The nation's financial paper of record shares a glimpse of this town and so many others on the path to bankruptcy in 2021. 

Special thanks to so many readers who sent us the deets from behind the paywall. 

The article is probably the most important item published about this town today and reminds us that 12TH & OAK LACK OF LEADERSHIP has made the pandemic crisis even worse.

Moreover and FIRST on TKC . . . 


At the very least, we're certain to get a tax increase threat during the long wait for another stimulus check. 

For those who can afford it . . . Check the report:

State, Local Governments Slashed Spending After Covid. Next Year Could Be Worse.

In March, as the coronavirus was beginning its march across the country, Kansas City leaders approved a budget flush with new spending. Five months later they pared it back. The pandemic-induced economic downturn hit the nation's state and local governments harder and faster than any other in almost 70 years.


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha suck it up stupid losers. No chicken dinner tonight.

    1. ^^^ why laugh at the suffering of our city? Nothing funny about it. This will create hardship for every corner of the city. And you're laughing at our struggle. Get off this blog, you obviously don't care about Kansas City at all and you're wishing for trouble for Americans.


    2. I guess its hard to pay for bs social justice and a boondoggle airport while killing your economy. Great job city hall...not.

  2. ^^^ for the taxpayers that is, the mayor and clowncil didn’t cut their budgets or their payroll, they feast on crab and steak and the people feast on chicken noodle soup.... without the chicken or the noodles.

    This is what happens when a child gets voted in with no experience or a sense of reality, he’s off in la la land wait what? He’s at the chiefs game feasting on crab, steak and drinks too?

    Gotta look good for his puppet masters at the dnc amirite!

  3. 12:13 how nice of you to join us today gopher boi! How was your trip out of town over the holidays?

  4. This is the financial legacy of the long time Budget Director who conived his way into the City Manager position. He spent taxpayers' money for his and others political self interest. This crisis also started with the downtown spending folly of Mayor Barnes, the hotel spending folly of Mayor James, the 18th and Vine spending folly of Mayor Cleaver. Developers and friends of Mayors should no longer be able politically squeeze money out of City Hall. If developments are indeed economically feasible and market viable, then they should merit private funding.

  5. Kamala for real president11/29/20, 12:41 PM

    The sad truth is that if by some miracle the city suddenly became flush with cash, it would not make a nickel's worth of difference to taxpayers.

    Just more 18th and Vine, Bike/Walk and MLK type scamming along with shiny un-needed construction projects to reward the insiders.

    No intentions to maintain, repaoir and replace aging infrastructure.

    As a Northlander, I wish to hell we could secede from the Jackson County and 12th & Oak dimocrapic strongholds.

    Now it looks like Frank White syndrome has begun to affect Clay County politics.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sad sorry but far sadder was when I walked into a Quik Trip last Friday and the grills were cold and no roller food was available for sale thanks to Mayor Q-ball's edict. How long must we citizens go without hot roller food Mayor, how long!!!!!!!!!

  7. Kansas City is pretty much stuck when it comes to taxation. Under state law there is to be a new property valuation in odd years, so next in 2021. It is unlikely that property values have increased since the last time, more likely that they have decreased significantly, especially the commercial properties. That should lower property taxes next year, assuming of course that the re-evaluation is done in an above board and honest manner.

    Or would that be assuming too much?

  8. You’re assuming too much with Frankie boy in charge at Jackson county, he doesn’t think the rules apply to him

  9. Kc already told all its depts that another 11.5% will be cut next year to go with the 12.5% cuts they already made this year. 23.5% is a hell of a lot to take out of your dept. expect even worse basic services on top of the already crappy services we get now.

    They might explain why the tap water taste like shit now. Been bad for about a month now.

  10. Perfect plan, put an extra tax on the people and businesses you put out of work with the shut downs, people are losing everything and can’t feed their families but sure, let’s raise taxes!

  11. Taxpayers cannot be expected to continue to fund the City of Kansas City's outrageous pension plan.

    Lucas is shutting down businesses but he himself is still drawing his $144,000 salary plus health care benefits and a luxury pension plan all paid by taxpayers.

    So Lucas continues to live high on the hog while he is causing his citizen taxpayers to lose their jobs and health insurance.

    Democrat Party truly sucks.

  12. I think this is a good time to all come together and paint some streets

  13. Thanks a lot wor sounding the warning that anybody with a damned brain has been saying since friggin March geniuses! Not my shithole! Not my problem. Pretty sure that the brain trust there can figure it out. 😏🍿


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