There's no arguing with a simple fact: Kansas City is a disaster right now.
The campaign season political blame game is working overtime as we approach the November vote but here in this cowtown there have been serious questions about the leadership of Mayor Quinton Lucas from "many sides" of the political spectrum.
From our friends and neighbors on the East side, there has been frustration with Mayor Lucas for his inability to take a bold stand against the KCPD Chief Smith and force a vote on the removal of the top cop.
Small biz leaders throughout the area complain about the double standard of coronavirus restrictions.
And many of our suburban pals and readers regret supporting Mayor Q given this strident advocacy for social justice and willingness to walk hand in hand with Black Lives Matter protesters. With no mask . . . No less.

All of these concerns sparked the recall effort that has now come back around and looks a even more serious at second glance than this snarky blog anticipated.
To wit . . .

In our brief talk with the group we wanted to focus on questions that local MSM didn't cover. Sure, we had some fun jokes at their expense but mainstream reporters from legacy dead-tree media were quick to tag the group as racist without hearing what they had to say . . .
Accordingly . . . In classic post-faux-hipster fashion we ask the TOP FIVE questions about the recall and hope to start the latest & greatest kc political conversation that doesn't involve threats or tough talk but instead continues our quest for knowledge and somewhat-fun-facts . Check-it . . .

TKC: What’ll be different about the recall this time???
"We’re taking a much more deliberate and organized approach. We are running this more like a campaign therefore, we have formed a PAC through the MEC. We recognize the need to be able to reach a much wider audience. We also need to do a better job of conveying our true message and not allow ourselves to be painted into specific corners by politicians who just want to hold on to power. We have a great team in place. We meet weekly and communicate multiple times a day. We are utilizing each of our talents in a more effective and efficient way."
TKC: What did you learn about the recall process???
"We learned during the last recall that it’s a much more difficult undertaking than we thought. We didn’t have a solid plan. None of us had done something like this previously and it showed."
TKC: Why should someone sign up for the recall again???
"We’ve seen the effects of Mayor Lucas’ leadership and policies on our city and it’s been disastrous. Innocent people, most tragically children, have been gunned down in unprecedented numbers just in the short time since Mayor Lucas took office. Over 400 small businesses have had to permanently close their doors, and countless workers have been left unemployed, due to arbitrarily applied health restrictions. Note that not one big box store has ever been investigated or shut down by Mayor Lucas’ Health Department. Under Mayor Lucas’ leadership, the city’s public safety proposed budget has been slashed, which will inevitably make Kansas City and the surrounding areas much less safe. Kansas Citians are hurting like never before and Mayor Lucas continues to turn a blind eye and deaf ear. We just don’t see it getting better and simply cannot afford to wait to vote him out."
TKC: What would you say to somebody who thinks the group is racist???
"It’s interesting to note that during the initial recall, we had many African-Americans sign. Several of the organizers as well as numerous people that signed the first petition voted for Mayor Lucas. There are many areas where Mayor Lucas’ leadership (or lack thereof) has adversely effected all Kansas Citians, whatever their race or background. It’s also important for Kansas Citians to know that we have begun the vetting process for a new KC Mayor. The potential candidates are racially diverse. If any of your readers are interested in running for Mayor we would love the opportunity to talk with them."
TKC: A lot of skeptics disagreed with the pro-Trump sentiments posted in the Facebook group despite their own frustration with Mayor Quinton Lucas . . . Given that Jackson County traditionally votes Democrat, how will you reach out to voters who might support the recall but not Prez Trump???
"We have a new Facebook page. There is an inherent problem with trying to coordinate a Facebook group. That is that anyone can post anything at any time. We’re doing our best to police the posts and comments to keep things on topic, but every once in a while, something slips through. Our recall effort has absolutely nothing to do with President Trump or any other national politician. This isn’t a democratic or republican issue. Our sole focus, for now, is recalling Mayor Lucas so that a new leader, who truly cares about Kansas Citians, can be elected and help our city begin to heal."
######################################Here's the group's website with links to their social media outlets as well . . .

Tonight, the group will launch an evening kick-off rally at Repeal 18th and North Kansas City 6:30 PM
Developing . . .
Looks like they have things more organized this time. That's a good thing. Forming a PAC is the right way to go and will give them more flexibility. I think a lot of people from the across the metro would be willing to support the effort, too.
ReplyDeleteSo does this means that Jolie is coming back?
DeleteAw HELLZ NO!
Wow! Until they answer the big question--with whom do they plan to replace Lucas--this movement should generate support from literally tens of people!
ReplyDeleteThis is a multiple step process. We are beginning to vet candidates. If anyone has possible candidates or suggestions of people who would be great leader for Kansas City please send them our way. But keep in mind first things first we have to recall the current mayor before we can get a new mayor.
DeleteMayor McDrinkerson! It looks like the people are upset. Is it time to go back to being a professor/impaired driver?
ReplyDeleteHe was never a professor. Even though KU is worthless and run by homosexuals for homosexuals, they do have standards.
DeleteThis is going nowhere.
ReplyDeleteGet out and support this cause. This mayor should have had major push back after he sided and kneels with rioters who destroyed the city and the BLM group who is pushing racism and hatred against white people. Then there is the fact that he has to be stealing money by saying the city is broke and not fixing streets and other infrastructure. City hall itself needs to be cleaned out, getting rid of one person is not going to help. These people are sick and Kansas City looks like a gang infested dumpster with the new so called art (graffiti) There is also the art show or whatever that is going to happen but the Plaza lights can't?
Clean house KC.
They should get a better PR firm for sure.
ReplyDelete"Guys, you should start by getting an interview with the most racist, hate-filled website in town. It'll put you over the top!"
Wouldn't it be silly to announce a candidate when the signature gathering hasn't even started? IMO it could possibly be career suicide for prospected candidates. You just never know who they might be.
ReplyDeleteForget it Jake, it's (Kansas City) China Town.
ReplyDeleteMeet the new boss, same as the old boss.
8:26: And yet that's information an informed citizenry needs. Weird.
ReplyDeleteIf your Democrat Mayor, destroyed small business, locked you down in your house, make you wear masks for no reason, and, you still vote for him, you are NOT a redneck, cause rednecks are not that stupid.
ReplyDeleteAnd replace him with...whom? Everyone who might replace Lucas as mayor is a flaming liberal, so it would end up being more of the same, or worse. Stick with the devil you do know over the devil you don't know.
ReplyDeleteThe city is broke, Sly James, Troy Shulte and their downtown over everything else ensured that.
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing more than a coven of angry, whining MAGATs. “Recall the Mayor,” but don’t have a fucking clue who should replace him? You fools are wasting (y)our time. You lost the KC Mayoral election and are just about to be pulverized in the upcoming Presidential race. Just move to JOCO already...
ReplyDeleteYep, that murder record and gross incompetence makes me sleepy too.
Delete9:20 A coven, you say! How Halloweenish of you! Seriously, none of us in the Northland care about this recall. We are really insulated to problems that plague you people south of the river. All we care about up here is our own environment; our lawns kept clean and neat, our neighbors are taken care of, etc. We like to cook BBQ and hang out and drink beers with the neighbors and go to the lake on the weekends after we check in on our 401ks. Most of us had no problem working through the pandemic, so....This mayor recall. meh. That's a you problem.
ReplyDeleteGod’s speed, gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteGod’s speed ain’t fast enough. God is old and he don’t move too fast sometimes. There was also that little stunt with the Ark and all the floods. We need Quinton gone now.
DeleteYou devilish white folks have lost your minds.
ReplyDeleteThis ain’t about race. We didn’t recall either Cleaver or James, who were black worthless mayors just like Quinton. Maybe this is about homosexuality.
Delete"Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThey should get a better PR firm for sure.
"Guys, you should start by getting an interview with the most racist, hate-filled website in town. It'll put you over the top!"
10/16/20, 8:24 AM"
And what would they have done for you, exactly, except tell you to fuck off?
ReplyDeleteYou read this little sordid, racist, hate-filled rathole of the internet and think everybody's with you or something? Guess again.
Nothing you do this time is going to make anything different. Hanging around closed restaurants was a brilliant move. Lots of foot traffic there!
Recall? The combined IQ of these organizers is less than that of the Mayor. Maybe you guys can run a MAGA no mask candidate to replace Lucas???
ReplyDeleteHow would you know anything thing about any organizers IQ? This is an entirely new group. Clearly you didn’t read the article you Dundore stand this is nothing to do with any national politician. It’s not a Republican or Democratic issue.
DeleteHow would you know anything thing about any organizers IQ? This is an entirely new group. Clearly you didn’t read the article you would understand this is nothing to do with any national politician. It’s not a Republican or Democratic issue.
Maybe we can get that Trump guy as Mayor - he's going to be looking for a job after January 21st.
ReplyDeleteAnd he's going to need one, his creditors are taking everything he has except the giant Clown suit on his back.
We have other candidates in mind but thanks for the suggestion.
DeleteOh great, I smell the stale stench of yet another glorious Clay Chastain candidacy.
DeleteNot a chance in hell. We have some people in mind but are looking for others who will step up and let us know they’re interested in the job. We’re looking for someone who won’t do better for the city and all her citizens
ReplyDelete9:39 just remember, eventually the mob will come for you too! All KC has to be in this recall effort together, it’s not just the problem of south of the river!
ReplyDeleteMayor Lucas bought himself a Diet Coke! This should have been put to a vote for the citizens to decide!
ReplyDeleteAlso, you guys need to reread the first amendment. Congress didn't pass any laws abridging your rights to free speech, and your petition fell flat.
What? Stop trying to be funny, it's not your skill set.
DeleteAlso, we can make as many petitions as we like.
I hope that this recall effort is successful, but what is the succession protocol for a displaced, disgraced mayor in KCMO? If nothing else they should should also remove Frank White. The demonstrations downtown infringe upon the rights of citizens and courts to conduct their duly required official business with both the city and county. Chaining doors shut without being held accountable is allowing the lunatics to run the asylum's that are KC and Jaxco. They also cause a violation of safety issues like access by EMT's, firefighters and police or security if someone had an illness or if there was an accident or a fire in City Hall or the Jaxco Court House. These are legitimate concerns and they should not go without the required punishment, I don't care what color they are. The rights of the whole are just as important as the rights of the few. Get a spine McNeely!
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou are a horrible human being for even posting this nasty rhetoric. The mayors color or sexual orientation has zero to do with the recall. Please don’t join our group or sign the petition."
Hey! Byron Funhouser! Good to see you, bud!
Two possibilities come to mind. This is a front for a certain out-of-town agitator or a recent mayoral candidate who is a sore loser and would like to use the Covid crisis to impose martial law or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Or both.
ReplyDeleteLickass needs a couple Johnson County woke Karen's some BLM illiterates and some fat girls from the lake to take s knee on a red X painted in the street by the last murder.
ReplyDelete2:25. The other possibility and the only realistic one is this is a group of concerned citizens who are concerned about the devastating effect that allowing the utterly incompetent boy blunder to continue his misbegotten administration of KC will have on the community. They wish to save their home from a disaster.
ReplyDeleteRight on target! Glad to see that there are people on here with some reading comprehension
DeleteNo, 3:15, martial law! Plandemic! 85% of mask wearers get COVID! Joe Biden aborts babies with his teeth Bill Gates planned all this he's going to implant a chip in us to track our moves and turn us into Communist Antifa remember when the Deep State ran a hit piece on Dr. Stella Immanuel about believing that vaccines had alien DNA, Reptilians ran the world and the Nephilim had sex with humans? Well? How long do you think a virus could be manufactured to stay dormant before activating or do you think a dormant but deadly virus could be injected into a body and then triggered by something else, maybe 5G sequestering DNA I would be happy with a Trump regime for the next 20 years fighting the domestic terrorist group we call the Demoncrat Party Hillary, Omaba and Biden and all of their cronies are about to be in prison for a reason.
ReplyDeleteBut you still believe the Russia hysteria. Lol
DeleteSee? All that typing and you get dunked on with one line
Don't let the perfect stand in the way of the good enough. Throw the bums out until we find one who doesn't suck. See ya, Quinton.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead mount your racist recall vote, black voters will not allow Lucus to be removed from office just to satisfy a group of white people who at too stupid to try to avoid Covid 19.
ReplyDeleteWe have to stop pandering to the lowest common denominator of society, namely the brain washed democratic supporting free shit army. They are going to be the death of this once great country. MAGA indeed. Look around tax prayers were are going to get more and more screwed if you all continue to vote for demoncrats.
ReplyDelete3:15: Pardon my cynicism, but a group who claims "this is a group of concerned citizens who are concerned about the devastating effect that allowing the utterly incompetent boy blunder to continue his misbegotten administration of KC will have on the community" and yet who took no action when Sly James was concentrating the vast majority of the city's revenue on downtown and completely ignoring neighborhoods seems to me to be a tad disingenuous. And perhaps even a group of citizens concerned that the gravy train is now passing them by.
ReplyDeleteThat’s fair. I can’t speak for everyone but if I’m being honest I never realized how important local politics until recently. Better late than never. Now that I’m paying attention it’s time to do something about the mess we are in.
DeleteAnd what would that something be?
ReplyDelete6:24 times a gazillion trillion billion million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNot giving them any money, but where do I sign?