The embattled local restaurant scene confronts another devastating setback as a Winter tradition is now in jeopardy.
To wit . . .
This tradition has always hoped to boost local restaurant fortunes during Winter . . . And now there's an increased charity angle . . . But the best intentions of organizers might not be enough to make this event successful.
First, here's their pitch . . .
Kansas City Restaurant Week: JAN. 8-17, 2021
"Celebrate Kansas City’s premier dining event at hundreds of restaurants throughout the metro. Show your support for KC’s restaurant industry and savor some of the finest plates the city has to offer, thanks to special multicourse menus available throughout the week. Plus, a portion of all proceeds benefit The Don Bosco Centers."
Sadly, behind the scenes, insiders shares a myriad of fears about the foodie festivities. Here's a message sent our way . . .
"Really doubtful we're going to get any kind of buy-in from the public. Basically, this couldn't have happened at a worse time. We're pleading with organizers to postpone the event because it'll be so much worse if we have to shut down in the middle of it. Right now we're seeing absolutely no interest from customers and a lot of servers begging to avoid working these shifts. The carry out options might be the only thing that saves it. Originally, this was geared as an after work party but now everyone is still at home . . . It's a disaster, not a KC restaurant comeback. By every account, it's simply too soon."
Again, to be fair, there are a number of restaurants who have signed on and hope to make the event successful despite dire pandemic news, skepticism from wait staff and the continued city hall COVID curfew.
Still, complaints about bad timing have merit considering the dire COVID-19 predictions from public health officials that coincide with this Kansas City foodie tradition.
Check the links . . .
UPI: CDC says COVID-19 deaths in U.S. could reach 420K by mid-January
ABC News: Potential post-holiday COVID-19 surge could have 'catastrophic impact,' experts warn
Mirror UK: Six million more plunged into highest Tier 4 coronavirus lockdown now Christmas is over
Developing . . .
Doubt they'll get any dine-in at all, so not really a lot to worry about.
ReplyDeleteSurprised they are still pushing this thing, it was always a tough sell.
Free coupon for a ventilator might get a good response.
People are tired of being scared. If you don't feel comfortable don't go. This is a good opportunity for restaurants to get back on their feet. Of course the mayor is going to want to ruin it.
Better title: Crab cakes & COVID
ReplyDelete^^^ OUCH.
Delete7:24 Is dead on the money.
ReplyDeleteThis country needs to open back up and open back up NOW!!!!!
These petty tyrants like mr mayor are killing small business' while the chain stores and Big Tech and Wall Street double their profits and size at the expense of Main St. business.
This is an absolutely BRILLIANT article that says it all.
Send a bill for their losses to Quinton Lucas.
ReplyDeleteIf Lickass and Archer had any morality they would both kill themselves in a very public forum.
ReplyDelete^^That would be Must See TV!
ReplyDeleteKC will be in full lockdown by Jan 8 anyway.
ReplyDeleteKansas City Regressivism on full display.
ReplyDeleteAnd, TKC keyboard doctors respond with qualified advice and opinions.
ReplyDeleteWhew!!! For a minute there, I thought it was risky behavior to mingle, but now I'm relieved to know I may eat and party on. Thanks keyboard doctors.
Does the Prix Fixe include the Covid or is that extra?
ReplyDeleteI hear that Bob Evans is offering a special deal for you CHUDS.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about washing your hands or wearing a mask at the restaurant... don't let those globalists make you cower in fear.
mr. mayor and the "Chud" retard won't be happy until we are all eating rats in a Stygian Socialist shithole like Cuba. There are no shutdowns there for restaurants cause everyone is home, eating rodents!
ReplyDelete" A government television broadcast in Cuba this week urged citizens to eat guinea pig and other rodents, suggesting rodent meat is more nutritious and “sustainable” than pork or beef, Cuban outlets reported on Wednesday.
Traditional Cuban cuisine — which survives largely in the United States, but not in Cuba — relies heavily on pork and beef as central proteins. Roasting an entire pig to feed a family, as in many Caribbean and Hispanic countries, is a tradition for Cubans who live freely on Christmas Eve. Dishes like ropa vieja (“old clothes,” pulled beef in tomato sauce) and ham croquettes are central to Cuban tradition.
In Cuba itself, many of these dishes have become a memory. Eating pests began replacing traditional dishes in the 1960s. For decades, Cubans used jutÃa, a rodent native to the Caribbean, to supplement meals, along with turtle, cat, and other meats not typically sold for consumption. The practice peaked in the 1990s, known as the “Special Period,” following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Under the management of Miguel DÃaz-Canel, technically the nation’s president but subordinate to dictator and Communist Party secretary Raúl Castro, the Communist Party has become more vocal in encouraging the consumption of bizarre meats to hide its inability to procure safe-to-eat pork, chicken, or beef. Last year, “revolutionary” Gen. Guillermo GarcÃa FrÃas became the subject of popular outrage and mockery after appearing on state television and encouraging the consumption of jutÃa, alligator, and ostrich. Ostriches are not native to Cuba and have no significant presence there, but GarcÃa claimed ostrich eggs were plentiful and large enough to feed many, making them an efficient source of protein.
State media followed GarcÃa’s suggestion by publishing reports claiming other inedible items could help supplement the meager Cuban diet. In October 2019, Radio Rebelde, a state propaganda outlet, recommended that Cubans begin eating banana peels for their alleged potassium content.
The context of recommending eating banana peels was months of Cubans complaining — in some cases, even protesting — their lack of access to basic food items like chicken meat, eggs, flour, and milk. Those who did manage to acquire some meat complained that it was clearly rancid, sold at high temperatures and featuring a green unpleasant color. Some who ate it took to social media to warn that they experienced food poisoning."
If we as a country, continue to let people like mr. mayor and the "Chud" retard (Probably Rex Archer's nom de plume) make decisions for us, then we deserve, as Machiavelli said, the government we get, and, as Menken said, deserve it good and hard.
Good idea chuck, let's open everything up and kill a million people. Smart.
DeleteYou have no business calling anyone a retard with your Intellect!!
DeleteI ran several of Boomer Hater/Geezer/Pops/Geriatric Fu*ktard/Old People/Weird/CHUD boy's comments through an online age detection app for written materials and it showed in the results that he is only 10 years old. You can tell his age by his lack of writing skills and his frequent temper tantrums. I'm guessing he dropped out of elementary school and his mother doesn't know what to do with him, especially when he continues to wet the bed and fill his diaper. For his welfare, we’ve started a GoFundMe page titled “Save the 10-Year-Old Bed-Wetting Dumbass."
ReplyDeleteOf course restaurant week will be shut down. Restaurants typically are where people gather, around food and drink, to share ideas, gossip, discuss current events and plan what to do next. The Marxists do not want people gathering for this type of event.
ReplyDeleteIt's always been a mystery to me why restaurant week is in the dead of winter and so close to the end of the overeating season. It might be better all 'round to have it when the weather is more cooperative.
ReplyDeleteWhen "Rex the Hex" poured bleach all over Restaurant Week festivities, his shelf life came to an end!!!
Quinton Lucas has announced his plan for the disaster that he created. Buttfucking for Bailout! Starts 6pm tonight at Missie B's. Masks required. $10 per stroke. Cum early and cum often!
ReplyDeleteDid the Democrats fuck up this time or what? Great idea stealing the election. Now the disaster that you people created is now ALL YOURS! As usual, your solution is to pay people meagerly not to work. How about a tax moratorium until we are back on bubble? IT's not like you are going to get much of it anyway LOL!
ReplyDeleteHe he he he ha ha !! Did you blame the Democrats for this pandemic and the election ? You may want to upgrade that 7th grade intellect ...
DeleteOh look, chimpy is pissing himself as usual. Isn't this cutting into your cowering time little simian?
ReplyDeleteChuck wants to 100% open up this big beautiful economy even if it means 1 million deaths.
ReplyDeleteBecause Cuba, Venezuela, apparatchiks and any other number of CHUD terms he's heard.
The overconfidence of the American stooge like Chuck is always breathtaking to behold.
And you want to keep it closed because you are a scared little pussy that believes bullshit data.
ReplyDeleteThat's him!
ReplyDelete10:32 can't wipe his own arse properly but fashions himself a real statistical savant that can see through the bullshit data that all those PhD's can't.
ReplyDeleteHe got his learning at the School of Hard Knocks like so many other losers in life.
Braxen, stupidly confident retards has become this country's main export.
Comment on, booger eater! It'd be selfish to keep that worldly wisdom to yourself. Retarded bitch.
Brazen, that is... not that you'd know the difference.
ReplyDeleteWhen minor boo boos are reported as covid the numbers are bullshit. Try again simple simian.
ReplyDeleteOpen it up let god sort us out. There are way too many of us anyway. Mass deaths would counter act the incoming hyper inflation that Biden will attempt to mitigate with a war.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe that a major thinktank organization hasn't snatched up the intellectual firepower on display at 10:57.
ReplyDeleteThe Brookings Institute in DC is full of guys whose Socratic logic includes the phrase "let god sort it out."
10:38 ok keyboard medicine man, let’s hear what you have for the actual statistics, c’mon tough guy, let’s hear them or shut the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteI actually know pretty close to what they really are so don’t lie about it either simp. Give me the facts or shut up bitch.
I’ll give you a hint, 0.5% active cases.
Fuck 10:38 and the horse he rode in on! You are the one that wanted to play politics with this shit so let's play politics you liberal whore!
ReplyDelete10:57: And yet mass deaths would lead to hyperinflation, not counteract it, as some reading on your part about the effects of the Black Plague would reveal. Weird.
ReplyDeleteAt the time of the black plague they were all throwing their waste in the streets and not washing regularly. Not a good comparison to todays economy unless you are a hero to a Johnson County congresswoman.
DeleteYou obviously have not drove through a ghetto neighborhood lately
Delete11:27 and yet you are pissing your pants again. Weird. Did you get that from It Could Happen! Magazine?
ReplyDeleteIf we'd been following the advice of 7:24, 7:53, 7:58, 8:01, 10:32, a few others, and especially 'chuck' (should have stayed dead), millions would be dead by now. What idiots you all are (though it may be just a couple of people pretending to be more). Why don't you all go out and breathe on each other? I'd be happy to nominate you all for Darwin awards if you get sick and die. Finally chuck, you would achieve something in life besides just being a loser blowhard.
ReplyDeleteThe death toll has been NOWHERE NEAR THE FLAMING PREDICTIONS. IT is a virus. Period. You liberal retards haven't been right on anything since this whole mess started.
ReplyDeleteOr a resident of San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how the left pines away for the days of no sewer system and waste flowing free in the streets?
ReplyDeleteThat's because lefties view hygiene as a foreign concept.
ReplyDeleteThey aren't much on sanitation either.
ReplyDelete11:40: And yet without the left, you'd have no sewer system. Your ignorance of history is amazingly weird.
ReplyDeleteWe have a sewer system in spite of the left. They just prefer to keep the sewage topside in plain view.
ReplyDelete^^Sad but true!
ReplyDeleteLeave it to the left and nobody will have a bucket to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Ask Venezuela how that ends.
ReplyDeleteIt’s sad that they keep claiming a new surge and have been saying that since the beginning and yet we haven’t had a surge period, it’s been pretty consistent through the whole plandemic.
ReplyDeleteThe despicable dimwits can’t handle that people smarter than they are are have dispelled all the lies with truth and facts, they don’t know how to act... yes they do, with violence and mayhem when the poor babies don’t get their way.
Since the dimwits have completely overblown the plandemic and actually ran on it to get China flu joe elected, they have to keep the lies about the Chinese red death virus alive or people will know that it’s all been one huge lie after another.
ReplyDeleteSmart people already know this and they’re out to kill all us off.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'd pretty well assume restaurant week in Kansas City this year is, well, toast.
So is Kansas City you dope!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Dad. You are one big fuckup!
ReplyDeleteThank You TKC medical staff.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
ReplyDeleteThe only demonstrable result of government-imposed COVID-19 lockdowns has been the destruction of national economies, the crippling of domestic and cultural life, the suffering and death of multitudes due to untreated prior medical conditions, and the drastic rise in suicide rates. The lockdowns themselves have seemed to do little to prevent the onset of the disease, hence one lockdown after another has led to no discernible effect—apart from the fact that the virus appears to strike primarily a designated older cohort of the population already suffering from comorbidities. A recent graph charting the effects of repeated lockdowns in the province of Ontario would appear to indicate that the lockdowns themselves are super-spreaders. Texas Tech professor Gilbert Berdine sums up: “After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation.”
ReplyDeleteThe same applies, mutatis mutandis, to the mask mandate, somewhat less destructive but equally absurd.
In fact, masks do not screen out (or keep in) viral microns averaging 100 nanometers in size; the weave of all masks, with the partial exception of the medical N-95, is far too large to repel the coronavirus particle, which varies between 60nm and 140nm. Further, masks may cause hypoxia and consequent immune deficiency through the ingestion of one’s own CO2. It gets worse. A 50-state-wide controlled study showed that there is no correlation between mask mandates and fewer cases. On the contrary, there is a reverse correlation: non-masking states and counties did better than their masking counterparts. There is no weeding around the graphic evidence. One wonders if CO2 -forced immunity depletion had something to do with this.
As for home isolation and travel restrictions, they are not taken seriously by our authorities. According to the Associated Press, Denver’s mayor flew to Mississippi to spend Thanksgiving with his family, after urging others to stay home. A Pennsylvania mayor banned indoor dining, then patronized a restaurant in Maryland. The governor of Rhode Island was photographed at a wine tasting. The mayor of Austin, Texas, flew to Cabo San Lucas on a private jet after hosting a wedding for 20. It’s common knowledge that Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker & family have blatantly violated his own travel ban. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s husband was caught attempting to sidestep her shutdown.
Similarly, Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, after declaring that anyone who traveled over the Thanksgiving weekend should assume they were infected with COVID-19 and should limit celebrations to “your immediate household,” traveled to her vacation home in Delaware during Thanksgiving, “accompanied by three generations of her family from two households.” These people must know something the rest of us don’t. As IT professional Alexander Scipio writes, the political, social, and economic devastation we are suffering is not caused by a virus “with a survival rate of well over 99%,” but by a political and financial class—international oligarchs—seeking absolute power via “a weaponized virus from China.”
My money says Mayor Lucas is still going to Lawrence every weekend.
We can expect our nominal leaders, with few exceptions, to be incompetent, restrictively educated, partisan zealots, profoundly unintelligent, and visibly hypocritical. The spectacle of our politicians brazenly violating the very rules they have sternly imposed comes as no surprise.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the COVID New World Order, enforced by the FBI/Gestapo/local politicians drunk on power and brought to you by the government you never should have trusted in the first place.
ReplyDeleteMy neighbor caught a black kid trying to steal the converter off of his truck last night. The kid won't be stealing anything ever again. He's now incapable of it. Don't bother helping Mr. Mayor! We got this.
ReplyDeleteClose the restaurants and bars..learn how to cook.
ReplyDeleteRestaurant week has always been horrible for those who like to go to their regular places. The wait times increase substantially and the specials are someone's made up crap. It has become a couple of weekend that we just eat at home and avoid all of the irritating crowds. A son who use to work at various restaurants just hated this promotion because the people that go don't tip worth a darn.
ReplyDeleteNo worries. I’m golfing again. $151M spent playing on the tax payer dime these past 4 years has been exhausting. I need a vacation...
ReplyDeleteI'm certain that the Socialist Millies have all the answers for this. Maybe butt fuck their way in revitalizing the economy. Perhaps cupcakes for snowflakes.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry folks! China will take good care of us. Look at how much they've done with covid! Has anyone seen my son's laptop?
ReplyDeleteThe Socialist Millies are too busy snapchatting ang playing Halo.
ReplyDeleteYou CHUDS that smear shit around your asshole and call it wiping are waxing philosophical on the value of masks as viral defense.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff!
What an intellectual hotbed this place turned out to be.