A longtime Kansas City football tradition now confronts its most serious challenge in the aftermath of a divisive election season and amid a broader crackdown in discourse online and in pandemic-restricted public spaces.
To wit . . .
Consider . . . With fewer fans on site, this time around, advocacy against Native American imagery and references could very well prove successful given that the NFL has aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement and sports brands like Nike were among the first to openly oppose Prez Trump.
Here's the argument . . .
A coalition of Native American groups has put up billboards in the Kansas City area to protest the tomahawk chop and Chiefs' name. A protest is planned outside Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, site of Sunday's game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the coalition has hired a plane to fly around the area. A few thousand people have signed onto two online petitions, one of them started by a fourth-grader.
The Chiefs made some changes in the fall, barring headdresses and war paint and making a subtle alteration to the chop, with cheerleaders using a closed fist instead of an open palm to signal the beating of a drum.
Check the links . . .
KCUR: Amid The Kansas City Chiefs' Success, There Are Still Concerns About Its Controversial Traditions
KMBC: Chiefs under pressure to ditch the tomahawk chop celebration
Developing . . .
Might as well eliminate the fans altogether. Just tell them to leave their pin number and an apology note.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a super bowl?
DeleteDon't care.
I'll be playing video games.
They already have eliminated most of the fans.
It was stupid and unoriginal 20 years ago when we copied it from Florida State and the Atlanta Braves. Has anyone but the dullards who spend 30% of annual income on Chiefs tickets done the chop in the last 10 years?
ReplyDeleteYou were stupid and unoriginal twenty years ago so....
I have other plans. No time or interest in the Stupid Bowl.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a national event that I will be ignoring?
ReplyDeleteDon't care.
I'll be playing my stupid introverted sexual video fantasy console.
They allow that in the zoo? Weird.
DeleteThe chop is nothing more than another nazi salute.
ReplyDeleteBan it!
You're as ignorant of Nazis as you are everything else.
About a harmless tradition
So may geezers saying they have other things to do, but you sure as hell have time to post about the Chiefs. Who are you fooling? You fucktards will watch. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it!
ReplyDeleteI'll be tickled to death to post about their loss.
ReplyDelete12:43 what a f'in loser.
ReplyDeleteyet more Democrap "activist" B S ..99% of Native Americans could give a fuck..
Keep whining Angela or should I say Karen. Time to grow up little girl.
ReplyDeleteBasement Biden just signed an Executive Order that no one is allowed to raise their hands higher than than their heads unless you're being arrested and placed in a train car to go to one of the the newly opened Demoncrapic Reeducation Centers for people who don't agree with what they think.
ReplyDelete"Karen" is actually a racist word, MAGAT CHUD. Weird.
ReplyDeleteEverything is racist you guys! Especially effective labels for dummies of any race!
DeleteWhat's football?
ReplyDeleteChop til you drop. What are all the politically correct pussies going to do about it? They are effeminate homosexuals.
ReplyDeleteWe need to erase all references to America indians to combat racism.
ReplyDeleteLet's just erase all American Indians instead. The Democrats were for that the first time.
ReplyDeleteUltra White Missouri and Kansas City won’t stop their racist agenda - no matter how guilty they are. Remember, we’re a red state where MAWA is the accepted standard applied to nearly everything.
ReplyDeleteNo Black or Mexican person has ever done the chop you guys!!
Delete^^Meanwhile squishy Marxist lilly white metroxexual Democrats that live in their grandmother's basement and walk around in her granny panties want to Make America California Again.
ReplyDeleteChimpboi does have an unhealthy attraction to his grandmother but then most psychopaths do that kind of thing. They also wet the bed, burn things and are cruel to animals.
ReplyDeleteKansas City is ‘ultra white’. LOL!
ReplyDeleteTwo words. Fuck off.
ReplyDeleteNo one do the Tomahawk Chop at the superbowl, please. AOC might hallucinate that she's been chopped to bits by the whole Sioux nation.
ReplyDelete12:29 nothing but an ignorant comment you moron!!
ReplyDeleteChiefs should hold strong, this cancellation crap needs to come to an end. What's going to happen is this will turn on the libs in a very big way and they will lose in an even bigger way....
Replace the Chop with the Fart.
ReplyDeleteEveryone load up on chili before the game; and then all 70,000 fans fart at the same time during key moments of the game.
The Fart would make Kansas City original and provide a great home field advantage.
Good idea. However, it might traumatize AOC, who would afterwards claim to have suffered chemical attack in the First Battle of Ypres.
Delete^^70,000 fans drop their drawers and face their butt cheeks towards the field then let out a real loud Fart.
ReplyDeleteWould be great for NFL broadcasts.
Joe Buck would go nuts.
Mimicking is not mocking. Its football fans pretending they're going to battle. It might be a little goofy, but it's not disrespectful in the slightest.
ReplyDeleteSince we conquered their dumb asses, Indians do not get to tell us to stop anything we do.
ReplyDeleteNever underestimate what a cunt Clark Hunt is.
ReplyDeleteI once watched Ted Turner and his traitor wife Jane Fonda doing the Chop at an Atlanta game.
ReplyDeleteReplace the chopping motion with a scalping motion. That would be more historically accurate.
ReplyDeletePoor, poor butt hurt Angela at 12:29. SJW of course. See ya at the next (nice weather) protest dear. JOCO perhaps???