Kansas City will be making all future financial decisions based on a new set of priorities if a new resolution passes.
Here's a peek . . .
Resolution 210919 - Adopting an AdvanceKC Purpose and Values Statement and directing the Advance KC 2.0 Standing Committee to evaluate the tiering of incentives, use of an equity scorecard, and a housing continuum.
The money line with a highlight . . .
WHEREAS, a values statement for economic development creates a shared set of beliefs which guides the City in its decision making, system designs, and organizational behaviors related to the utilization and application of incentive tools against which the Council can evaluate its policy decisions; and
WHEREAS, the AdvanceKC 2.0 Standing Committee, has met, and identified value statements related to the use of incentives for Council's consideration and adoption
What are those values?!?!
Take a look:
2021 AdvanceKC Purpose and Values
The AdvanceKC and its associated plan, processes, and scorecard are a means by which the City Council enacts its shared values and priorities related to economic development and should therefore be implemented in a manner consistent with the following:
1. Make economic development equitable/inclusive;
2. Make economic development more effective for small scale and incremental neighborhood and community developers and development;
3. Ensure that projects eligible for incentives fulfill an adopted economic development policy goal and create desired community outcomes;
4. Ensure economic development tools are accessible to developers and businesses of all sizes without the need for legal representation;
5. Ensure that projects are evaluated based on a consistent set of criteria that is appropriate for the type of development being proposed;
6. Make the process and review of economic development applications/proposals transparent and accountable;
7. Ensure that applications and approvals are considered in a timely manner;
8. Provide relevant and reliable project information to encourage strategic investment of resources;
9. Focus incentives on projects that address economic inequities or where there is a historic lack of investment activity, which is inhibiting economic growth of the surrounding neighborhood or the City overall; and
10. Ensure that the positions of any contributing taxing districts are considered for all projects seeking incentives . . .
And so . . .
These are lofty goals . . . Most taxpayers would be happy if KCMO simply didn't hand over cash to every guy in a suit with a friend on council.
Meanwhile . . . It's important for locals to witness the new economic priorities of KCMO which seem to be putting social change at a premium.
Developing . . .
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