The reaction to a recently announced Kansas City COVID-19 orders severely limiting gatherings, occupancy and hours for small biz has been overwhelmingly negative . . . Now, resistance is taking a more serious path than mere Internet conversation.
To wit . . .
We're still gathering deets but here's the word and a bold challenge started by this town's only hockey bar. . .
"Rumor has it, The Blue Line is considering filing a restraining order. Several Kansas City bars and restaurants are willing to sign on to it. What the city is doing is wrong."
The effort comes from established local denizens but word is that they're hoping even more businesses will sign on to their complaint.

Amid layoffs following the crackdown announcement by Mayor Quinton Lucas, most insiders suspected a legal challenge would quickly follow given the severity of the restrictions.
And so, Kansas City's Mayor and former law lecturer confronts a legal battle that threatens to determine the fate of his political career.
Developing . . .
At least now we'll find out that most of these rules are arbitrary.
ReplyDeleteThe bars were doing their best to follow the rules, Q decided to nuke their biz for now reason.
DeleteHe's trying to save lives and top the spread of the disease. Shame on people for wanting to put others at risk.
Thank goodness somebody is going to stand up to these tyrants.
DeletePeople should have the freedom to do business if they are following the prescribed precautions. The curfew is arbitrary and should be abolished.
Blue line wants a pass on all the rules - immigration, covid...what's next, drinking age?
ReplyDeleteIt's racist to ask for voter i.d. but not racist to arrest people for not wearing a mask.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Communist China with China Joe Biden as your Chairman Mao.
Dr. Unsexy Rexy Archer has last year's Thanksgiving turkey and dressing still in his disgusting beard.
ReplyDeleteHe likes to pick out the crumbs from his beard for a snack and eat them during meetings before he nods off.
Surprised Dr. Quack Quack hasn't died of salmonella with that beard of his.
Ain't a judge in the world that's going to intervene for the sake of stupidity during a public health crisis.
ReplyDeleteI thought the blue line owner was deported??
ReplyDeleteWhat I think is interesting is how quickly the liberal supporters of Quinton Lucas turn against illegal immigration. Just another sign that his supporters don't really believe in anything but power.
ReplyDeleteThey don't care about BLM or the Democratic Party. They just want to pretend like they're in control.
That's not so unusual. What I find funny is that they think other people don't notice.
Someone is finally fighting back against the tyrant. It is about time. The boy blunder has reached way beyond his authority this time.
ReplyDelete^^and yet nothing will come of it so...
ReplyDeletePlease don't comment on TKC during your workday at city hall.
DeleteI hope more join in on these illegal edicts. His law degree only shows he KNOWS they are illegal and just doesn’t care.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the commenters said it best: The rules are ARBITRARY. You can't do that in a Democracy. A Mayor isn't allowed to rule by decree.
ReplyDeleteI wish there were more people to stand up to him on the council. Thankfully, he hasn't forced everyone into submission.
The more people stand up to Quinton, the better. He is behaving as tyrant.
ReplyDeleteAny one see East Germany here anywhere? This is what communism is folks. Turning your neighbor in and keeping the public under control by way of a bogus claim that the virus has gotten worse.
"Any one see East Germany here anywhere?"
Quit on “Let them eat cake” Lucas is a communist. He is anti-freedom and anti-business and completely dictatorial.
ReplyDeleteI'd actually like to see a REAL recall and not one just started by Lucas to discourage anyone else from trying.
ReplyDeleteThere is not so much as a hint in the article of the legal basis of the lawsuit. I doubt they just plead that Lucas made a bad decision. Did he overstep his authority? Did he fail to follow required rulemaking procedures? We may never know.
ReplyDeleteDont worry this is a loser in court. Mayor is correct for trying to get the spread under control. To hell with white folks who think they are above the law.
ReplyDeleteHi Mayor!
Delete^Like black folk looting a Target ?
ReplyDeleteIs the Blue Line where men like Q-Ball hook up with other men like Q-Ball?
ReplyDeleteByron wants to know since his mother died of corona virus.
I hook up with men wherever I can! It's tough out here in the sticks! I don't live in Kansas Shitty anymore! Don't forget to pay your taxes!
DeleteI knew a guy from work that said Covid was a fake illness. I dont think he wore masks. Well he is dead now, from Covid and he was in his 40's.
ReplyDeleteKNOW YOUR REAL THREAT! Be smart about things. Dont let politics make you ignore a deadly illness!
^^^ Total bullshit from totalitarian DNC scum.
ReplyDeleteI knew a guy at work that was really scared of Covid. He wore masks. Well he is dead now, from Covid and he was in his 40's. You see he was eating a slice of German Chocolate Cake with his mask on while fucking a chicken and he choked to death. He also choked his chicken.
ReplyDeleteKNOW YOUR REAL THREAT! Be smart about things. Dont let politics make you ignore a deadly illness!
I knew a guy from work who thought Quinton was an excellent mayor. He wore masks and never left his house. He is dead now. He could not pay his bills, lost his home, starved and froze to death living under an overpass. I heard that he had a nice view of the new Convention Center hotel in his last moments. He died with a smile on his face.
ReplyDeleteWhy "Lockdown"?
ReplyDelete1) Manipulate and train recalcitrant citizens to, in the future, adhere to the diktats (Unconstitutional) of local beadles who seek unlimited power, money and sinecure for them and their partners in crime (Which now, is NOT a crime, by way of the Covid HOAX)
2) Progressive politicians, in states and cities, where the feckless, financially irresponsible, long term, insane, pernicious, counterproductive policies that have driven them to the brink of bankruptcy, seek relief, from the tax payer funded federal government for the malfeasance, perfidy and brain dead, blood stupid, death grinding stupidity of the parasites/vampire/BLM/DNC/AntiFa scum sucking filth that voted them in.
That's right white boy - you are paying for this shit, and if you complain, you are a racist!!!!!
Behind the scenes, behind the curtain, the Globalist/Deep State/Administrative State/DNC/FBI/CIA/ - and most importantly - the Main Stream Legacy Media, will continue to lie and gut the middle class in pursuit of jobs overseas, lower wages in America, Identity Politics (Divide and Conquer), and the pursuit of Kardashian like wealth, for the privileged on the coast, in the boardrooms of Big Media, in the boardrooms of Big Tech, in the board rooms of big corporate/international corporations and in the halls of the most corrupt city in the history of the world - Washington DC
AGAIN - you can get killed faster in Mogadishu or a city in control of the Sinaloa Cartel, but, when it comes to payoffs and perfidy, there has NEVR been ANY city as corrupt as Washington DC.
The ascendancy of the Biden Crime Family to the Oval Office, will usher in a new and heretofore unimaginable level of corruption.
It is what it is.
Goddamn you're FUCKING NUTS
DeleteI can't think of a family more criminal than the Trump family, sorry chuckles
ReplyDeleteI had a robe on and was NOT naked!! Sure, she could see my dick, but why is that my fault?? Did my dad make big time bank on MY (By the way, I did all the work. It was me, fuckin those Ukrainian whores, snorting coke ((Fuck you Chuck - you wanted to party too!!!!!!!) and laundering money through foreign bank accounts and giving cash to my dad, while he said (Like fuckin Sergeant Schultz- "Knew Nothing"). I am takin the hit here Tony and I want CHUCK censored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dominion voting systems are the most reliable in the world, just ask the Mayor of Moscow!!! Not to mention, the President of Venezuela, Maduro!!!
Not gonna lie for a fuckin second - in my opinion, partying with Hunter (EWWWwwww sans the 14 year old niece) would be a fuckin hoot!!!!!
Shit - I was posting for Hunter - I am old - Still kinda funny!
See, everybody? Nuttier than a fruitcake.
DeleteShouldn't you be shouting this kind of shit on a street corner somewhere?
ReplyDeleteSo, THIS -
The sale of F 35 tech to the red Chinese that they now have in place, THAT isn no big deal?
Fuck off
And by the way---
ReplyDeleteThe catalyst for the desperate, frenetic and outrageous election fraud that is taking place right in front of our "Lying Eyes", is not, as the media would have you believe, based on ideology, it is based on money. Low information Progressives in the streets, think that they are under attack from a racist, authoritarian dictator. In reality, Trump in fact, spent the last 4 years, barely able to govern while the media, deep state, DNC and Big Tech crippled him at every opportunity with lies about "Russian Collusion", impeachment over an entirely justified phone call concerning the obvious corruption of the Biden family (Categorically proven.) and assaults on every economic initiative, in spite of the every day evidence that his exact initiatives were an unqualified success.
Inside the beltway, trillions of American tax payer dollars are distributed to politicians, the deep state Wall Street and the media corporations that support them by way of legal, but unethical means. Trump is a clear and present danger to the corrupt system that greased the wheels of this ongoing, parasitical bleeding of the American taxpayer. Behind the scenes, there are just as many Republicans trying to stop Trump as there are Democrats. The threat to the illegal, ill gotten gains at the expense of the tax payer funneled into the coffers of crooked politicians are the impetus for the all out assault from every quarter on this president. The path up to the coming American Golgotha is a story of Byzantine, surreptitious and malicious euchring of our economy by the aforementioned players in pursuit of money, power and sinecure. It is a sick story of self aggrandizing, scheming, slimy beltway insiders and big corporate who bleed the very people they convince they are "helping".
For example, really look, look at Burisma. It is not just Joe Biden that is caught up in this scandal, it is Republicans too. What the hell are we doing, giving a billion dollars to the Ukraine and what is it for? Supposedly it is for support for a country that defies our so called enemy, Russia. The money, actually goes to corrupt (I don't blame them, it's a great living.) officials and into corrupt companies like Burisma, who in turn, siphon off a percentage and return that tax payer money to Democrats and Republicans who are running for office. How? THIS IS THE CRUX OF THE MATTER, those entities will continue to support foreign aid to the Ukraine and corrupt companies like Burisma and the corrupt officials that continue to pay off, in a "PAY FOR PLAY" scheme to defraud the American tax payer out of more and more money. Lindsay Graham, Richard Burr are 2 Republicans who are neck deep in this shit and the lion's share, of politicians, from BOTH parties are inextricably intertwined in this Gordian knot of corruption. The revelations of these "arrangements" now public, made possible by the ascendance of Trump to the presidency over the last few years was an embarrassment for all politicians in Washington DC, Republican and Democrat alike.
Thus, the overt and covert attempts to destroy the Trump administration with lies about "Collusion", phony Impeachment efforts and now, the successful (Maybe?) election fraud that has wrecked the faith of ANY thinking American with a modicum of IQ in ANY coming election.
The damage, unseen below the water line on the American Ship Of State could be mortal. The chaos sown by these nefarious and malicious vampires, who, would wreck the entire country in hopes of saving their own access to Croesus like wealth knows no bounds or senescence. They will never stop trying to get ever richer and more powerful at YOUR expense.
Trump is right, they hate him, but they hate YOU even more.
Burisma? Who fucking cares?
DeleteYou're crazy, chuck. Insane. Bats in the belfry.
ReplyDeleteCheck into the nearest Laughing Academy.
Nobody seriously thinks this.
Why the restrictions? We were all informed that the stay at home orders would not keep anyone from getting the virus. There are over 300,000 post operative infections in this country every year and those are done under clinical conditions so why believe that a re-purposed sock will work a miracle? And this is NOT the first time we have faced a corona virus from China either for that matter. This is the second wave and we can in another 10 or 20 years expect another wave as well. The situation will not change before then either and old people will still die and a few younger ones then too. All we are gaining is false hope and we are losing both liberty and democracy in the effort. Those media moguls are the ones most guilty of all. Local news stations need to have local owners with at least some stake in the community and not by investors in foreign countries openly hostile to our own.
ReplyDeleteDeath rate from bullets 76.4% higher than Covad in KC.
ReplyDeleteWhat Mayor 10-10-10 and Wrecks Archer doing about that?
This will be in the courts for years.
ReplyDeleteAll this over 1800 active cases, that’s around 0.25% of the population of killer kc. No doubt about it it’s all about mayor mcdumbo’s doing what his dimwit puppet masters tell him to do. This town is turning red because of stupid shit like this.
ReplyDeleteNobody pays any attention to the mayor anyway. He’s a worthless retard.
ReplyDelete4:29 Well, that does look pretty bad.
ReplyDeleteRE: "And so, Kansas City's Mayor and former law lecturer.."
ReplyDelete"law lecturer"?
You mean that Quinton Lucas repeatedly LIED about his credentials and most gullible media were too lazy to visit the KU School of Law website to discover the truth that he was NOT a professor?
Oh my! He wouldn't be lying about the seriousness of this coronavirus, would he? Oh wait, isn't Lucas the guy who told everyone in KCMO to wear a mask and stay at home, while he went to the Lake of the Ozarks sans mask?