Kansas City Mom Charged After Death

Tragic cowtown bill from beyond the grave reveals that the end of life only begins the economic risks.

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KC woman irked when cemetery adds on more charges to mother-in-law's prepaid burial

Vickie Hancock has buried everyone from her brother to her grandmother at Forest Hill Cemetery on Troost Avenue. That's why she was so surprised by what cemetery employees told her when she prepared to bury her mother-in-law in early March.


  1. Pre-paid anything is a high chance for a scam. Cemetery management co changes? Invalidation of all previous contracts. Cost adjustment language? Easily ramped up past inflation. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways for them to pull one over on peeps. I'll have my kids take my ashes, get a big firework and 'splode it over the City during a superbowl parade.

  2. I have buried several members of my family and all had prepaids and not a one included any headstones, markers or what not. I think the only scam here is the one this lady is trying to pull.


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