The threat of rising extremism across the U.S. in the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection is real and right now we share confirmation of the feds working to thwart the danger which recently threatened a longtime Kansas City political leader.
Here's the presser, TKC highlighted the local angle . . . Read more . . .
Marionville Man Indicted for Threatening Two Congressmen
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – A Marionville, Missouri, man has been indicted by a federal grand jury for threatening two members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Kenneth R. Hubert, 63, was charged in a three-count indictment returned under seal by a federal grand jury in Springfield, Mo., on Feb. 23, 2021. That indictment was unsealed and made public today upon Hubert’s arrest and initial court appearance. Hubert remains in federal custody pending a detention hearing on Monday, March 8.
The federal indictment alleges that on Jan. 7, 2021, Hubert threatened to assault and murder U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver II, with the intent to impede, intimidate, and interfere with Cleaver while he was engaged in the performance of his official duties, and retaliate against Cleaver on account of the performance of his official duties. Cleaver represents the Fifth Congressional District in Missouri.
The indictment also alleges that on May 6, 2019, Hubert threatened to assault and murder U.S. Representative Steve Cohen, with the intent to impede, intimidate, and interfere with Cohen while he was engaged in the performance of his official duties, and retaliate against Cohen on account of the performance of his official duties. The indictment alleges this threat occurred when Hubert called Cohen’s office in Washington, D.C. Cohen represents the Ninth Congressional District in Tennessee.
The charges contained in this indictment are simply accusations, and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Casey Clark. It was investigated by the FBI, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Independence, Mo., Police Department and the Marionville-Aurora, Mo., Police Department.
Developing . . .
They're watching.
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you type.
I don't agree with the congressman on everything but that's what VOTING is for. Not dumb threats.
DeleteUse your tinfoil hat too.
WTF. he's right its settled in the voting booth. You don't like it then work on grass roots and supporting your candidates. Thats how we do it here. You are just a negative ass that pretty much spews your venum everywhere. Hate to be within 50 ft of you. The bad vibes just radiate from every cell in your body
DeleteRemember when the cleave said someone spit on him? These charges will be dropped for lesser charges because they always go for the most and then have to lower them because they can’t prove them in the end.
DeleteDidn't you say the same thing about the capitol rioters and now they're facing 10-15 years?
The guy has already been in jail for a month.
You think some rube from Marionville, Missouri has the resources to fight a federal case?
Unlikely, he's going to jail for a long time. He should have learned to control his temper.
because making federal cases out of prank calls is how America announces to the world: "We're Back!"
ReplyDeleteTypical chucklowes. This is what happens when you have no lives and watch too much OAN and Faux News. He's loser. Bye bye now!
ReplyDeleteI didn't vote for him and it's not worth my time to communicate with him. The latter is the same reason I don't respond to the carrot boi, fecal consuming, monkey thing. You can't fix stupid and if you look at them cross-eyed they piss themselves.
ReplyDelete^^and yet you responded. Busted. Played yourself! LOL! Weird.
ReplyDeleteDemocrat Outrage Backfires – CPAC Stage They Claimed Was A Nazi Symbol Was Designed By Democrat Donor Who Is Now Being Cancelled Over It…
That's the type of people I'm referring to.
OOPS! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteHopefully that chucklowe will spend the rest of his life in prison. Hear the blunder?
ReplyDeleteDid you pay your taxes this year ex mayor/fake rev. Cleaver?
ReplyDeleteGas Prices are now $2.50 a gallon and still going up.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joe Biden !! Love your Executive Orders !!
The increase equates to $1,600 less in each American's pocket who buys gas to commute to work.
ReplyDeleteThis story is not true and no one has threatened the Aman and Awoman who is Amoron. This is hype propaganda from the radical left. As a matter of fact someone should look into Aman Awoman Amoron's involvement into the Plaza riots and also into his church money after his tax evasion stunt, you know with the car wash.
^and yet still not as high as when Trump was in office! Weird. Thanks Joe!
ReplyDelete^^ LOL back in from enjoying a GREAT day outside in this gorgeous weather..while"Weird guy"'s been in his mother's basement..posting crap all day LOLOL! loser!
ReplyDeleteAnother instance of violence prone MAGATS. This is a national emergency. Report all suspicious MAGATS to the FBI immediately: 816-512-8200.
ReplyDelete@3:43 and yet you're here now so you failed. Weird.
ReplyDeleteUnder recent Supreme Court precedent, to convict the government must show not only the threat to do harm, but also that the threatener then had the means to follow through. That will likely be difficult to do in this case.
ReplyDeleteMAGA = Domestic Terrorists (Like Timothy McVey). Turn them in to the FBI and Dept of Homeland Security. If they have guns - the ATF should be told. Do it now!
ReplyDeleteThe Karencrats cheat. We loss this country to a coup. Cleavage is an idiot and likely not in on it, but we have been taken over by the left. Their terrorist aren't prosecuted. The right wing general has jobs and owns business so they are eady to find. The left uses young unemployed drug users living with thier parents, hard to find and they feel sorry for them when they do. This country is screwed.
ReplyDeleteCleaver is a progressive. Progressives are the enemy of freedom and the ushers of totalitarianism. Enough said
Delete@4:04 - where have you been?
ReplyDeleteThe Coup failed, and Trump is out of Office and in a buttload of legal jeapordy.
Try to keep up.
^^^^ You really think China Joe beat Trump ? Pure fiction that was the coup.
DeleteWhen has Cleaver ever engaged in the performance of his official duties?
ReplyDeleteGuilty...and now the trial = Dim0crat due process
ReplyDelete3:17 just pissed that he won't get all the gay sex this squirel willl get while in jail.
ReplyDeleteMaybe 3:17 and 3:46 should hook up and anal rape one another.
The two tiered justice system in effect.
ReplyDeleteDrunk bar talk gets this drunk arrested, but, burning Kenosha to the ground, no problem. In fact, D卐M☭CRATs in the Biden/Harris campaign will bail you out of jail to loot, burn, pillage and murder again.
There are almost one hundred people held as political prisoners in Washington D.C. with NO BAIL.
What a fuckin joke.
The anonymous, pusillanimous, Progressive pussies on this blog are right, I will admit that - no problem.
The Fascist fucks in the Deep State, the 4th Estate, the Dirigiste D卐M☭CRAT party, BIG TECH and the slimy, oleaginous, Quisling Republicans who bend the knee to the authoritarian filth that find happiness breaking butterflies on the wheel, WILL INCARCERATE YOU FOR ANYTHING THEY POSSIBLY CAN.
The FBI and every Federal agency in the country aligned against everyday Americans, will, initiate investigations without a predicate, suppress Brady Material (Exculpatory Evidence), lie, create crimes, ex nihilo out of whole cloth, bear false witness, forge documents, change 302"s, tamper and destroy evidence, suborn perjury and ignore, categorically, as they are RIGHT FUCKIN NOW THE CONSTITUTION AND HABEAS CORPUS in order to achieve their aims of a one party, Chinese Social Score county where we all live in fear of a knock on the door.
Fuck the little anonymous cowards on this blog who support the Crypto-Fascist D卐M☭CRAT scum who want us living on our knees, paying homage to totalitarian cancel culture cunts.
And finally, fuck Cleaver, he is a liar, a poseur and a blood sucking Progressive parasite.
^^Whaaa!!! Life’s unfair!!! You can’t threaten Senators!!! Whaaa!!! No fair!!!! No rule of law!!! Whaaa!!! They sent a guy to jail for threatening the life of of a US senator!!!whaaa!!!!
ReplyDeleteUp until now, Marionville, MO was known only for a healthy population of albino squirrels (they have a billboard about it on the outskirts of town).
ReplyDeleteRecently Cleaver visited an area in his district to solve some problems and it went just like you would think.
ReplyDeleteRep. Cleaver visited a neighborhood in Kansas City and asked the inhabitants what the government could do for them. "We have many needs," said one of the people. "First, we have a hospital but very few doctors."
Cleaver whipped out his cellphone, spoke for a while and then said, "I have sorted it out. A doctor will arrive here tomorrow. What is your other need?" "We have no cellphone reception in this neighborhood."
Gas is up 40%.
No doubt, Cleaver in on board with killing off the energy sector and replacing all of our cars with Moskvich 407's converted, at taxpayer expense, to electric cars. It just makes sense.
Gas Prices are now $2.50 a gallon and still going up.
ReplyDeleteThanks, supply and demand and closed Texas refineries!
Excites about tomorrow, chucklowes? Tomorrow's the big day! Trump re-takes office!!!
I'm very excited for Trump to retake office tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWhaa!!! It’s not fair you guys!!! You can’t storm the Capital in a coup attempt, can’t threaten Senators, and can’t face reality!! Whaa!!! It’s really not fair! Why is the government taking our threats to do violence so seriously!!! Whaaa!!!!! Why is everyone out to get us!!!! Whaa!!!
ReplyDelete67% price difference compared to the $1.69 - $1.72 i had here before the election was lost.
ReplyDelete$1.70 per gallon then, $2.55 one hr. ago. again, a 67% difference in price.
Don't worry. I've been assured by a "highly intelligent source" 🤣🤣🤣 that it will never be 5 bux a gallon. 😏
ReplyDeleteYeah, I didn't buy that line of crap either.
Was that "highly intelligent source" your dog, Dumbit? Compared to you, it's highly intelligent, I'm sure.
DeleteFuck off 5:08 - No one is coming, everyone knows it and the idiots you voted for are spending a hundred million for security that makes the US look like what it is rapidly becoming - a third world country.
ReplyDeleteWhy chuck! You buy into every goofy conspiracy theory you hear! Every single one! Hugo Chavez? You're on it! Obama birth certificate? Oh yeah!
DeleteWhy not this one, too?
LOL I posted at 3:43... then went back out..took the doggie on a nice 40 minute stroll.. I see loser "weird" guy has been posting BS the whole time ..loser!
ReplyDeleteChuck if you start driving now you can join your fellow patriots in D.C. tomorrow and be covered in GLORY.
ReplyDeleteIt's a hoax, no one is showing up.
ReplyDeleteLiberals lie, if their lips are moving, they are lying.
The "insurrectionist" lie that is a constant on cable news (Remember "Russian Collusion?") is another hoax that the Democrat electorate, with a combined IQ of 6 pounds of dirt, continues to believe.
ReplyDeleteCovid, Russia!!! Russia!!! Russia!!! put on your slave masks because Russia is coming!!
What a fuckin joke. No one is coming tomorrow and those National Guard Troops will continue to eat undercooked food and metal shavings while Pelosi and AOC keep morons like you under the bed cowering in fear of Covid..., or..., whatever else you dumbfucks buy into.
Chuck you've bought into so much bullshit in the last year you don't have a leg to stand on.
Delete^^Whaa!!! It’s just not fair!!! You should be able to overthrow the Government!!! Whaaa!! You should be able to make terrorist threats to kill people and not have to go to jail!! Ehaaa!! Is soooo unfair you Gus!!! Breaking and entering the Capital should not be a crime!!!! Whaaa!!!
ReplyDelete^^^ Time to go upstairs now your momma has your nightly enema ready.
Delete7:27 Scale counts, facts count. The Fascists you support have caused literally billions in damages and violence, Jan 6th took place at the seat of American corruption and comparably didn't do shit.
ReplyDeleteIdiots. Cleaver is a no name congressman. NOT a senator.
ReplyDeleteReally? You don't follow politics much do you? 2019-2020
ReplyDeleteCleaver was assigned to the following committees:[Source]
Committee on Financial Services
Committee on Homeland Security
At the beginning of the 115th Congress, Cleaver was assigned to the following committees:[4]
Committee on Financial Services
Cleaver served on the following committees:[5]
Financial Services Committee
Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Cleaver served on the following committees:[6]
Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Cleaver served on the following committees:[7]
Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on Investigation and Oversight
Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity