Just as TKC readers predicted, today the Mayor has imposed draconian limits on Kansas City in the name of public health and preventing the worsening spread of COVID-19.
Most importantly . . .
To wit . . .
The local bar and restaurant business was barely hanging on by a thread to begin with and these restrictions will undoubtedly push more owners over the edge and into shut down and bankruptcy.
And so, here are the new rules . . .
- All indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people maximum.
- Restaurants, taverns, and all other venues, including wedding and other event spaces, shall close at 10 p.m., require social distancing between different parties, and limit the number of occupants indoors to no more than 50 percent of building occupancy.
- Indoor and outdoor patrons at these facilities must be seated, and also masked at all times except when actively eating or drinking. Indoor and outdoor parties are limited to a maximum of 10 people and parties shall be spaced with no less than six feet of distance between themselves and individuals from any other parties.
- Restaurants, taverns, and bars must immediately report known COVID-19 cases to the Kansas City Health Department.
- Masks must be worn in all indoor spaces with more than one person per room, and outdoor spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained.
- Patrons of gyms, fitness, and recreational centers, including city, school, and other publicly-owned and managed facilities are required to wear masks at all times, and these establishments are limited to no more than 50 percent capacity.
Again, one more time just for the cheap seats . . .
Local small biz has opposed the Mayor on these measures and been rebuffed by this town's political establishment and most of the media during the election fracas.
Moreover . . .
Midtown biz leaders implored city hall for a compromise to avoid this crackdown but were rebuffed by Mayor Q's team.
To be fair, any détente with Westport honchos is impossible because nearly all of their conversations are ruled by EPIC egos.
The Mayor's answer against small biz questions, a redirect against his GOP colleagues . . .
"Hearing a lot about me “destroying business.” KC works hard to help the impacted, but priority is to keep folks safe. I encourage those concerned to join me in reaching out to DC and Jefferson City leaders about further support for small business and the hospitality industry!"
And so, the new rules and small biz crackdown are, in fact, the new normal as the "dark days" of Winter quickly becoming a reality in Kansas City.
Check the links . . .
Fox4: Mayor Lucas announces new Kansas City order limiting indoor gatherings, dining
KSHB: KCMO Mayor Quinton Lucas announces new COVID-19 public health guidelines
Developing . . .
Totally not looking at the bright side here.
ReplyDeleteThe mayor just guaranteed himself one term.
Not to worry. He probably just got himself an appointment in the Biden cabinet.
DeleteI blame Kamala!
Pro tip. Just remember that the mayor and his people are going spend all day watching this thread and blaming former President Trump rather than taking any of the responsibility themselves.
ReplyDeleteI blame Melania.
Delete"Just as TKC readers predicted?"
ReplyDeleteJust as the mayor said for days, you mean. Your readers couldn't predict if the sun was going to rise.
Not like y'all didn't have the chance! Not wearing masks and hanging out in bars is too much fun! Plus all the gay bareback sex I seek out in the city! You'll be paying for it and I won't! I don't live in the city! I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more! 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteYour a sick joke
ReplyDeleteSo does this mean the virus can't hit anyone before 10 p.m. Think about what this communist moron is doing! I know liberals are real stupid but this doesn't take much thought!
Thanks, MAGAts. You won’t wear masks and keep spreading Covid. Fucking dolts. Freedumb at its finest.
ReplyDeleteYou make a good slave.
DeleteHey, dolt, seems to be the areas that are chuck full of leftist cucks was that gave the Covid problems. Perhaps living in squalor with 50,000 illegals and attending BLM rallies every Sunday may be the problem.
DeleteLMAO. guess we are just too stupid to live our lives knowing we have a 99.0008% chance of living. Crazy!!
DeleteThe issue at hand are people not wear mask and the reason for the 10:00 curfew because that is when people pack the clubs and bars. Everyone wants to point fingers at everyone else especially political figures; when we need to start taking responsibility for our own actions. People walking around with no mask on has the potential to get others sick because everyone don’t show symptoms of the virus.
DeleteAnd please don't forget to mention the establishment of an online site so that people can report on others who aren't following the guidelines.
ReplyDeleteIt seems rather unlikely that the police are going to be "enforcing" these latest behavioral requirements.
Just like the Lucas curfew during the BLM riots that he later dismissed all the charges against violators.
Toothless authoritarianism.
But big big speeches and press conferences.
So the plan here is to cause measurable damage to the KCMO economy so we can get a democratic presidential to bail it out, with plenty of pork politics. If we don't get the bail out it is Melania's fault, and as a bonus either way he gets a seat in the Biden administration. Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteGo f some other city a hole.
The boy blunder thinks, and thinks, and thinks. Eureka! He will copy DeBlasio’s latest edicts this time! Because KC is just like New York. Why, one could barely tell the difference between the two cities.
ReplyDelete^^and yet it's happening because a Republican did nothing when the virus hit, failed to pass a stimulus bill to help those affected, wouldn't enforce a mask mandate and ignored all of the professional advice given to him. Trump's fault! Weird.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see how this plays out predictably. 😏🍿 Butter anyone?
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that it was Trump who failed to pass a stimulus bill. All along I thought it was Congress that passed bills. Learning something new every day from Chimpy!
ReplyDeleteThe President does not have authority to establish or enforce a nationwide mask mandate. That is for governors and in some cases mayors to do. Now Chimpy can learn from me!
Trump would like to have done more after January 31, when he banned direct flights from China, but didn't want to be accused of xenophobia any more by Biden. Nor did he want to ruin Pelosi's and De Blah-sio's invitations to one and all to attend Chinese New Year celebrations.
^^and yet Congress passed a stimulus bill and put it on The President's and Mitch McConnell desk in May. Not one flight from China was ever banned, and he can request every state wear masks instead of ridiculing them. Apparently a simp like you doesn't know anything. Sorry Chimpy lover you just got knocked the fuck out...again!! As always!
ReplyDeleteMayor Q limits KC gatherings to 10 people..
ReplyDeleteunless you're involved in a drive-by.
How about you ask Nasty Pelousy why they stimulus bill wasn't passed? We'll wait. 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteHow about you ask Bitch McConnell?
Delete^^How about you go find a blog where you live. We'll all wait.
ReplyDeleteHow come the mayor didn't impose any limits on super spreader protesters this Summer? He was on the street with them. This is disgusting. Real lack of leadership.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. The government will take care of you!!!
ReplyDelete2:37 The "Stimulus Bill" was a bail out for Democrat states that are going bankrupt by way of ridiculous Democrat policies.
ReplyDeleteDemocrat cities and states deserve the pain. KC deserves the pain for electing a stupid fuck like Lucas who has NO clue how the private sector works or any clue what WORKING in the private sector means period.
Bandit was right to get the hell out of KC. There are NO towns in south Mo. from Belton further south who are enacting these tyrannical, pernicious and counterproductive policies that have ZERO basis in any logical, predictable outcome.
What a fuckin joke.
I am sure it is still ok for "Peaceful Protestors" to gather.
If ANYONE thinks that the public officials killing off the local economy give a fuck about anything other than power and free money from Washington DC, than you probably also believe that the city should sink another 25 Million into 18th and Vine.
Thank you chuck. That's exactly what I was trying to pry out of him. That boy is dense!
ReplyDeleteFuck the Fascist, lying, totalitarian scum with their diktats, lies and orders from on high.
ReplyDeleteAnd how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."
―Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
^^^ times a thousand!
ReplyDeleteC.S. Lewis said it well,
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
I will not make any deals with you.
ReplyDeleteI've resigned.
I will not be pushed,
debriefed or numbered.
My life is my own.
I resign.
Oo nice. Awesome reference well-used.
DeleteChimpy doesn’t get it though. He's a chimp! Lol
^^remember chuck, you are absolutely free not to war a face mask, go to all the bars, and lick toilet seats until your heart's content. Get the Rona and die chuck. See it's real.
ReplyDeleteWar on Western Culture. All out assault on Christianity.
ReplyDeleteAttacks on the Thanksgiving Holiday.
All while allowing terrorists to vandalize & burn our city center's with any accountability.
Don't worry-- Christmas will be next on their target list. Turning it from a celebration of the birth of Christ to an online shopping weeklong event at Amazon.
Sickening what we are allowing them to do to our culture & moral underpinnings.
What a shame that there is such divisive political material and discontent on this blog at a time when Kansas City should be coming together. The mayor has done the right thing here. You can't run a business when you are dead. We need to get the pandemic under control and worry about people first not just the owners. I see the mayor taking a bold step to the virus under control whereas others are just content to let it spread. The mayor is in the right here and he is doing the best for KC. We can stop covid if we do it together and not with all of these political conspiracies and accusations. Only if we work together can we make Kansas City best. Thank you Mayor Lucas for showing us the way.
ReplyDeleteSilence, tone-deaf lickspittle.
DeleteKC, this is what you get for not getting onboard with recalling the mayor. Now he feels invincible and he is unrestrained in his deeds. Tremble all who stand before him and his terrible power which you gave to him. Know that the destruction that he brings, you endorsed with your silent assent.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever noticed that catastrophes like Katrina, Corona, and forest fires result in disaster in Demonrat run shitholes where population is packed into densely populated areas, public transportation is heavily pushed on that population, violence is promoted and taxes are through the roof? Might there be a connection with jamming a bunch of people into a small area? Not tat I'm condemning New Orleans. Whoever came up with the idea to build a city below sea level and fill it with Demonrats was a damned genius! 😏
ReplyDeleteWill basketball courts be left open?
Or will drive-by's be the only available recreational activity, when there's no school the next day motivating yutes to hit the sack early?
Thought so. Really well thought out plan, there, KCMO.
3:12 Yeah sure, we are all so stupid. The death rate is the same as it has been for months. FOR FUCK'S SAKE WE HAVE "FLATTENED THE CURVE" BACK IN APRIL.
ReplyDeleteClassic Marxists. Rules for thee and not me. Lucas will party with his cronies from City Hall. He really doesn't care about Thanksgiving gatherings per se. He doesn't care who gets infected with Covid, because he knows the science says that there isn't much one can do to keep society from catching this virus. The best that can be done may be trying to protect the most vulnerable.
Rather, this is about conditioning. He wants people to get used to being told what to do, when to do it, and how often they can do it. It is a psychological technique to wear them down, disrupt their notion of what freedom is, and what government's limits are. (Hint: Lucas doesn't think government should have limits.)
That way, when he starts announcing mandatory in home monitoring devices for energy use, gun confiscation orders, etc. people will be used to obeying them.
"You can't run a business when you're dead."
ReplyDeleteIf you can't earn a living and pay your own bills you might as well be dead. Not a lot a people stepping up to do it for you and you are a lazy dumbass if you expect the gubmint to do it. Save your hugs and tears for Oprah Go4KC.
^^but you don't live here and you said trump would win in a landslide. You're really fucking dumb.
ReplyDeleteDr. Fraudici: "It's time to do what you are told"
ReplyDeleteAsk me again why I let KC Millie. This shit is y'all's problem! 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteOk. I'll ask.
DeleteWhy do you let KC Millie ... fuck you in the ass with a broomstick?
It is astonishing that everyone can see the pain, the wrecked business', the depression, the drug abuse, the alcohol abuse, the service industry decimated, close business' leaving the real estate market cratering, the damage done with these "Lockdowns" is real and plain to see, yet, Kansas City keeps electing dumb fuck Democrats who have no idea how to run a fuckin kool-aide stand much less a city government.
ReplyDeleteIf you voted for this cretin and you are suffering under the dictatorial, unenforceable (legally - but of course if the fuckin mayor sends out cops and bureaucrats to fine you and destroy you, the de facto result, is, that it IS enforceable at the point of a gun. It is enforceable in the same way, that you are forced to hand over your wallet and keys to an armed robber. - disgusting), unconstitutional Papal/Mayoral Bulls handed down from on high, than, let's face it, you DESERVE to go out of business and you DESERVE a diminished life and prospects.
Of course you didn't vote for him chuck. YOU LIVE IN PRAIRIE VILLAGE.
Delete3:26 actually he DID win in a landslide, the vote was rigged.
KC deserves every bit of what it's getting right now. I will no longer spend a dime there for goods, services, anything taxable or charity. You know-it-alls can take care of it on your own. Give it another few months and you are going to get a hardcore lesson on the free market and I will laugh my ass off. It's going to take at least a generation for KC to even begin to recover from this self-inflicted clusterfuck. But ya know what? That's your problem!
What do you care, Dumbit, you don't even live here, or so you say.
DeleteLame phishing attempt Millie. Not telling you where the location which is and will remain undisclosed is. Not happening. Don't want any refugees here. Just keep throwing darts at a map and wetting your Hello Kitty footie jammies kid. 😏🍿
ReplyDelete"Not telling you where the location which is and will remain undisclosed is."
DeleteI didn't ask.
Because nobody cares.
P.S. I don't care about KC. I do, however, thoroughly enjoy laughing at Demonrat stupidity and saying I TOL' YA SO!
ReplyDeleteBe sure to pay your property taxes by December 31! You don't want to be delinquent do ya?
Then quit insinuating that you know where it is or making wild guesses. You don't where I am. You won't know where I am. I am having fun laughing at you and watching you pee those pink Hello Kitty footie jammies. End of story.
ReplyDeletePay your taxes and shut up.
But...nobody cares
DeleteHappy hour starts at Noon. Get creative Bring in the 80s Tribute Bands in at 4:PM .
ReplyDeleteWell, completely separate from this post, I found out our large company Christmas party is cancelled. The restaurant it was scheduled for returned the deposit. Not that I gave a chit about hanging out with people I work with, but the food was excellent, and beer tix were plentiful. It also sucks for that restaurant. I don't know the costs directly, but I'd heard some front desk discussion last year that the invoice was ~$15k. That ain't a small bit o' scratch for a restaurant feeding a bunch of people. Only the mentally deficient think "shutting down" is the direction to go. What absolute and utter imbeciles. Fascists all and militarily ignorant to boot.
ReplyDeleteYeah, fuck the wellbeing of other people, 4:37
DeleteFear won the day. Hooray!
DeleteThe well-being of people includes so many things other than being free of one single disease. Physical and mental health, financial welll-being, strong supporting social networks, romantic and familial relationships and many other intangibles, all of which suffer during forced lock-downs. Start caring about the whole person and not just one little facet if you are claiming to be compassionate.
ReplyDeleteIf you're dead that shit doesn't mean a fucking thing.
DeleteCase death rate, 5:01? Let's hear it.
DeleteSkipped all of bandit's inane "Here I am. See me!" wasted print, and pretty sure I didn't miss anything interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnd wasted some of your own. You showed us!
DeleteJust vote NO on the Earnings Tax renewal in April.
ReplyDeleteTypical dumbass democrat mayor, doing typical dumbass democrat shit in a typical dumbass democrat town. He's retarded, but black, so of course he gets a pass and gets to make decisions that will ruin the city's economy.
ReplyDeleteMay I have another Mr mayor?
Average age of people who die with Covid (That's important because most people who actually "die" of Covid, have co - morbidity problems, like diabetes, weight, heart trouble etc. but if the hospitals say it is Covid, they get a hell of a lot more money from the government.) - 78 years old.
ReplyDeleteAverage age of an American when he/she dies - 78 years old.
What a hoax this is.
The Mayor and Rex know it is a hoax and they are still intent on destroying the small business' in this city.
It is all a lie and no, the masks do not work.
ReplyDeleteYou're stuck with that earnings tax folks. Taxes never go away. They just replace them. If it fails they will ram something else through. That's why they put it on the April ballot. Low turnout and the ones that do are zombies that will vote yes. 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm all for the earnings tax now.
ReplyDeleteYet one can still legally butt fuck and pass on HIV, A Pandemic which has killed more people in America, lasted for decades and is embraced and promoted everywhere. Weird
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong 5:49
ReplyDeleteAttorney Sidney Powell is not a crackpot, a nut, or a fraud. The distinguished and tireless lawyer who is General Michael Flynn’s attorney, and who has rooted out government malfeasance and criminality before, has become convinced that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election and she “can’t wait” to prove the voting machines used are at fault.
"President Trump won this election in a landslide. It’s going to be irrefutable. Patriots are coming forward everyday, all day, faster than we can collect their information with testimony they’re willing to give under oath about how their votes were stolen and how the machines operated.
I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence that we have collected on Dominion, starting with the fact that it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez and then shift internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries, including this one.
It was funded by money from Venezuela and Cuba and China has a role in it also, so if you want to talk about foreign election interference we certainly have it now. We have staggering statistical evidence, we have staggering testimony from witnesses including one who was personally in briefings when all this was discussed and planned beginning with Hugo Chavez and how it was designed there. Then saw it happening in this country.
This is essentially a new American revolution. And anyone who wants this country to remain free needs to step up right now. These are federal felonies. Altering a vote or changing a ballot is felony. People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue, report the fraud they know existed in the Dominion voting system because that’s what it was created to do. It was its sole, original purpose. It has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom."
It was rigged and rigged badly.
Is this the same Sidney Powell who's in cahoots with Dennis Montgomery, who thinks a government supercomputer program was used to switch votes from Trump to Biden?
DeleteCan't wait to see THAT "evidence." Montgomery is nutter than a fruitcake.
^^^ and weird/biden guy is still spreading aids with all his butt butt buddies.
ReplyDelete6:12 correct sir!
ReplyDeleteDear Harry Styles,
ReplyDeleteAs I write this, I am gazing at you on the cover of Vogue. You look so camp in that dress. I have long been an ardent admirer and this morning, as I rose from be, threw on my taffeta slippers and went in to douche, I thought, "I bet Harry loves powerful men!" At least I hoped so. So, I threw caution (And some say common sense) to the wind and ordered the entire city, to be shut down once again. Gawd you are so fish! I hope this gets your attention!
Anyway, now you know how I feel and I am hoping you will drag that hot ass of yours to the airport and come here to KC. All of the restaurants will be ready for ANY business they can get and don't worry, I will take you to the best and..., there will be no wait! As a matter of fact, there will be no customers. Just us. Rules are for little people and you and I are special with a capital ASS! Get it?
You will not be disappointed, ain't gonna lie, I ain't no fish!
When you get to this airport, it will be easy to pick me out, I will be the only one there! Business is dead, dead, dead and the night fairylee glitters before us, tumescent with possibilities.
We are going to build a new airport and if you come, I promise I will name it after you! Harry Styles International Airport!
Can't wait to see you!
Love always,
Mayor Lucas
If I’m to believe the numbers for kcmo we have less than 1900 active case, that’s just over .25% of the population. In three days time per cdc guidelines a bunch will drop off after ten days.
ReplyDeleteThe citizens of kcmo proper have been doing a good job all along and mayor mcdumbo and the fat fake dr Rex want to play a game with peoples livelihoods. All in the name of snagging millions of dollars of free money IF China flu dark winter joe does eventually win. But hey, let’s risk peoples lives by playing along with the narrative.
Lucas will easily be reelected. The average kcmo voters cosign for soviet style policies based on their voting habits.
ReplyDelete6:47 is right. Smart business owners will close up now and get out while the getting is still mediocre. Considering that they were talking on Sirius tonight that concert dates won't be scheduled until next Fall at the earliest and they barely let anyone into sporting events that people barely give a crap about it was really stupid to shoot what's left of the tax base in the foot today. Have you considered toll roads yet Q Ball? Just a suggestion, although KC can be bypassed quite easily. Never mind! Go with old faithful and raise taxes. That will fix everything. 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteDon't you live in KC, Bandit?
DeleteThese policies aren't going to save anybody, they're only going to make things worse.
ReplyDeleteI'd say it was incompetence if creating more panic wasn't the point of it all.
Gotta bring the population to its knees in order to rule them more effectively. Quinton should get a nice cabinet post for this.
Not anymore 6:57. Now I'm for every bat shit crazy idea they can come up with that will obliterate it off the map. Welcome to New Detroit! 😏🍿 Do you want salt, butter or both?
ReplyDeleteReally? You don't live here?
And I'm hell bent on propping up anything Q Ball wants to do now. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
ReplyDeleteSave your pennies! You'll need them! 😏🍿
His "decree" specifically says there is no difference between public and PRIVATE property. His order covers both. FUCK HIM. He DOES NOT have that power. TRY to come into my property and count you worthless fuck.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to anybody who hasn't sold already. 😏🍿
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I'm gay as a whistle. 😏🍿
ReplyDelete10:00 pm. What does that do to stop the spread of covid?
ReplyDeleteEnjoying talking to yourself?
ReplyDeleteHave a bad feeling that we'll look back at this 5 years from now and realize that this is how KC went bankrupt.
Limiting Kc business like this has to be one of the worst decisions we've made in years.
ReplyDeleteWhat is so hard about trying to work with businesses to operate safely? Seems like that is a more practical solution.
Ah. More Biden Derangement Syndrome. How cute. Get over it, MAGATS. Trump lost. Sleepy Joe kicked his ass. Stop being whining pussies.
ReplyDeleteNah. Election fraud is apparent everywhere. Too bad for you!
DeleteMore people would care about election fraud if they realized how much power our public officials really have. This order is a good example.
ReplyDeleteSHUT. IT. Down.
ReplyDeleteSave lives.
Wash you hands.
Mask Up.
Carry on.