If this blog seems unmotivated as of late it's because COVID pretty much killed the local news, journalism, reporting scene and what's leftover is nothing more than uninspired garbage, sponsored content and partisan pay-for-play electioneering schemes that seem clever the old white dudes with too much money and/or political "strategists" with a chip on their shoulder because they didn't get into the right Ivy League School and are forced to spend their career in flyover country.
In order to prove my point, we share a link tease of groundbreaking newspaper reporting which reveals, gasp, life is hard for po'folk around middle-age with health problems . . . Which is to say, most, if not all of them.
(Note: Just reread this and we actually DIDN'T wake up in a bad mood even if it seems like it . . .)
Take a look whilst we work on something just a bit more useful than serving up COVID word-salad . . .
Kansas City woman thought her COVID was mild. Her health, and finances, still suffer
This is what 53-year-old Shantell Williams remembers about the night she died in an ICU bed. She was hooked up to a lot of machines because doctors at Truman Medical Centers/University Health were trying to figure out what was going haywire with her heart. A nurse had just started her on a new round of fluids.
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