TKC Must See: Inside The Kansas City Black Archives Of Mid-America

Of all our local historic landmarks this is one of our favorite. 

Blog fact . . . This was the site of TKC's very first journalism assignment and some of the best photos I've taken to date. 

Currently, the location doesn't get a lot of love because it's exceptionally well-run and avoids a great deal of political bickering that plagues other local institutions.

Real talk . . . The Black Archives Of Mid-America is one of Kansas City's hidden treasures that deserves a visit from those who REALLY want to learn and appreciate a more complete perspective of our cowtown's history.

Description . . .

"The mission of the Black Archives of Mid-America in Kansas City, Inc. is to collect, preserve and make available to the public materials documenting the social, economic, political and cultural histories of persons of African American descent in the central United States, with particular emphasis in the Kansas City, Missouri region. Black Archives of Mid-America is an educational resource and provides access to its collections for research, exhibition and publication to honor our community heritage and to catalyze public awareness. #BlackHistoryMonth"

Take a look . . .

Thanks for reading this week. Hopefully, we'll have more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!