Hy-Vee Teases Kansas City With COVID Vaxx

A closer look at good news overall reveals NO LOCAL APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE and yet another difficult conversation with granny about worsening American scarcity and political promises still unrealized.

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Missouri Hy-Vee pharmacies start giving COVID-19 vaccine

by: John Pepitone Posted: / Updated: KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Pharmacists at Hy-Vee grocery stores in Missouri this week have started immunizing people who qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine. The expansion is part of a federal effort to boost availability of the potentially life-saving shots.


  1. But are they telling people that vaccine doesn't keep you from getting the Covid that fauci created when testing was outlawed here? didn't think so.

  2. Good now maybe the bedwetters with STFU

  3. ^^Huh? Grammar...look into it. English. Do you speak it dummy?

  4. So this is Biden's plan? WOW jus wow! The bedwetting libtards should stock up on Depends now. 😏



  5. @ 2:45, the vaccine is to increase your chances of not dying from the COVID not a cure.

    @ 3:58, yes it makes sense to place vaccine sites in areas of the community that people have access to including CVS, Hyvee, Price Chopper, and hell, put them at Home Depot, Lowes and McDonalds. We already have the system in place to deliver a flu shot to people so why not use existing places that have high traffic or people.

    1. I'm not letting some kid flipping burgers stick me with a needle.

  6. kansas has no vaccines for seniors, only young state employees.


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