In a surprising political turn of events, Prez Trump is garnering a great deal of support from Latino dudes.

There's a lot of theories about support for the Trump Administration among Latinos but, of course it's the "machismo" angle that sparks the imaginations of white people across the nation. For any 30-to-40-something white ladies reading this screed . . . It's all true. SEND NUDES!!! (No fatties . . . Okay, fatties too!!!)

Also, once again we remind our readers that the term Latinx doesn't really exist and it's only a passive-aggressive political trick that might have helped push some Hispanics against progressives. 

But I digress . . .

The point here is that despite tough talk (or maybe because of it) Prez Trump has won respect from Latino voters. His progress has more to do with policy and his swagger . . . Not just recent, cheeky bean promo . . . 

Check just a bit of statistical support for edification . . .

538: Trump Is Losing Ground With White Voters But Gaining Among Black And Hispanic Americans

New York Times: The Macho Appeal of Donald Trump

Politico: Biden’s weakness with Black and Latino men creates an opening for Trump

And so, here's our exclusive for Monday . . .


The letter is signed by former Kansas City councilman Bob Hernandez, Guadalupe Center leader Cris Medina and Harvard educated lawyer Ramón Murguía.

Because TKC is a Westsider and Latino we're being snarky with our headlines and this write-up BUT it's fair to say that these men are the most prominent Latino leaders in Kansas City and throughout the Midwest. Already we've had some messages about this note that's sending shock waves throughout the KCMO urban core.

Here are the highlights . . .  

"The three of us who are writing to you today have spent our careers fighting for the rights and dignity of Hispanics . . . in local government, in family social support, in education and in the justice system. All of this, and more, has been under sustained assault by [President] Donald Trump.

The conclusion . . .

"Fortunately, we have a great alternative. Joe Biden is an honorable and tested man . . . Hispanic groups have endorsed him. And Biden sees Trump for what he is — a racist fraud. "

More endorsements . . .

"Trump must go and so must his Republican enablers.

"Our own Democratic Congressman Emanuel Cleaver has stood with us for 40 years. Marching against racial injustice. Battling Jackson County's unfair tax assessments. Helping dreamers and new arrivals. He is our ally and our friend. [Congressman] Emanuel Cleaver deserves our vote.

"We're also voting for Democratic Nicole Galloway for Governor against Republican Mike Parson. She will restore honesty and accountability to Missouri.

"Please join us in this battle for the future of our families and our country. Vote. "

Here's the letter in its entirety . . . FIRST on TKC:

You decide . . .


  1. TKC, you point it our but you should emphasize it more. They are contradicting the MSM narrative. They are Hispanic men against Trump. Show's that a lot of the reporting on the so-called trend is absolutely wrong.

    Think about it!

    1. Election stunts everywhere, you have to give them credit. They saw an opening and they took it. I guess the paper might pick it up sometime next week.

    2. Well, good on you for going with "amigos" over bad hombres.

  2. Consider the source(s).

  3. ^^^ Better than some anonymous troll on a 3rd rate blog.

  4. Can German or Irish or Italian descendants have government funded organizations?

  5. ^^^ Yeah, it's called the government. Enjoy your white welfare, b*tch.

  6. I think it was the bean, I'm going with the beans. Didn't sit right!

  7. What is the payoff for those three men for trying to keep local Hispanics on the Democrat plantation? Here is a clue. The Democrats will never respect you until you show them that you have the stones to walk. Otherwise they will continue to piss all over you between election cycles.

  8. Sharice Davids manicured muff10/26/20, 10:41 AM

    Nobody cares who is backing sleepy joe

    the fact of the matter is the Trump team will be cheating this election so the votes and all this grandstanding wont matter

  9. "Joe Biden is an honorable and tested man..."

    And no doubt, these guys would tell ya that the Titanic is STILL unsinkable, encourage you to let your daughters date Joran van der Sloot while smoking crack with Hunter Biden.

    The Biden crime family is right up there with the Clinton Foundations in terms of a "pay for play" selling out of America, it's military secrets and the corruption of it's (America's) foreign policy. Just because you won't hear the news on CNN, NPR, The New York Times, or, ANY MEDIA OUTLET THAT SUPPORTS DEMOCRATS (95% of them), doesn't mean it isn't real.

    Biden is a clear and present danger to the security, safety and future of all Americans and the evidence is categorical. There are videos, time lines, context, anecdotal evidence, documentation, witness testimony, audio, legal transcripts and if you don't wanna see it, put your fingers in your ears and pretend that he is an "Honorable" man.

    He is a traitor, a crook and on his best day, rises to the status of scofflaw.

    1. You could say the same thing about your hero Donnie, chuck. Except all the videos, time lines, context, anecdotal evidence, documentation, witness testimony, audio, legal transcripts would be true.

    2. 12:03 looking for the deflection, fails.

  10. I regrettably voted for Obama, but the Democrats have gone off the deep end. They’ve become the party of lies, lawlessness, very late-term abortions, violence destroying once great American cities, high taxes on our paychecks to pay for socialist wet dreams, weak military, open borders, free healthcare for illegal aliens at taxpayer expense, defunding the police, sanctuary cities, taking away guns, sending $1.7 billion of our taxpayer dollars on pallets to Iranian radical leaders so they can kill more of our troops, packing the Supreme Court, and more idiotic ideas. No thanks.

    1. I regrettably voted for Obama, but the Democrats have gone off the deep end.

      Isn't this about the 60th time you've posted this here?

      Yes. Yes it is.

  11. Yesterday, Lyin' Hidin' Biden called Trump by the name of "George" during a TV interview, apparently thinking he's running against George W. Bush. Wow ... that man's rapidly shrinking brain train has left the station.

  12. "I wouldn't put it past Joe to fu*k things up."
    -- Barack Hussein Obama

  13. Who gives a fuck what three Latin maricons from Kansas City have to say? Deport them.

  14. ^^Better question: who gives a fuck what a bunch of geriatric fucktards on TKC think? Euthanize them all!

  15. ^^^^It's them asshole that still pay into the pot that allows you to sit on your ass all day doing nothing.

  16. Did Ramon ever get on his seester in law, Ann?

  17. This wouldn't have happened if a Trump built that wall like he promised!


  18. Fantastic, of course. Great to see they get it. But why wouldn't they? They're smart and they see the utter ignorance to the point of reckless stupidity with this President and his political party.

    Let's do this, folks. Vote! And VOTE BLUE!! #BlueWave2020

    86 45!


    1. It's too bad that Joe lost those swing states then lol

  19. I ran several of Boomer Hater/Geezer/Pops/Geriatric Fu*ktard/Old People/Weird/CHUD boy's comments through an online age detection app for written materials and it showed in the results that he is only 10 years old. You can tell his age by his lack of writing skills and his frequent temper tantrums. I'm guessing he dropped out of elementary school, and his mother doesn't know what to do with him. For his welfare, we’ve started a GoFundMe page titled “Save the 10-Year-Old Dumbass."

  20. Who are these "THREE AMIGOS" and why should I care what they think? Three wanna be Latino dudes who wouldn't know good salsa from from that shit that Taco Bell shoves out calling sauce. They'd do better opening a taco truck and staying the hell out of politics. But like their politics they are trying to sell I wouldn't buy their crap food either.

  21. The Chinese Communists, who started the wave of COVID death across the globe, want Biden-Harris to win so they can only deal with stupid negotiators again and own even more of America. I'm sure they're funding their campaign through undetectable means. They'll throw a big party in China if Blunderin’ Biden wins. Just like Iran. And Trump has been harder on Russia than Obama-Biden. He sent the Ukrainians missiles to protect themselves while Obama-Biden sent them blankets. A Biden/Harris administration will destroy America.

  22. Gosh what a surprise. Three politically connected Hispanics endorse every Democrat they can think of in a Democrat dominated city. If they were Polish or Armenian they would do the same. Otherwise, the Party (uh I mean City) might cut back on the free stuff.

  23. I thought we were done with Ramon:

    1. ^^^

      Wrong person dip stick.

  24. They are on the payola somewhere. No one, with a
    mind of their own, cares how they vote. I am guessing, if they’re voting for Biden, they are slippery.

  25. All of these Trump tears are making me laugh. Fun times.

    1. Wait, what? Joe thinks he's running against Bush. Lol

  26. About the 120th time you have commented on it.

  27. 12:03 Sure Einstein, the laptop is not Hunter's. He didn't sign for it, the Russians did in a Hunter Biden costume. The owner of the computer repair shop is a Russian agent. The IP addresses of the people on it, from the Ukraine, Russia, Moscow, China and Kazakhstan don't match and they were not emailing back and forth with Hunter and company about deals they were going to do with Joe's help as VP. There are no pictures of Hunter smoking crack with hoes and no pictures of his 14 year old niece and no comments from Hunter about parading around naked, smoking crack in front of her and the Chinese DON'T have copies. There are no emails confirming that Joe is "The big guy" and no emails that specifically ask people not refer to Joe when orchestrating these "Deals" because Joe Biden is paranoid about being caught. There are no pictures of Joe, Hunter et al with officials from Burisma and pictures of Joe with officials from Kazakhstan. There is no time line that co-ordinates perfectly with Joe's geographical position which would indicate he was there for the decisions that illegally benefitted his family by way of "Pay for Play" maneuvers that euchred money out of American taxpayers into the pockets of the Communist Chinese, Burisma et al. There is no technology transfer of "Vibration" science to the Communist Chinese -

    I could go on, but sure moron, there is NO SCANDAL AT ALL.

  28. Chuck, don’t present Dimwits with facts. They deal in emotions only.

  29. If MoRage backs someone you know right then and therr to not ever vote for that person.

  30. Tres maricons

  31. Are we supposed to be impressed with the guy that is a "Harvard Educated" lawyer ?

    I bet the very same white people Mr. Harvard Educated hates; paid for his Harvard tuition with their tax dollars. Meanwhile the white taxpayers also had to pay for their own white kids college tuition because white students don't receive special government treatment

    So this fuck head gets a free ride and now he supports the Marxist Democrat looters and arsonists that hate America. Typical.

  32. The three alleged Latino leaders mentioned one knows them. They may have been well known at one time but that was about 35 years ago. And Democrats are all about BLM . Not Latinos.

  33. Anyone "Harvard educated" is a tool of jooz.

  34. The "Three Amigos" wear Depends like Joe Biden.

    When your salary and occupations is to suck off the taxpayer's tit like these guys; then of course your are going to support BIG government.

  35. In the first bullet point of their letter they refer to Federal Law Enforcement as "Armed White Supremists" Three racist assholes who hate white people and are trying to incite a race war. Nice.

  36. Joe Biden is a chinese asset.

    That's all.

  37. So, Trump’s a Russian asset and you didn’t care. Don’t expect us to care now.

  38. JO Biden Inc.40 years of corruption is over. And he is hiding in his Basement what kind of leader is SLEEPY JOE .

  39. Biden’s malfunctionin’ noggin
    Is covered with terrifyin’ hair-pluggin’
    As his mind is glidin’
    Into the dark horizon
    And he’s in deep with his lyin’
    And shouldn’t be presidin’.

  40. Boring....these guys are desperate to be relevant again. Too bad the people they "represent" have left them behind.

  41. Doesn't matter who wins/loses. USA is so deep in debt, our kids are going to live much poorer unhappy lives. Fewer jobs, less pay. Skyrocketing house prices. No company pensions. Mostly service jobs. Hi-tech is going overseas.

    Expect HUGE federal tax increases. Cuts in Social Security. Outlawing and the heavy taxing of Roth IRA's. Estates to be taxes if over $500,000. in value. Luxury taxes on cars (remember those from the 1980's)?

    Since the early 1960's we have ignored SS and national debt from wars.


  42. they of course mentions Trumps cages for children..

    actually , those cages were built by the Barry/Bidet scam administration in 2014.


  43. Shocking Revelation!!! These 3 assholes proclaim Hiden Biden has been endorsed by the ...wait for it...UAW!!!

    yep, those Democrat greedy union slob scamming weasels making big $$ off American consumers..cranking out worthless P O S clunkers for American consumers to drive..while fiercely wavinb the flag..saying Buy American!

  44. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!

  45. These three are the leaders at Taco Bell on Troost. I wouldn’t eat there just as a Democrat will never be elected to either house or the presidency. When I see losers like these three it confirms my joy in voting the Republican ticket.

  46. Just think of how many years George Trump has been lying to America about his name!

  47. Wetback Hater10/26/20, 4:38 PM

    Guess what MAGATs! I'm the least racist person on TKC comments!

  48. I am George Soros. I am proud to be a former investor in KCSI Industries. I am going to run for President. Will you please vote for me? I will place Bullivard Beer in all the city drinking fountains. Thank you

  49. Poor whittle MAGATs. Don't wike it when mean, old, nasty brown people don't fall in wuv with Dear Leader? Ahhhhhh. Bless your precious hearts.

  50. I saw one of these guys polishing his dolphin on a Zoom call and it really excited me.

    Andy Cooper and Don’t Lemmon

  51. I saw Trump's personal lawyer vigorously fondling himself in front of an underage girl.

  52. Where's former Kansas City municipal Judge Victor M. Rocha?

    I would love to hear his knowledgeable input, as he contributed to the Latino community and his wife Catherine served as the city clerk for many years.

    Tony, maybe you could search him out and get his respected opinion? Thanks.

  53. Joe sold us to china.

  54. Trump has a secret Chinese bank account FUNDED by China.

    1. Wrong, again, Hunter.

    2. 538 A Secret business bank account found listed in his secret.

  55. I love Joe's comment on 60 minutes "He doesn't know who he is running against". Well Joe you sure as hell don't either. Now to the point of the TKC bullshit, we will never ever move forward on reducing or eliminating (not possible) racism with the crap these three are pulling. They are as bad as Stacy whats her name. Keep stoking the fires of racism and wonder why they still exist. I admit I have prejudices but none against people I don't know and none against any race.

  56. That is three real dumb Mexicans.

  57. Watch Tucker Carlson on Fox next two nights interview a Biden business associate with a consciousness.

  58. According to a source familiar with the planning, Bobulinski will play recordings of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet and claiming Bobulinski's revelations will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas deals.

    Sean Davis
    BREAKING: Tucker Carlson's show tomorrow night will be devoted entirely to an interview with Tony Bobulinksi, the Biden family insider-turned-whistleblower whose explosive e-mails show that Joe Biden himself was deeply involved in Hunter's foreign business dealings.

  59. Joe biden sold out our spies to china and they were all executed, but at least Joe and hunter made a killing.

  60. To hell with Biden, anyone who endorses Carwash Cleaver checks their smarts at the door. Gawd, KC is an effed up mess.

  61. Just what America needs, a President who sold our military "Vibration" Tech to the Chinese Communists and lined his pockets with the bribe money.

    In any sane world, Joe Biden would be "Lawyering up" today, indicted tomorrow, arrested the day after and working on bail and a plea deal the day after that. It's disgusting how in lock step, the Main Stream Media, the Deep State, the DNC and the entertainment industry are.

    Washington DC is the most corrupt city in world history. You can get killed in Somalia faster, but as far as dirty money changing hands, DC is the fuckin radix malorum. These three empty suits telling everyone that Joe is an "Honorable Man" is pathetic.

    He is a traitor to his nation, a crook and runs a crime family that sells every single American down the tube at every opportunity there is to cash in.

    That was F-35 technology that he sold to the Chinese, that they now use on their fighter jets.

    Joe should have chosen Bowe Bergdahl for his VP.

  62. Good to see you UP, Chuck!

    I can see a couple of posts here by you as "Chuck", and one as "Retro Rocker". but where's your other handle, "Bandit"?

    C'mon "Chuck" - we want to hear what "Bandit" thinks!
    Troll one out for us, "Bandit"!

  63. Biden for prison!

  64. Sure chuck typical Trumpturds response, didn’t see your post concerning the Russian bounties places on our troops heads and Trump knowing and doing nothing. You also kept that mellifluous mouth shut when he called the dead troops losers and suckers. You were also conspicuously silent when he shit-mouth two Gold-Star parents. Your hypocrisy really knows no bounds. So excuse us when we disregard anything you have to say about the Biden family, while ignoring the most corrupt administration this country has ever seen your silence on these matters renders anything you have to say irrelevant. Go fuck yourself CHUD.

  65. Putin endorsed your idol, Creepy Joe. I wonder why?

  66. My name is Joe Biden. I sold my country out so my family could get rich. Whoops, I think I pooped myself.

  67. Creepy Sleepy Joe: If you don't vote for me, you ain't beaners!


  68. Headline should read:

    "Three Stooges Support Joe Biden"

    Larry, Curly and Moe issue racist screed.

    Do these three idiots realize that Biden is owned by Communist China and will continue to ship manufacturing jobs to China that will hurt working class Hispanic men and women who need jobs.

    These Democrat Party Bosses do not have the best interest in mind of the people they supposedly represent. The Democrat Party Bosses are just trying to protect their jobs and flow of funds to their own pockets.


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