Jackson County Democrats recently released a bombshell attack against local Republican leadership and the words are resonating across the state.
To wit and regarding the continued debate to oust a Missouri politico after shocking complaints from his estranged family:
And to bring it home . . .
The money line:
"Jackson County Republicans did get one thing right: Biden isn’t their pedophile, it’s Rick Roeber. Roeber was widely reported as an abusive child molester earlier this fall and, while some members of the Republican party denounced him, Chairman David Lightner, Senator Mike Cierpiot, Representative Dan Stacy and others stood by him. It’s tragically fitting that earlier today in Jefferson City, members of the General Assembly were in a hearing about horrific abuses of children in private facilities across the state while there is no talk of refusing to seat a monster like Rick Roeber while his victims continue to suffer."
Accordingly . . .
Take a look at the statement in full . . .
Jackson County Democrats: Statement on Republican Committee’s Absurd Remarks
Tuesday, November 3rd marked another historic and successful election for our nation where voters elected Joe Biden as our next President by a margin that is approaching 5 million votes. Almost immediately, the President Elect and other Democratic leaders began calls for unity as we advance as a nation together. In Missouri, Democrats are beginning the process of finding ways to come together and reaching out to voters who feel disenfranchised in a reasonable and respectful manner.
Our counterpart in Jackson County does not feel the same about anything in the above paragraph.
On Saturday, the Jackson County Republican Party’s official Twitter account claimed Biden to be an illegitimate President and “not my pedophile.” While these baseless, dishonest and insane comments are common among the fringe parts of the far right lately, nobody should accept them from an official branch of the Republican Party. The erosion of faith in our democracy is dangerous for all Americans and cannot be accepted regardless of political affiliation. The same goes for advancing crackpot and debunked conspiracy theories which many on the right are all too eager to accept if they think it will win them one more vote.
Jackson County Republicans did get one thing right: Biden isn’t their pedophile, it’s Rick Roeber. Roeber was widely reported as an abusive child molester earlier this fall and, while some members of the Republican party denounced him, Chairman David Lightner, Senator Mike Cierpiot, Representative Dan Stacy and others stood by him. It’s tragically fitting that earlier today in Jefferson City, members of the General Assembly were in a hearing about horrific abuses of children in private facilities across the state while there is no talk of refusing to seat a monster like Rick Roeber while his victims continue to suffer.
While Democrats here in Jackson County and across the country get back to the business of governing and healing a divided nation, local Republicans are finding new ways to sink lower into the filth that they have created. Adding Rick Roeber to their team should help that tremendously.
We condemn the comments of the Jackson County Republican Party as well as their continued support of child abuser Rick Roeber. For the betterment of the citizens of Jackson County and their faith in our political process, we ask that they accept the reality of Tuesday’s election nationally and also call for Roeber to be expelled from the Republican Caucus if they decide to allow a child molester to be seated
in January.
{enclosed: image of now deleted Tweet from @JacomoGOP}
Developing . . .
Defending Roeber makes Republicans look bad.
ReplyDeleteThey should probably stop and let the guy speak for himself.
Glad to see somebody finally calling out Ben. He has been going INSANE on Twitter.
DeleteI'm proud my grandfather voted against Trump. I wish I could have met him before he died in 1972.
DeleteBLM and Antifa support the Demoncrats that should be enough to determine all three are anti-american terrorist organizations.
ReplyDeleteABC is reporting that Joe Biden's "Bold New Corona Virus Strategy" is to wear masks.
ReplyDeleteNext week Biden will tell us that pancakes taste better with syrup.
Thanks Joe for that bold, new strategy.
Meanwhile President Trump has a vaccine in the wings that will eradicate corona virus. I am sure Biden and Media will give Biden credit for that.
More Dem whining. Will they ever stop?
ReplyDeleteThe "Jackson County Democrats" should finally come to the realization that no one outside the downtown loop pays any attention to them.
ReplyDeleteTheir announcements amount to little more than shouting in an echo chamber of their own making.
Maybe if members of their political party did better actually governing Jackson County and KCMO, they'd have a bit more credibility.
Why not give it a try?
I see that Barr has instructed the FBI to look into election fraud. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI, as Augustus McRae once said, "Is too leaky a ship, to put much hope in".
For four years, the FBI, under the biased and corrupt stewardship of Christopher Wray (Who makes Jim Comey look like Patrick Henry) has suppressed relative context and evidence of FBI treason and sedition under the guise of "Classified Information" that we all now know, categorically, as more and more information escapes the suck of the Black Hole is NOT "Classified Information" but, in fact is "Embarrassing and Criminal Information" that is indictable. I have heard endlessly, from talking heads on cable news, that the "Rank And File" are not in on the legerdemain and premeditated, Mens rae, criminality that took place from 2012 up to this day.
No information, EVAR has leaked from the oleaginous snakes in the FBI, from the "7th Floor" down to the so called beatified "Rank & File". Gimme a break. No information, again EVAR leaked to the press, that would call into question the ongoing malfeasance and treason relating to a conspiracy that involved literally hundreds of people in the FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department, Media, DNC politicians and players still not yet visible under the floorboards of the nation's house?
The FBI carries the Guidon and is the tip of the spear that is thrust into this nation's heart as we descend into Banana Republic Status. The pretense that honest, hard working FBI agents are at work to insure the election was effected fairly is ridiculous.
Seriously, how many times are we expected to put our hopes in Government officials in Washington (Mt. Doom) DC officials to "do the right thing". Lucy (Christopher Wray) can shove that football where the sun don't shine.
There will be NO indictments of the traitors who participated in the "Coup". There will be NO blow back for the impeachment of a sitting President, the chief law enforcement officer in the land, for inquiring as to the corruption of the Biden family in the Ukraine (Which we all know now, is again categorically proven.). There will be no "Hail Mary" thanks to intrepid FBI/DOJ agents, lawyers and grand juries.
What there will be, is the ascendance into power, of the most corrupt, venal and criminal president in this nation's history, aided and abetted by the most venal and criminal government, media, which, is supported by the very essence - the very definition of the Radix Malorum, Big Tech.
It is time we stopped clinging to the hopes that there are just, fair minded people in the Federal Government who are NOT Fascists. They are, face it, they are FASCISTS and this is the end of our Republic.
Guidon -
DeleteA small flag especially one borne by a military unit as a unit marker.
We need to move on, from the corpse that was once the America that we loved. Again, to quote McMurtry and Gus McRae, when it comes to death, you need to "Ride away from it".
ReplyDeleteAmericans were told during the Obama administration that we were "Clinging to our gods and guns". I hope Obama gets cancer in his eyes, but, he was right. We need to move on and stop pretending that there is a "Rule Of Law". THERE IS NO RULE OF LAW . There is only the extemporaneous interpretation on a daily soup de jour basis at the whim and caprice of corrupt Washington (Mt. Doom) bureaucrats of what that law is. After all, the Constitution is a "Living Document", right?
We should, absolutely cling to God and our Guns and if necessary, if by the grace of God we get a chance (Unlikely) to draw fire and blood in defense of our country and the actual Rule Of Law, then fire at will.
But, at this point, pretending that the Federal Government, filled to the breach with Progressive parasites who support Fascism is going to fall off of their collective horses outside the walls of Damascus is insane. There will be no volte face from ANY bureaucrat that deviates from the necrotic, ongoing destruction of our individual freedoms and places us squarely in a vat, next to Keanu Reeves.
It is what it is.
"We need to move on"
DeleteYou could just move.
Perhaps to an asylum, or a rest home.
Democrats should consider self-reflection. How terrible must you be for voters to prefer Roeber?
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden is a rapist ask Tare Reade>
ReplyDelete^^^ +1000000000
ReplyDelete^^^Except it's not +10000000 because it was one fucking woman with a story that had more holes than swiss cheese. But do go on dipshit. Nevermind the guy with 25+ accusations of rape and sexual assault who rawdogged a porn star while his old lady was recovering after birth and who was also fucking a former playmate on the side.
ReplyDeleteTrumptards and hypocrisy go together like ebony and ivory.
Chuck with two TL/DR posts back to back. Nobody has time for your mindless ramblings Chuck.
ReplyDeleteRoeber hasn't killed anybody yet, so Ted Kennedy is still one up on him.
ReplyDelete8:35 as if you can read.
ReplyDeleteHere is the Liberal, Gay, Glenn Greenwald explaining how, if you are a Democrat, you can avoid prosecution for the exact EXACT same thing that General M. Flynn is STILL being criminally prosecuted for.
Washington DC is so, so, so corrupt.
If a Democrat in the media, the federal, state or local government lips are moving, THEY ARE LYING.
ReplyDeleteJames Woods tweet -
ReplyDeleteAnd just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go fuck yourself.”
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. For the next 4 years we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the destruction of most things that made this America and be drug into the outer limits of a civilized society.....
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of the Republican Party, I denounce Rick Roeber. Happy? Now go let Joe Biden rub your shoulders and sniff your hair.
ReplyDeleteI pledge no more cow farts.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats are having their fun with roeber winning that seat. What a turd sandwich it presents to republican house leadership . Part of me suspect orneriness on the part of some Democrat voters!
ReplyDeletePoor old dementia joe, he doesn’t remember raping those women so in the depraved dimwit mind it didn’t happen amirite! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteGood for them. Great for them. Great for us.
We need to stand up to these people. This was our vote, our votes, our election. We won. Joe Biden won. They need to all stand down and recognize our votes and election. It is our Democracy, after all.
8:34 is losing his mind over rapey joe already? He’s not even president yet and we’re just getting warmed up! It’s gonna be a long six to eight months for China joe before he goes to prison or gets killed by commie Harris or the Clintons.
ReplyDeleteC’mon man! This is going to be a return the favor four years of slams, gaffes, laughs and conspiracies, just like the last four years amirite!
Ole Korn pop at 8:34 is gonna have an aneurysm! Hahahahaha!
Russia Russia Russia!
Shut up mo rage, you sound like you’re still mad about losing four years ago, seek help k? By the way, you’re a stupid idiot.
ReplyDelete9:44 mo rage and Korn pop are extremely desperate for attention so....
ReplyDelete8:34 there’s a big difference from consensual sex and creepy joe raping women, you need to move along from the whole Trump derangement syndrome now. It’s our time now to destroy the dimwits wet dreams of whoever is in charge because we know it ain’t China joe! Has he removed the lid yet? Is he already taking one of his many naps planned for today? Is he with sister wife or an underage boy or girl?
ReplyDeleteRemember, you wanted this!
^^We did and we got it!!! Thank God!!!!!! We'll be just fine!!!!
ReplyDeleteYup, we really did Make America Great Again, but we are going to do more than sell hats and tell lies! Oh, and triple the Deficit.
ReplyDeleteI hear willie brown is coming out with a tell all about the whore Vice President commie Harris, he’s not gonna spare any details about what turns her on the most, especially about how she swallows and takes it up the ass! I’ll buy his book!
ReplyDelete10:08 so you just revealed the kkkdemoncrap plan for the next four years. It’s no surprise about the trillions in debt multiple generations will have to pay back, it’s really standard operating procedure for dimwits to spend more money than the entire planet has.
Ain’t no mountain of debt high enough for the demoncrap party!
ReplyDeleteT-shirt’s and hats go on sell January 20th 2021 at 12:01PM!
Ah, the happy chorus of a defeated candidate! Music to my ears.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who factually believes Joe Biden won this election is a moron, a fool or both. Common sense dictates no other options. Not even Democrats and/or people in the Biden campaign believe he actually won. The Biden camp enjoined with the Democrats and media are cheering that for the moment it appears the cheating has worked.
ReplyDeleteThe Socialist ideologues and anarchists are beside themselves with glee, but what happens if the truth prevails, i.e., there was massive voter fraud and corrupt counting practices on a level that’s beyond quantifying based upon the scale of the cheating? How will the cheaters feel if they’re exposed and justice finally prevails? What if at long last those responsible for the political fraud that stripped honest Americans of their right to participate in non-rigged elections end up in handcuffs, ankle chains, and federal prison jumpsuits, in prison vans going into federal courts?
Biden is a stumbling bumbling reprobate liar who has spent his entire 47 years in political office attempting to make gain at the expense of taxpayers.
Biden would be the first person elected to the office he covets by running television ads. Practically every time Biden appeared in public he said something so profoundly absurd that even the dead people voting for him grimaced. Voiceovers and slick editing was the essence of Biden’s campaign.
To believe Biden legitimately won election, one would need to suspend every connection to reality.
The truth is, President Trump must be removed from office by any means necessary, including election fraud on a scale that makes what John Kennedy did to Richard Nixon in 1960, pale in comparison.
President Trump had to be removed because the political elite and their wraithlike handlers, who operate from the shadows, were at eminent risk of having their corrupt political system destroyed. If President Trump were to receive another term the things he could accomplish would crush the arteries of globalist elites who are the constabulary of the titans who determine the ascendants to positions of power.
President Trump not only interrupted the globalist agenda, he paved the way for more outsiders who weren’t beholding to the moneychangers in the temple of politics. Men and women like President Trump aren’t dependent upon the secretive good ol’ boys in the shadows that until now decided both the winners and participants. A person who isn’t for sale is a threat to world the late Prescott Bush, Bill Gates et al envision.
President Trump said no to the World Health Organization, the Paris Agreement, and numerous other involvements that weren’t of benefit to Americans. He also has his eye upon the Federal Reserve to reign in the illegitimate power it wields. He understands putting America and her people first, in a free society with the rights of the people protected by the people, was the primary reasoning of our Founding Fathers.
Ask yourself: why would a person like George Soros invest more than $32 billion of his own money to force global open borders; why Bill Gates would invest more than a quarter trillion dollars of his money in the global healthcare charade; unless they expected an even greater return on their investment.
Anyone dumb enough to believe that globalist-powerbrokers, who believe it their divine right to craft the world in their image are going to share their power or come under the control of the likes of the Halloween sisters (Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib), and others of their kind, as clueless as anyone who believes Biden actually won the election.
If the true powerbrokers are successful in removing President Trump, they certainly have a plan in place to dispatch the low IQ half-a-commie wannabes boasting of their plans.
The globalist, one-world order controllers cannot afford four more years of President Trump. We the people cannot afford the next four years without President Trump.
Mychal Massie
I can read your right-wing claptrap from WND for myself 10:22...if I want my mind to warp. No need to copy and paste it here.
ReplyDeleteThey have pretty much proven voter fraud it just needs to go to court now. They have screen shots of Biden votes being switch from Trump, missing ballots, ballots sent to illegals, poll workers taking oaths to expose the voter corruption. The thing now is, to see if the democrats get by with it. Trump didn't just win the election he won by a huge margin.
"Trump didn't just win the election he won by a huge margin"
Trump won in Jackson County. But notice how this so called statement fails to make mention of that.
ReplyDeleteBeginning of the end for Jackson County Democrats. Many are drug gangsters under federal surveillance.
ReplyDelete10:25: Where do you come up with this shit? Biden beat Trump in Jackson County 58.9-38.1.
ReplyDeleteAre you the nutjob who also claimed Fred Trump "won" a purple heart in Farnce and that one of Trump's sons served in Iraq?
Mo Rage, no - no you did NOT win. The election was rigged.
ReplyDelete10:22 nails it.
Soon to be president Camalatoe can't wait.
ReplyDeleteI don't know.... the comments section on this website is really a shining example of the real problem right now in the USA. Nobody seems to be willing to accept that a viewpoint outside of their own could hold any merit.
ReplyDeleteThe political divide is really much smaller than you think. The other side isn't the enemy, they are your neighbors.
Mo Rage is about as bright as Alyssa Milano.
ReplyDeleteSuch was the case on Monday when renowned Constitutional scholar and electoral law expert Alysssa Milano informed Donald Trump and his administration that they are acting illegally by refusing to immediately begin the transition process with Team Joe.
Or something.
The Trump admin is legally required to begin the transition process now that @JoeBiden is the winner. @GSAEmily and other federal officials need to begin the legally mandated transition process now! It’s irresponsible to stall as the pandemic rages on! #VotersDecided
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) November 9, 2020
Joe Biden is a rapist.
ReplyDelete10:55 sad you're so stupid you cant read. You been having quite time with MoRage?
ReplyDeleteElection Summary Report
NOVEMBER 3, 2020
Number of Precincts 148
Precincts Reporting 148 100%
Total Votes 195,845
Vote For 1
Write-in 535 0.27
Go fuck yourself CHUD
ReplyDeleteGo fuck your dad asshole.
ReplyDeleteLiberals desperately want to forget that Joe Biden is accused of sexual assault by a fellow Democrat and is a proven inappropriate toucher/sexual harasser( google the pics).
ReplyDelete^^We don't care!! Just like you didn't care about Trump. Fixed it for you!
ReplyDeleteCreepy Joe Biden starring as Bad Grandpa!
ReplyDeleteThe dimwits put America through hell for the last four and a half years with their lies, conspiracies, racism, hate, rioting, looting and murdering and somehow everybody else is the bad guys. Well my friends, we are gonna turn the tables on you and give you the same hell you gave us, heal this bitches.
ReplyDeleteWe remember and soon you will too! Hahahahaha!
Rapey joe likes to touch little boys and girls private’s so.....
ReplyDeleteRemember during the campaign when Biden told two dancing teenage girls.
ReplyDelete" I can't wait to see you in four years." or how about the 14 year old girl who said Biden told her "You're very well endowed for your age."
Creepy, very creepy.
11:55: And yet it was 198,031 for Biden and 125,897 for Trump. Weird.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could go win a Purple Heart and serve in Iraq with one of the Trump sons in your alternate universe.
Hey, Fuck Anita Bryant
ReplyDeleteWho the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
So, fuck Anita Bryant
Who the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
Its irrelevant what Trump does, by law the Electors have to vote on Monday, December 14th of this year. The vote to select the Electors who will vote is a matter of State and Local law, and the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction.
ReplyDeleteThe Electoral College is required by law to deliver the Electoral votes to a Joint Session of Congress on December 23rd, where they will be counted and the results will be certified. This is a matter of Federal Law, but again, at this point, the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction.
And, at 12:00 Noon (ET) on January 20, 2021 the term of the current President will end, and the President, as determined by the votes of the Electoral College and certified by Congress, will take the Oath of Office.
If there is no President elected and certified under the above conditions, the Vice President ascends to the Office, under the provisions of the Constitution. However, the current Vice President's term expires on January 20th, and the new Vice President must have gone through the same election and certification process as the President.
If there is no elected and certified Vice President to take the Oath, the Office then is filled by the next in line, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has been chosen by a simple majority vote of the House members earlier in January.
So, if Trumps efforts to overturn the apparent Election results fail, the 46th President of the USA may well be President Nancy Pelosi!
So stop talking about the Supreme Court or the FBI overturning the Election results, and contemplate the possible outcome of soothing Donald Trump's ego.
11:47 - what's that make Trump then....a pro rapist? Next level rapist. Expert rapist? King of the rapists? Rapist extraordinaire?
ReplyDeleteNow go on and GTFO here with that shit. One accuser, a piss poor attempt to smear someone.
11:34 - you're kidding right? Trumptards are crying like a bunch of little bitches and throwing around bullshit conspiracies that can't be backed by a single fucking shred of evidence because their cult leader didn't win the election and the problem is I, and other Biden supporters, can't accept a viewpoint outside of my own???????
ReplyDeleteI'm supposed to sit here and listen to conspiracies, piss poor ones at that, and be fucking understanding of these fucking loons. Everything they've brought to court has been summarily thrown the fuck out.
Hard fucking pass.
I'll start listening and trying to understand their viewpoints when they quit acting like a bunch of fucking loons and take the fucking loss like adults.
Suck my dick you faggot!
ReplyDeleteHey, Fuck Anita Bryant
ReplyDeleteWho the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
So, fuck Anita Bryant
Who the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
Stupid nigger loving faggot!
ReplyDeleteReally 9:45, going to prison? Yeah, bet that's gonna happen. Just like the ol Durham report...yeah, that resounding fucking thud is your fucking Durham report. "But one guy was convicted of changing an email", whoa look out, Obama and the whole admin must be next.
ReplyDeleteHey when's Obamagate gonna land?
Look up the number of arrests and convictions for Trumptards. You clowns are losing big and will continue to lose and no one under Obama or Biden will ever be convicted of shit. Bank it.
Now go seek some mental health asshole.
You are a delusional fuckhead.
ReplyDeleteSTFU CHUD or I'll cut your nuts off and feed them to you!
ReplyDeleteBring it fag!
ReplyDeleteMust suck for Trump and his cult member that the rest of the world now recognizes Biden as POTUS elect. Even Erdogen. That one probably cuts Trump to the bone....he loves him a good despot.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, his buddy Putin hasn't recognized Biden yet. Hang your hat on that one Trumptards.
Now go see a fucking mental doctor you fucking nut jobs.
Tell Trump to resign or I'll start killing you CHUDs daily until he does.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't kill a 6 pack of coors light
DeleteHey, Fuck Anita Bryant
ReplyDeleteWho the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
So, fuck Anita Bryant
Who the Hell is she
Telling all them faggots
That they can't be free
Throw that bitch in prison
Then maybe she'll see
Just how much them goddamned homosexuals mean to me
Because they...
Wash your clothes
Clean your cell
Help you drain your hose
Give you smokes
Laugh at jokes
Sew up all your clothes
Rub your feet
Beat your meat
Heaven only knows
What I'd do without those homosexuals
They all
Read and Write
Fuck all night
Clean your fingernails
Help you dress
Play you chess
Lay you down some rails
Be your wife
Take your life
In a jealous rage
Who says we don't need them homosexuals
I tell you
Some are big
Some are small
Some are in-between
Some are yellow belly queers
And some of them are mean
Some are killers
Some are thiefs
Some are singers too
In fact Anita Bryant
Some act just like you
12:50, but the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will extend all those dates if the justices feel like it. They are all powerful.
ReplyDeleteWhere is your proof 12:27?
ReplyDeleteI checked myself 12:27 and 11:55's numbers are correct and posted as such. Where are your numbers posted at the relates to Jackson County Mo to back your so called figures?
We're wait fool.
When is biden going to concede for the sake of this nation!
ReplyDelete^^^^^Plus Trump won in Kansas and Missouri both so who cares what the idiot at 12:27 thinks.
ReplyDeleteBlow me while I shit CHUD!
ReplyDeleteGood try 12:50, but in the end the Supreme Court will decide so STFU.
ReplyDeleteThat's only because the Trumptards rammed ACB through you stupid mother fucker! Every one of you deserver to die a violent death!
ReplyDeleteSuch hatred 1:40. You need help.
ReplyDeleteand yet the Supreme Court will never get involved to overturn an election. Sorry CHUDS, you lose as always. Weird.
Hover over Jackson County, assuming you can find it on a map. What's your source?
The Democrats never accepted the results of the 2016 election.
ReplyDeleteThey are getting the treatment they deserve!
He's not my President!
He's not my pedophile
ReplyDeleteBiden was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express
ReplyDelete^^^ yes, yes he was, that’s how he got his craving for little girls.
ReplyDeleteWhy else do you think they had Epstein murdered.
China, Ukraine, Russia and Epstein.
ReplyDeleteOle pedophile joe isn’t gonna make 6 months before they THROW HIM OUT! LOCK HIM UP!
It’s funny how the despicable depraved dimwits can dish it out but can’t handle when it gets thrown back in their faces.
ReplyDeleteAll Republicans who just won election but refuse to accept Biden’s win should immediately resign, since clearly their victories on the same ballots were fraudulent, too, right?
ReplyDeleteWill someone tell hiden joe biden that President Trump just saved the world with the fastest vaccine ever produced and that his dark winter doom and gloom narrative is no longer required. He doesn’t even need to do a thing anymore concerning covid mandates and the other stupid crap he’s come up with.
ReplyDeleteMask mandates....... hahahahaha!
2:22 sorry dumbass, those votes were all for demoncrooks.
ReplyDeleteSuch a childish lie on your part.
Hey I know for a fact that after his press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping Saturday, Rudy Giuliani is going to take these cases all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott.
ReplyDeleteWho would vote for joe biden and then vote all republican on the same ticket, such a stupid comment
ReplyDelete2:29 funny but stupid!
ReplyDelete@2:29-That was fucking hilarious! You win the thread!
ReplyDeleteHey Mo Rage - what does this mean?
132,000 change of address voters in just Fulton County?
Yeah, no fraud there, move along, nothing to see here.
This fraud, is massive in it's scale, hubris and chutzpah. The idea, that Americans are just supposed to sit back and accept the lies, deceit and corruption that literally defines the Democrat/Fascist party is preposterous.
^^^ that’s just the tip of the iceberg
ReplyDeleteThey told ole rapey joe today he can’t have his 10 million dollar transitioning funds because..... he hasn’t won anything yet.. OUCH!
ReplyDeleteJust call china for more money Joe.
ReplyDeleteIt’s insulting to say that Joseph R. Biden won this election, if that is what comes to pass. The tech companies will have won. The big banks will have won. The government of China, the media establishment, the permanent bureaucracy, the billionaire class — they will have won, and not in the way that democracy promises.
Goddamn, where do you find all these off-the-wall right-wing websites? Is there some sort of list inside the bubble? Or does chuck just have his bookmarks shared out somewhere.
ReplyDeleteDid bad orange man take your milk money Joe?
ReplyDeleteWhat's really amazing is the massive fraud with the House and Senate!! 95 Democrats in the Senate and 431 in the House now! They really pulled it off!
ReplyDeleteexcept they didn't
ReplyDelete“Goddamn, where do you find all these off-the-wall right-wing websites? Is there some sort of list inside the bubble? Or does chuck just have his bookmarks shared out somewhere.”
ReplyDeleteYou got your nerve, You have the off the wall left wing extremist nut job sites called cnn, the Chinese news network, msdnc, the commie red star, communist party favorites like Twitter and Facebook. Our websites are safe for all ages compared to your lyin, crooked conspiracy laden communist websites where violence is expected and demanded that’s for damn sure dummy.
Democrims cant count because it’s racist to teach math in school nowadays.....
ReplyDelete4:29: And yet you didn't answer the question. Weird.
ReplyDelete3:31 - took about 3 god damn seconds to google the population of GA you dumb muther fucking retard. It's 10.62 million stupid. There's a fucking country called Georgia too, numbnuts.
ReplyDeleteAre you a real fucking person?
Weird story today, a USPS whistleblower completely recanted his allegations that a supervisor tampered with mail in ballots as reported in right wingnut news group Veritas.
ReplyDeleteAgain, another voter fraud conspiracy bullshit story falls the fuck apart. Yet, retards all over TKC still believe in voter fraud because they're easy marks for fucking grifters.
Kudos to you Trumptards. The easiest of easy marks. Hey, Trumps campaign debt retirement fund, errrr legal fund needs money. Better go donate and do your duty as easy fucking marks.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI terrified the guy.
1:53 you ignorant slut, might have known a tool like you depends on the NY Times for local news.
ReplyDeleteHere you brain dead asshole read the figures that matter and not the crap New York tries to tell you or make you believe.
Then you best STFU and stop spreading stupid lies.
Any chance you could get him to stop shitting on the floor?
ReplyDeleteMAGA flattening the Democratic Election Fraud Curve.
ReplyDeleteWhen is biden going to concede so we can heal this country!
4:57 calm down Korn pop or sleepy creepy joe will shut you and your rusty blade down again! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDelete5:04 now you see why letting the USPS have anything to do with ballots is bad. And it was the USPS who questioned the guy. But this comes from sources who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation.
ReplyDeleteSo how true is the story?
Biden is going to die before they get to tell him that he lost.
ReplyDeletePostal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials say
ReplyDeleteA Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three people briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee...
Republicans held up Hopkins’s claims as among the most credible because he signed an affidavit swearing that he overheard a supervisor instructing colleagues to backdate ballots mailed after Nov. 3.
Oh yeah, Biden's goin' down, lol
539 sweety, that's been debunked.
DeleteThe jack booted coerced recant has been recanted.
I bet you believed that your dad wasn't guy just like your mom told you too
ReplyDeleteBiden to son..
Washington Compost. Now that's reliable 5:39 lol
ReplyDeleteWhat most you idiots opening your pie holes fail to understand is that Trump is in charge for the next two months. Biden isn't in charge of jack shit yet. But the media would like you to believe Dementia Joe is running the show. Well no matter what the media tries to persuade you to believe they are not in charge of jack shit either.
ReplyDeleteTrump will be on mount rushmore for saving us from systematic dem vote fraud.
ReplyDeleteDementia joe and his covid team of experts said....
ReplyDelete“Biden coronavirus adviser wants US to distribute vaccine globally before it's available to all Americans”
Electing this clown was the biggest mistake this world will ever see.
I hear biden and Clarence Thomas go way back.
ReplyDeleteSure, 5:50. Why did Richard Hopkins, a USPS employee in Erie, Pa., sign a sworn affidavit with allegations of ballot tampering/fraud and once the USPS IG's began investigating, he admitted it was all false.
ReplyDeleteThose are all facts, according to the Inspector General's office. What's there to dispute?
554 the dispute is that the fellow recanted his alleged recant saying he was threatened and coerced for 4 hours without a lawyer and prevented from leaving by the usps inspectors.
DeleteAnd I suppose you have a legitimate for that other than, or, 6:04.
And GOP donors gave Hopkins $130,000, take the sucker's money and run, buddy!
DeleteMeanwhile blacks voted 95% to elect an elderly white man who refers to them as nggggrs and super's really hard to leave the plantation.
ReplyDeleteZeke Emanuel, brother to mayor of Chicago murder capitol of the world is a member of Biden’s new coronavirus task force is a lockdown enthusiast who has written that living past 75 isn’t worth it.
ReplyDeleteAmericans want our country opened up, not creepy bioethicists who enjoy playing God.
Actual a Beetlejuice impersonater Lori Lightfoot is Mayor of Chicago
Delete6:04 Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
ReplyDelete5:15: And yet the New York Times is usually considered more credible than QAnon, even though they don't report on Hillary, George, and whoever holding blood draining ceremonies and child abuse in basements of buildings that have no basements. Weird that, huh?
ReplyDeleteAnd yet they're not. They're merely written at a level beyond your comprehension.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times isn't even fit to wrap fish in.
ReplyDeleteThe new york times gave us the Iraq war and Russia gate nothing but propaganda.
ReplyDelete....tRumpoopie's pullin' down his panties...hand out the spoons, it's buffet time!!
ReplyDelete....these Rumpmonkies are all graduates of TrumpMonkey University, with a dipshit-ploma worth just what the gop is worth........
.......Fuckin Nothing!......