There's a power shift underway at the courthouse that deserves attention because it's the beginning of an ambitious effort which threatens the political machine of Jackson County Executive Frank White.
To wit . . .
The early branding hasn't been unnoticed and has recently become more obvious.
Thankfully, there's a bit more explanation and perspective . . .
"She (Legislator Galvin) has been very critical of the Executive recently, and in a very public manner. It was strange to see her constant opposition, but now it's clear that her 'long plan' is to go after his job. Some might think a Republican can't get elected in Jackson County but these are unprecedented times and there's a real risk that, with the right funding, she could pose a serious challenge and galvanize Eastern Jack & Lee's Summit opposition."
Moreover, the suspected political ambitions of Legislator Galvin seemed to come to light when she pushed back against taking down the statue of Andrew Jackson on the courthouse steps and instead allowed voters to make the call . . . Surprisingly, the electorate decided to keep the controversial icon.

And so, election season is always closer than it seems and after disappointment for Missouri Democrats in 2020 . . . They now risk losing one of their greatest strongholds.
Developing . . .
Actually, she'd be a really strong candidate against Frank. One of the few people who could beat him because she has far more experience.
DeleteShe has one big advantage over Frank; she is not an idiot like he is.
ReplyDeleteFire Frank! The property tax mess alone should be enough to get rid of him.
ReplyDeleteThat should be fun to watch. 😏🍿 Frankenshyster was the other incompetent, corrupt, administrative reason that I left Kansas City and Jackson County. It would be nice if he paid his own taxes this year. How about it Frank? It was so good of you to give the taxpayers a break for 3 bux and a quarter this year. Very magnanimous you cheapass pile of shit! Meaningless gesture. Wow! 3.25 would have gotten me to stay. Why didn't you mention it sooner? *SNARK*
When and where can I contribute. Frank must go.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see a challenge to FWhite, but isn't Galvin married to a KCFD union rep?
ReplyDeleteI will not vote for her unless she has won a few gold gloves.
ReplyDeleteBayball has been berry berry good to me.
ReplyDelete1) what property tax didn't White pay?
2) 3.25% of what?
I'm very curious. Thanks.
Blogger Bandit said...
That should be fun to watch. 😏🍿 Frankenshyster was the other incompetent, corrupt, administrative reason that I left Kansas City and Jackson County. It would be nice if he paid his own taxes this year. How about it Frank? It was so good of you to give the taxpayers a break for 3 bux and a quarter this year. Very magnanimous you cheapass pile of shit! Meaningless gesture. Wow! 3.25 would have gotten me to stay. Why didn't you mention it sooner? *SNARK*
I would vote for a pile of dogs...t before I voted for frank white!!!!!
ReplyDelete10:13, I was referring to the three dollars and twenty-five cents in property tax fees that I read Frankenstein is waiving this year for taxpayers who pay on line. Isn't it nice of him to waive the tax on taxes? Also, he is notorious for not paying his own damned property taxes in the past.
Is a further picture necessary or is the crayon illustration sufficient?
Frank White will file for Bankruptcy within 12 months after he is defeated.
ReplyDeleteYes, but don't worry about the Democrats in Jackson County - the Republicans are going to be tearing themselves apart in Missouri (and across the Country) for the next four years as the insane far-Right fringe spews conspiracies and hate as it desperately tries to cling to power while the majority of the GOP tries to get the Party back into some sort of electable shape.
ReplyDeleteThe first two years of the Trump Administration demonstrated that the internal rifts in the Republican Party paralyze it.
Well, no. Nothing could possibly have galvanized the right more than a transparently stolen election. Meanwhile. the corrupt and senile Joe Biden will be torn apart in the ongoing conflict between the madhouse left and the liberal moderates. Trump was the only thing holding your oarty together.
DeleteTurnabout is fair play. You may expect that on day 1 of China Joe's administration that long overdue investigations will begin. Take your pick of scandals, really. And this time it won't be the silly Russia hysteria but actual crimes.
And then you'll have President Kamala Mouth job. Whee!
Uh huh. That's how come everything but Kansas City and St. Louis went red 10:58. Want to tell us the sky is green and grass is blue now?
KC and SL going red was a snark. Please explain that enormous blue wave that drenched Missouri. I'll wait. 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteFirst time we heard of a blue wave hitting Missouri since Warren Hearns was Governor?
ReplyDeleteThe 93 flood was the last blue wave here. 😏
ReplyDeleteWhite has to go
ReplyDeleteLucas needs to go as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's on Kansas City and Jackson County 1:07. I'm now an unaffected observer watching from a safe distance at an undisclosed location that enjoys watching shit show train wrecks. It doesn't matter how hard you try there isn't a way to convince the idiots there that putting a fork in an electrical outlet is a really bad idea. Let them fail. 😏🧂🍿🥨🌭
ReplyDeleteGavin carries a lot of water considering she chairs more committees than any other county legislator
ReplyDeleteBiden and Kamala's relatives were slave owners. Look who you elected. Weird
ReplyDeleteBut I’m sure that if she’s wanting a Republican to take office and someone will speak up with in Jackson County, Missouri to be the county executive.
ReplyDeleteThe county legislators also vote on which laws they want to pass and the county executive will also sign off on those bills. But it’s whatever she wants to do.
ReplyDeleteBut I have always paid my monthly utilities with money orders. I am still current as of today on all of my utilities. I don’t owe anybody any type of money because the money orders was supported with the banking act of 1937.
ReplyDeleteDrug-free workplace protection act.
But honestly the statue in front of the Jackson County, Missouri courthouse just represents previous issues that occurred in the 1800s. The north versus the south portions of the United States of America. That United States of America was at war with it’s on people. Northern states versus the southern states. Because individuals would try to take ownership of African-American communities. The statue also represents previous issues regarding Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., JFK (John F Kennedy). That the issues regarding Rosa Parks was based on the sign seating issues. Trying to control people based on their color of their skin, sex, gender identity that also under other protective categories. John F Kennedy was killed and during the same hour that a cop was also killed. But the statue of Andrew Jackson was also representing of how the United States Congress was having issues with Andrew Jackson. Because Andrew Jackson was trying to control the United States Congress. But there were multiple issues in the 1800s and with Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., John F Kennedy that violates individual civil rights just like Rosa parks being violated.
ReplyDeleteRosa Parks was violated because they were trying to do illegal activity and trying to control individuals of where they sit at on the bus.
ReplyDeleteBut when is involving illegal aliens/illegal individuals of being in this country. The county of Jackson County, Missouri does not discriminate against individuals but only looking for crime that was previously committed. But everybody knows that Jackson County, Missouri was in support of President Barack Obama of signing into federal law that individuals had a deadline by December 31, 2014 to comply with the department of homeland security‘s recommendations that was a federal agency. Individuals that have not complied to the department of homeland security was being deported by Jackson County. But also the individuals was required to be able to describe of previous housing situations and also was required to enroll into the colleges/obtain a high school diploma/GED. But preferred a high school diploma.
ReplyDeleteBut the deadline for immigration issues was on December 31, 2014 that was signed into federal law by President Barack Obama.
ReplyDeletePresident Barack Obama has already signed into federal law on December 31, 2014 that any individuals that will need to update their immigration status will need to have the updates already happened by December 31, 2014.
But each student has the right to choose on which school they choose to enroll into and which schools they want to enforce. Law firms have also said that employer/employment/human resources only needs a high school diploma on file. But choosing‘s of which individual wants to attend school was the right and employment/employer/human resources only needs a high school diploma on file.
ReplyDeleteBut when it’s regarding abortions that it’s right to life.. even if somebody else doesn’t like another party but that wasn’t my problem.
ReplyDeleteWe all have the right to choose on which schools we want to and that’s not my problem because another student doesn’t like another student under protected categories.
Abortions was not going to happen unless there was something that’s called rape or incest.
ReplyDeleteBut a police report will need to be made and the responding officers won’t need to take the individuals statements to include the abortion as a rape or incest.
ReplyDeleteBut also the circuit court of Jackson County, Missouri prefers not to get involved on the outside of his jurisdiction.
ReplyDeleteIndividuals that do not have active warrant signed by another Justification. In the circuit court of Jackson County, Missouri prefers not to get involved in outside drama.
Agent dividual will need to have a warrant signed by a judge and there’s anything regarding outside of Jackson County, Missouri Of being properly ran. The federal Bureau of investigation has also created a system to be able to check for outside agencies that are needed for any type of outstanding warrants. At the sheriffs department in Jackson County, Missouri can always access those documentations at any time but unless there’s a warrant signed by a judge.
when they’re indicating that Kansas City, Missouri was one of those sinful cities but they don’t have any evidence of that situation.
Because they can’t come in to Jackson County and start making demands based on issues that they have previously had in their life. Active shooters occur quite a bit and so cyber crime.
But I would have to agree with the city of Kansas City, Missouri regarding a city ordinance called Doxing
ReplyDeleteDoxing, or doxxing (from "dox", abbreviation of documents), is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to Internet vigilantism and hacktivism.
On Thursday, Mayor Quinton Lucas announced a city ordinance designed to prevent “doxing,” or posting private information online.
ReplyDeleteDoxing has become a tactic used by extremists on the left and right to target journalists, public figures, and police officers. They get a hold of information like your phone number or address, then post it online to encourage harassment.
This ordinance would prevent someone from doing that to a public employee, including police officers.
He moderates a variety of community pages on Facebook and, when he started flagging racist and inappropriate comments for removal, several members left the group and started a page called “Burton Kelso Sucks” where they posted information about him, his family, and his business.
families of police officers,” Lucas said. “Among concerns expressed was ‘doxing’ of law enforcement officers' addresses and contact info, which means sharing personal information with malicious intent.
ReplyDeleteMalicious intent refers to the intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another. It is the intent to harm or do some evil purpose.
ReplyDeleteDoxing is the is the internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information – especially personally identifying information such as addresses, emails and phone numbers – about an individual or organization. City officials say doxing is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.
ReplyDeleteCausing any type of harm on any individual including any other Government official.