Police and political patience with protesters camped out on the city hall front lawn seems to have paid off given that every reasonable wanted a peaceful conclusion to this Kansas City demonstration that has garnered headlines across the nation.
Today the protest marks 3 weeks and counting with very little progress on demands and far fewer supporters backing the effort.
To be fair, there are more than a handful of diehard denizens of "the people's city" who seem committed to staying on the front lawn until ultimatums for police firings, de-funding law enforcement and systemic change are met.
However, there's no denying that the number of protesters has sharply declined. In fact . . .
The tents with no inhabitants have been rumored for quite some time but now the situation seems to be more obvious. TKC brief aside . . . This isn't such a bad thing given our concern for the safety of protesters given no running water for hand-washing and restrooms amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Insiders pointed us to this post that's unchallenged on a protest leader's fan page . . .
Again . . .
This demonstration sparked tempers and threats not so long ago and the inevitable conclusion not with a bang but with a whimper might be the best outcome for everybody.
Developing . . .
Have also seen the tents flying around. Three weeks is a hell of a camp out.
ReplyDeleteThey might have had more luck if the defund police wasn't attached to their demands.
Vacation is over. Sorry.
DeleteAt least they got out there and did something during the pandemic. How many other people can say the same? They stood up for what they believe in and wanted to make change. Everybody else spent this time just crying and moaning about how their lives were so hard. These people protested and got attention for the cause around the world. That is powerful.
ReplyDeleteI wish them luck. They should be proud of what they accomplished.
This post is far too cynical. I can only agree that if it comes to a conclusion, I'm glad it's peaceful.
We have a constitutionally protect right to protest. That's exactly what they're doing!
DeleteKool-aid a little strong this morning?
Protest for a woman who was drunk, almost 9 months pregnant and who attacked the police?
DeleteSo proud!
Your typical pregnant black woman with no daddy so tax payers can foot the bill. And drunk while pregnant. What a joke she is.
DeleteBravo ... they wasted a lot of time and helped spread COVID during the pandemic, helping Lyin' Hidin' Biden talk more about the number of cases increasing during the debate. The leftover funky body odor smell at the location will remain for years to come.
ReplyDeleteI work in city hall and watch this little shit show every day. Let’s count the things they actually accomplished:
ReplyDelete1. They destroyed the lawns.
2. They shit between the tall grass and concrete wall.
3. There are regular shoving matches between homeless people.
4. The trash in that area has piled up.
5. They proved they were what everyone thought they were, grifters.
6. Stacy Shaw will probably lose her license to practice law.
7. That stupid loudmouth kid got arrested for throwing paint.
8. Reduced any chance of anyone actually helping in the future.
What they didn’t do:
1. Rick Smith is still chief.
2. The PD funding wasn’t cut in half.
3. The officer wasn’t funded.
4. Accomplish a damn thing.
The same happened to me and my organization. We brought supplies and were surprised to find no organizers there other than (two)homeless people.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you bring supplies? Are you a burn down america follower?
ReplyDeleteThey accomplished nothing.
LOLZ this dumpy town can't even do a proper protest
ReplyDeleteTimes are tough and people should take care of themselves
ReplyDeletedon't forget to shave
Ate you sure there's a landing strip there. I think more like a pole vault.
DeleteShucks. You're kidding! Meant to drop off a pallet of supplies (popsicles) down there yesterday, but got called into work. Hope they cleaned up after themselves before they gave up.
ReplyDeleteThey did not clean up after themselves . There's shit and pee everywhere.
DeleteThe smart people knew what this was all about and ended just as we said it would. Stacy Shaw should be sent a bill and be forced to pay it for the costs of all the repair work and clean up that will need to take place here at this location.
ReplyDeleteIf these fools want to protest then they are going to pay their own way.
She was hoping for a lawsuit to retire on. Acts like SJW . She really was counting on that lawsuit money.
Delete8:05 lulz!
ReplyDeleteIf Trump supporters camped out in tents on the courthouse lawn the media would have called them a militia threatening city government.
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden would have called them a bunch of "Poor Boys" stirring up trouble like he did last night.
Come'on Man, if the Proud Boys are such a huge threat to the United States, then why can't you even get the name right.
It's because no one had heard of the Proud Boys until Chrissy Wallace and Biden tried to stir up race division as usual as a last resort when they lose a debate.
Biden was so desperate last night he even had to throw in Hitler in the debate last night claiming FDR was cozy with Hitler until Hitler invaded Europe.
ReplyDeleteWhen Stacy Shaw tried to hold an illegal tent sale at City Hall, the KCPD declared EVERYTHING MUST GO and ALL SHILLS FINAL!!!
A friend went down to encourage protesters to keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteHe went down with millions of dollars to hand out- coffee and big RVs to help them and park them all over.
He could not believe Stacy wasn’t around. He asked the one person who was there where everyone was.
The one person said since all the cameras and publicity was gone - they considered it a victory and left.
Moral: Threaten people and lose all support... if you had any except the media.
Shut it down, remove the empty tents. No violence needed. Just get a leaf blower.
ReplyDeleteRecent polls suggest Trump victory.
ReplyDeleteSome suggest the Hunter Biden Burismo story affected voters and realize if Biden is elected he will likely be impeached immediately and have hearing that last years. Harris would be president.
America does not have the stomach to support Hunter Biden and his lack of credentials while working for a Russian company while Joe Biden was president. This is shameful the Democrats could not muster a better candidate.
Look for indictments soon and ask yourself this?
Why has the media failed to inform the public what prosecutors are working on right now with Hunter and Joe Biden?
Do you know the Democrat party founded the KKK?
Do you realize the Republican Party ended slavery over Democrat objections?
Fact check this and you decide:
Candace Owens should be a Trump cabinet member now and President in 2024.
“If Trump supporters camped out in tents on the courthouse lawn the media would have called them a militia threatening city government.“
ReplyDeleteNot true, they would have called them racist white supremacists and they would demand Trump disavow them and call them a terrorists organization and then have the feds come in and forcibly remove them, that’s what they would have done because mayor mckneely is racist.
ReplyDeletewonder who paid for all those tents?..most look identical..and, for sure,the protesters aren't outdoorsy, camping types.
another Soros scam?
Tent dwellers, thanks for the pee and poop smell left behind -- perhaps the greatest contributions you'll ever make to humanity!
ReplyDelete9:51 is off their meds again. someone help.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I see one of the Boogaloo Bois by the name of Ivan Hunter was charged with shooting up Minneapolis 3rd Precinct (which he helped set on fire) and screaming "Justice for Floyd".
But Hunter, amirite?
Yes, Hunter's laptop is still radioactive with evidence. Happy to help.
DeleteIs the new momma standing in rain waiting for her check for being an idiot in a town with a government with no balls.
ReplyDelete11:25, the Boogaloo Bois (however named) helped riot against the police during the George Floyd protests, and are strongly anti-police and anti-governement. They are more like than unlike BLM.
ReplyDeleteBS the BLM and leftist would have fought with them. Idiot
DeleteHow about your short dicksicles????
ReplyDeleteGive ‘em some tent stakes and let ‘em use Stacey’s panties for a canopy.
ReplyDelete^^^^^ Can you even begin to grasp the funk that would come from those?
ReplyDeleteI remember being at Mizzou around 1987 and they were protesting investment in Africa. When it got cold no slept in the tents overnight and they mysteriously all burned. End of tent city.
ReplyDeleteAbout as much commitment as their willingness to hold jobs.
ReplyDeleteHarry Cox says:
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden showed what a bumbling, fumbling career politician he is during last night's debate. Now Joe is back hide'in in the basement today.
Biden was starting to lose his train of thought and make more verbal mistakes as the debate went on. I wish it would have lasted for three hours. He would have been a total basketcase by then. We're all doomed if he negotiates with world leaders for more than an hour.
ReplyDeleteBunch of snowflakes that can't handle the weather. And we are supposed to take them seriously? Now go back to your parents house who actually work and pay the bills.
ReplyDeleteRecent poll asked 100 random people who said they will vote but have t made up their minds- Name one thing Joe Biden has accomplished in over 45 years of being in Washington. Here are the top answers:
ReplyDelete1. Helped poor kids in the Country of Burismo.
2. Talked Hunter down from the cliff.
3. Touched women inappropriately and loved it.
4. Helped get that plane lost if cash to Iran.
5. Butt f****d editors of the media so they would give him good press.
6. Promised the media stock in Burismo.
7. Told the Russians to hire Hunter... because he showed a lot of penis.. then corrected himself to promise... but admitting he was right the first time .
8. Collected houses like in Monopoly. Showed Hunter how to touch women.
9. Picked the first Democrat candidate to quit the race... wanted someone dumb who flunked her first bar exam.
10. Picked a woman who never had kids but bragged she raised her husbands 20-somethings. That’s weird.
I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message. Joe “basement “ Biden.. son of Burismo Hunter.
Jim Rowland got LESS votes than Funkenhouser in the Mayor's election. i still laughing.
ReplyDeleteThey certainly didn't have JOBS they went to!
ReplyDeleteIf they hurry the can still return them to wal-mart.
ReplyDeleteIs the pregnant girl knocked up again yet. Hood rat gestation period is 7 months if the man is a new one.
ReplyDeleteFirst night it got close to freezing, these might social warriors threw up the white flag. They arrived on our pristine lawn. Shit and pissed all over it, ran out of freebies and endured the slightest discomfort and left it for the very people they hate to clean up. Sounds like their entire political platform. Imagine a society without them in it. Now imagine a society without the cops. You choose. If you're still thinking about it, you're an idiot.
ReplyDeleteShaw never camped at the courthouse.