debate and generally TKC thinks the mask are harmless but acknowledges that even "the science" says the cloth face coverings aren't very effective.
We expect local news will follow-up on the story but for now we tried to find two legit news links on opposite sides of the political spectrum . . .
Read more via news link . . .
These Are The Parents Most Likely To Oppose School Mask Mandates, Poll Finds
As school mask mandates remain a major source of contention, a new Axios/Momentive poll finds that while 59% of parents support school mask mandates overall, some groups are far more likely to be opposed than others based on demographics like income level, race and their partisan affiliation.
Why We Need to Upgrade Our Face Masks-and Where to Get Them
A wealth of evidence has shown that wearing a face mask helps prevent people from spreading the virus that causes COVID, SARS-CoV-2, to others and from becoming sick themselves. But there has been less guidance from public health officials on what kind of masks provide the best protection.
Developing . . .
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