Right now police are investigating the latest deadly spate of gunfire in the urban core.
We'll update when we know for sure but the number that we're coming up with so far indicates that KCMO is ALMOST halfway toward the century mark given that the newsie shot on Friday and tragically passed Sunday is likely #48.
Special thanks to KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS who drove by the location and sent us a couple of shots.
From what we can tell right now the murder investigation is taking up at least 3 blocks and social media chatter reports at least 20 cop cars on the scene.
KCMO broke an all-time homicide record in 2020 and the pace had only reached around 46 at this time last year.
Local reporters are gathered near 19th & Paseo for the official word.
Context for this entire hot mess, let's not forget that Kansas City taxpayers have invested nearly 100-MILLION worth of tax subsidy for this entertainment district and more since the 90s and so far there's still not a viable profit model other than doubling down with more taxpayer cash.
A tweet regret from Mayor Q: "Disappointed and angered to hear of more Kansas Citians struck by gunfire tonight. This evening it's in my neighborhood, but too many have been impacted just this weekend, this year, and in recent years. Praying for the victims, continuing to work to see an end to this epidemic."

Here's the report:
Shortly after 10pm, officers were called to 18th and Vine on a report of sounds of gunshots which was upgraded to a shooting call for service. Upon arrival, officers located multiple victims at 19th and Vine. One of the victims, an adult black male, was suffering from apparent gunshot wounds. Officers began performing life saving measures on the victim until EMS arrived and transported the victim to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased.
Three additional adult victims who were also suffering from gunshot wounds were transported to area hospitals. Their injuries are believed to be non life threatening.
Preliminary information at the scene is there was a fight or argument inside one of establishments. Shortly after the argument, there were multiple shots fired outside the business.
Detectives and Crime Scene Personnel have responded to the scene. They will be processing the scene for evidence and canvassing for any potential witnesses.
If you were in the area and have information, detectives are asking you to call the Homicide Unit at 816-234-5043. Or if you would like to remain anonymous, you can do so by calling the Tips Hotline at 816-474-TIPS. There is a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to an arrest in this case.
Developing . . .
Funny, the mayor is still pretending that he lives in this neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteThoughts and prayers and more gun control.
Delete^^^ No thanks.
DeleteI hear it's nice in parkville.
Cue the retired cop who wants to tell us that things are much worse in Baltimore, Saint Louis and Uganda. I guess KC wins in that comparison but that's setting the bar pretty low.
ReplyDeletePray for the victims and the families. Pray for peace in our city.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, in the major leagues, Baltimore has 96 murders and Chicago has 190. Philadelphia has 159 murders and St Louis has 62. Our hood rats are inept and unmotivated.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to Kansas City
ReplyDeleteKansas City here I come
I'm going to Kansas City
Kansas City here I come
They got a crazy way of loving there and I'm gonna get me one
Well shit! Harvard lost another future scholar and just when he was getting his life back together too! We have got to stop shooting each other! Anybody got any ideas on how to end this?
ReplyDeleteProbably an argument among Justus Horn, Gwen Grant, Stacy Shaw, and the other grifters over who was going to get the most face time as "leader" of the local "civil rights activists" and who can milk it for the most cash.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, this will be completely ignored by the BLM crowd, who continue to act as though the endless carnage was happening somewhere else, rather than in their own neighborhoods.
And somehow it's hard to imagine that the TIPS Hotline is ringing off the hook this morning.
Same tired narrative; same old faces; same terrible results.
And the people who live along this corridor get terrorized year after year with this type of Black pride. #18VineISdead Nothing historic there to see but the unprecedented crime and violence. The razed everything else.
ReplyDeleteOne is all we get on on a quad shooting?? C'mon man. KC thugs, do better!
ReplyDeleteMogadishu of the Midwest. This is why we can't have a viable jazz district.
ReplyDeleteLucas, and most left-leaning politicians, love to refer to inner-city murders as an "epidemic." They consistently try to frame the issue so it's perceived as a disease, something other than personal choice and poor impulse control.
ReplyDeleteThis allows them to convince a certain percentage of the population (liberals) that the problem can be solved by legislation that restricts the freedom of the law abiding rather than the lawless.
People are stupid, and will never realize that anti-crime policies and legislation are designed to do nothing but garner more tax dollars and consolidate power . . . to line the politician's own pockets via federal subsidies and sweetheart development scams.
Liberals, more times than not, care nothing about people. They only care about fostering the perception that they are incredibly empathetic and concerned
If you want Quinton to actually live in the 18th & Vine neighborhood, the solution is easy. Just open a couple of gay bars that serve stiff drinks and stiff cocks.
ReplyDeleteLMAO. That was funny.
Sadly some areas in our city are doomed to see this kind of violence over and over again. This is one of them. Save the Negro Leagues Museum and scrap the rest. DO NOT throw anymore money at this war zone. Why anyone continues to frequent 18th and Vine is beyond understanding.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is most of the people involved in the shooting didn't have decent fathers in their homes, or fathers at all, growing up. Until that statistic starts to change, the culture of killing isn't going to change. While BLM founders count their money, buy their fifth homes and whip up race-baiting based on mostly weak arguments for personal gain, groups need to step forward to address this issue.
ReplyDeleteBuild a new city Leeds Municipal jail and start filling it up with all these shooters.
ReplyDeleteTo end the epidemic of violence would require replacing worthless Jean Petersucker Baker and the liberal fag Jackson County judges. Blacks are killing with no fear of legal consequences and remain on the street to continue killing.
ReplyDeleteBuild a police station there... that'll solve everything. Oh wait! #EastPatrol Things are safer than they've ever been...The Black Male Monster.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Ellington and Melissa Shaw have the answer. We need to pump more taxpayer money into 18th & Vine.
ReplyDeleteMatlock Detective Club: Activate!
ReplyDeleteThoughts and prayers and more gun control.
ReplyDelete4/26/21, 12:27 AM
Yeah!!!! Those dastardly GUNS jumped up and started shooting again.
How about negro control instead???????
Lucas is “disappointed” AGAIN. All his fillers are parroting “so sad” “what’s wrong with people?” “People need to blah blah blah,” and “prayers.” Typically, no one points fingers at the useless mayor who is loved for his ridiculous platitudes and fake sympathy for for the victims.
ReplyDelete^^^followers, not fillers.
ReplyDeleteHow can you be so stupid this early in the morning, brilowe?
ReplyDeleteAnd yet it's not the mayors fault people kill people you ignorant cock-gobbler. Weird.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the geezers at the retirement home don't have much on the schedule today and their oatmeal is late. That makes 'em vicious!
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping in on a break from your grandma's BBC gangbang.
DeleteSend more money!
ReplyDeleteTake the family to the Kansas City JaZZ District at 18th and Vine !!
Sure, get right on it !
Make sure Mom packs a 9mm and Junior has his .45 for protection as the Cops are not allowed to arrest the scholars that live around 18th and Vine.
8:31 never had a father in the home. You can definitely tell. Say a prayer for him, everyone. It's obvious he needs it. Amen.
ReplyDeleteFor the past year the relatives of the geezers in the retirement home have told them they can't visit because of Covid. Now they simply don't visit because, well, would you visit these nasty old farts?
ReplyDelete8:28, your little monkey brain is doing the best it can, but that's not very good. Nobody is blaming Mayor Q for people killing other people. They're blaming him for not having the political courage to own up to who's doing the killing and lead his electoral base community in doing something about it.
ReplyDelete8:37 Are you triggered today? You sound triggered.
ReplyDeleteWait Tony, isnt there a Black Lives Matter street mural right around there at 18th & Vine? The mayor has given every literal and virtual BLM signal possible and yet the murders still march on....
ReplyDeleteLucas is doing everything he can NOT to fix it. Pandering to terrorists, giving them BLM murals, focusing all his efforts on getting hung the police chief to resign while he defunds the police. Marching with terrorists shouting “NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.” Blaming the white community for the failure and the viol nice in the black community. Creating worthless task forces on violence and whining about how disappointed he is on his FB page. Quinton Lucas is more than just a useless opportunist. He’s a dangerous one. And if he had one ounce on integrity he’d resign immediately.
ReplyDelete“Kansas Citians struck by gunfire”? Hell no! Kansas Citians shot other Kansas Citians. Blame the shooters, not the guns, which do not have a will of their own. They are inanimate objects.
ReplyDeleteUMKC needs to organize their troops of ANTIFA and BLM to protest, burn and loot the 18th and Vine District !!
ReplyDeleteOh wait a minute, this shooting was gang banger on gang banger not police officer protecting himself. Never mind.
8:37 is a Boomer pretending he is young and hip. Typical Communist from the 1960's with his little gray pony tail, bald head, living in his trailer talking to his cats, never got laid except when his Uncle Fester would pay him a visit.
ReplyDeleteIt's like you all live in an alternate universe or something.
ReplyDeleteThe woke white chick that got murdered by a racist black in the hood on lockridge is #48, this one is #49! C’mon hoodrats! I want 50 before May! You can do it!
ReplyDeleteLickass is shooting for a new world record by having fifty dead dimwit voters for eternity after achieving a new world record for total murders last year!
Lickass loves his dead negro records! Hahaha!
9:03 we live in mayor mckneely alternate world of death and destruction and he somehow thinks it’s a perfect world, it’s certainly his version of a third world shithole country that’s for sure.
ReplyDeleteMajor League Update
ReplyDeleteBaltimore 96
Chicago. 191
Philadelphia 159
St Louis 62
If you look at a pic of that supposedly KCUR female reporter without a mask, you can tell it's a tranny with male pattern baldness just starting. The estrogen rapidly increases balding patterns in males and that's why you see so many "females" with high foreheads and male pattern baldness in the media. No wonder they showed so many pictures of "her" with a mask on.
ReplyDelete^^and yet nobody but a certified tranny-fucker would care. Weird.
ReplyDeleteWas that you? Oops. More HRT for you!
Delete18th Vine. Where stupid people go to get shot,robbed,car stolen or raped..what fun experience.
ReplyDeleteThat chimp guy should be banned from this site for spamming it night and day with his useless and offensive comments, stalking other posters and posting links to porn sites. Not a good look, Tony.
ReplyDeleteAnd where is Melissa Robinson? Why isn't she and Ellington out and about making the news trying to stop this in their own district instead of trying to control the whole city. Are they ashamed to admit that most the killings in Kansas City is committed by people of the black race? What happened to BLM that Stacy Shaw and other activist are all screaming about? Clear to see that black people killing black people isn't on their radar of things to deal with. No, they like most BLM supporters all ignore the true issues and facts.
ReplyDelete"8:37 Are you triggered today? You sound triggered."
ReplyDeleteDamn right. My nasty bastard uncle is claiming I owe him a visit at the nursing home, and he's a Trumptard. How'd you like to look forward to a Trumptard spewing nonsense as he gobbles his oatmeal? Just thinking about the small of that place makes me sick.
"It's like you all live in an alternate universe or something."
It's not or something--they're living on Planet Tinfoil.
How'd you like to look forward to a Trumptard spewing nonsense as he gobbles his oatmeal?
ReplyDeleteImagine being chucklowe's wife
You do, every day, all day.
DeleteWe clearly have a lack of educational and employment opportunities in the inner city. Until that changes, expect elevated violent crime.
ReplyDeleteOld people are so lame and boring.
ReplyDelete10:42 How about the No Daddy thing?? Think might might play a roll in
ReplyDeletethe hood?? Asians, Italians, hispanics seem to do alright in their neighborhoods. Bet all the shooter was born out of wedlock.
and yet the sun will come up tomorrow and nobody but geriatric, fucktard shut-ins care. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^ You're pathetic.
ReplyDelete^^^And yet he's not a geriatric fucktard shut-in. Weird.
ReplyDelete^^ You're pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that this happens and its not even on ch9 KMBC news' website.
Another Jazz Museum-related death.
ReplyDelete^^and yet the sun will STILL come out tomorrow and life WILL go on. Weird.
ReplyDeleteJazz....Maynard Ferguson was a gay, slob of a eastern religion worshipping loser. The ONLY thing he could do well was hit a double high note. Otherwise total loser in all areas of his life and a drain on society.
ReplyDeleteScrew Jazz. Rock & Roll kicks ass!
And then one day, chimpy will be put down by the vet at the zoo, chimps don’t live very long
ReplyDeleteEveryone should just chill out. The Kansas City Police Department is on the phone as I type asking LeBron how they should handle this.
ReplyDeleteGosh chucklowe you're funny! I'm glad Tony gives you racist idiots a platform to spew your garbage.
DeleteThe beginning of the story is the clue to the real "epidemic". A fight in a club spilled into the street and guns came out. Either that scenario or revenge killings spiraling out of control, the issue is the inability to resolve conflict without guns... and that's not changing anytime soon. It's personal, it's familial, it's cultural, and no amount of extra police, fancy programs, or gun control will fix that kind of problem. At this point, your best hope seems to be to endure the situation until you can lock up (and throw away the key) as many of the offenders you can. Call it herd immunity against the violence.
ReplyDeleteLibtards think coddling criminals and shunning the police somehow makes their communities safer, better places. Brilliant minds at work.
ReplyDeleteChimpy is the cnn or fake news of TKC, everybody knows he lies like a dog about everything. What is it joe bidumb says, you’re a lyin dog faced pony soldier, and much to my surprise... not, nobody has called him out for this obvious racist remark. Imagine that senile rapey joe bidumb gets away with it all the time because the lame stream media refuse to admit that they backed a demented pant shitting pervert that has been to Jeffrey Epstein’s island for child sex.
ReplyDeleteDemoncraps are sick and mentally deranged.
^and old people are lonely, racist, and boring. The world still continues to turn. Weird.
ReplyDelete12:46 is in target.
ReplyDeleteThroughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black
ReplyDeleteAfrican Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language,
weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship,
a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference
to the pure-blooded Negro.)
He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or
domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many
powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only
known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard
burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common
mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.
Exactly. One child black or white, acceptance of Welfare requires sterilization of the mother. This would be a start at improving this country greatly.
DeletePut a $1000 bounty on blacks out after midnight. Problem soon solved.
ReplyDeleteThis mayhem is just the beginning. More death and violence will follow at this location throughout the summer. STAY AWAY!!
ReplyDeleteBetter keep an eye out chimpster. That ole silverback's got himself a boner, and he be lookin' fo use again. Gets da KY out.
Example, note Chiefs hat !
"Jazz....Maynard Ferguson was a gay, slob of a eastern religion worshipping loser. The ONLY thing he could do well was hit a double high note. Otherwise total loser in all areas of his life and a drain on society."
ReplyDeleteAnd yet that's one more thing than you were ever able to do before you moved to the retirement home. Weird.
Oh Goddamn! 12:27 got his geezer skull caved the fuck in! LOL!
ReplyDelete@2:58, I've advocated for this for years. I would go one step further. You get on welfare for some certain amount of time, the State will pay for a sterilization procedure; norplant for females and a reversible vasectomy method for males. If you change your habits/lifestyle/etc and get off of welfare you have to pay for the reverse procedure. This is a self-qualifying test of financial stability, and a self-limiting excess of children born into bad situations without needing to use the progressives genocide of unborn babies.
ReplyDeleteKC needs to start something like the “Hunger Games”, where black contestants
ReplyDeletewould hunt through mazes and around barriers to shoot and kill each other.
Televise a game nightly. Why waste all that talent on the street, when one could become a superstar. TV revenue would be enormous.
Games could be between champions and also teams (gangs).
Should be able to knock off at least 4 to 5 nightly. Champion shooters would develop fans and followers (until they're eliminated, of course).
Those killed could leave unspent accumulated bling winnings to their families or baby mamas.
Anyone receiving over a certain amount would lose gimme gubmnt money for life.
Mexican government doesn't bother to incarcerate their thugs. If they encounter a criminal doing any crime against tourist and good citizens they plug them with AK's won't waste jail cell. Come to America 3 squares and a cell phone.
ReplyDeleteI think that possibly Maynard Ferguson died of Aids and his family claimed it was another cause. He packed up his whole family and moved them to the far east to worship and study pagan fake Gods and then became gay. He is not in heaven. No musical instruments where he is. He will never play a horn again. Same for many other drug addicted gay Jazz greats.