Donations from "viewers like you" (only smarter with more cash) fund the vast majority of PBS.
However . . . They do, in fact, get a percentage of their budget from taxpayer dollars.
Moreover . . . Journalism involves the consideration of viewpoints that might contradict an author's perspective. Only pundit hacks or propagandists intentionally limit their world view.
And so we ask . . .
Me neither.
And TKC isn't really that conservative . . .
Still, the station used to at least try to offer the semblance of fairness.
Since they pulled Ruckus of the air . . . The local content offerings look like a grad school treatise attacking the post-capitalistic implications of Transcendental idealism on gender identity in French New Wave cinema.
TKC wrote that paper in college by the way . . . The title was "You Kant Always Get What You Want."
That's a stolen joke . . . But I digress . . .
Instead of at least pretending to entertain the political opposition.
Here's the replacement . . .
The show’s debut episode, airing Thursday, will localize PBS’ Future of Work series for the greater Kansas City community. A segment will examine the pandemic’s impact on relationships between local workers, employers and workplaces, and Gilmore will host a panel discussion.
As host, D. Rashaan Gilmore will be as much a part of the show’s fresh take on local issues as its format. He said he will use both his activism and passion for Black and queer causes, as well as his unique perspectives, to connect with the community.
As fun as that seems . . . For many it might not be appointment viewing as the local discourse has also succumbed to the current plague.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .
Kansas City PBS boosts profile of digital Flatland platform with monthly TV show
Judy Revenaugh/The Kansas City Star Kansas City PBS is expanding its Flatland journalism platform with a new current affairs TV program that will feature in-depth explorations of local issues. Each monthly half-hour episode of the show, also named Flatland, will focus on an issue of importance to the greater Kansas City community.
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