COVID-19 Killing Kansas City Streetcar

Special thanks to KICK-ASS TKC READER who captured the toy train briefly stalled today amid the ice. 

Fact is, even fixed rail cheerleaders admit the streetcar is "feeling the effects of COVID-19." 

Ridership continues to stagnate at around 80% less than last year at this time. 

And whilst Americans are a looking for a way out of pandemic crackdowns here's a glimpse at the "new normal" according to health officials . . .

WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic is 'not necessarily the big one' - "Experts tell end of year media briefing that virus is likely to become endemic and the world will have to learn to live with it"

Developing . . .


  1. The favelas of Rio give one more sense of optimism than this bleak hellscape.

  2. ^^^

    Okay, damnit. The readership of this blog keeps surprising me with their knowledge.

    The "favelas of Rio" reference is pretty damn good.

  3. Which means that power tripping politicians do not want to give up their newfound power. Heads will need to roll to convince them otherwise.

  4. The streetcar has been in service long enough for its infrastructure to start crumbling.

  5. Our tax dollars hardly at work.

  6. F--k that stupid amusement ride.

  7. Tourists are gone & ridership is down the toilet. Claimed ridership number for November is fewer than 735 riders per day. Instead of taxpayers paying for this foolishness, let’s have the few riders left start paying.

  8. The trolley is not a vital service and public transit is a perfect breeding ground for the COVID-19. It is beyond amazing that City Hall’s Health Dept allows it to operate.

  9. Why don’t we have the people north of the river pay for the streetcar? They pay for our failed water dept don’t seem to mind.

  10. What killed THE streetcar is the fact that it was a silly quickly-passing fad and the short attention-span "urban futurists" have all moved on to other BIG BIG things that clueless politicos have to do or risk "being left behind".
    But since the streetcar "authority" was created, its' primary priority has been to protect its bureaucracy and its budget and GROW GROW GROW.
    You couldn't kill it now with silver bullets and a stake to the heart.
    And, like far too many quasi-public monstrosities, its likely to go on forever.
    Dig deep, KCMO residents.

  11. Forjust a few billion, extend it to the new airport.

  12. So the street car doesn't work when there is ice? Good to know since KC never gets inclement weather.

  13. Witnesses report the ghost of Wide Awake was observed in the area prior to the breakdown.

  14. The toy train stinks on ice LOL


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