Kansas City urban outrage continues in the aftermath of a pregnant lady arrested amid chaotic circumstances and as an officer placed a knee on the young woman's back.
Accordingly . . .
So far the police seem to be keeping a close eye on the situation but haven't moved to clear the scene.
A quick statement via social media . . .
"WE ARE NOT LEAVING CITY HALL UNTIL RICK SMITH IS FIRED!! #occupycityhall #share Demands: Fire Rick Smith and Officer Newton"
Developing . . .
this might not be a good tactical move because this space has pretty low traffic until Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteOver the weekend there are not a lot of people who will notice.
Ouch, might get cold tonight.
DeleteWhat is she going to eat while she is there?
ReplyDeleteThanks! More overtime before Christmas! Bring it on!
ReplyDeleteTwo dozen? That's not even a hair on a pimple on the ass of the Black community. Even a brain dead crack head can figure out this bullshit scam. Time to do a little scheduled power washing of the popo station and sidewalks about 2am. Alternatively take them to the roof top and let them stay there until the Chief is fired OR until hell freezes over.
ReplyDelete40% chance of rain tonite..we'll see if the Demosleazeball BLM scammers bail..
Winter will be here soon. Let them stay on the sidewalk like bums.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hire a food truck to drive around city hall without stopping.
ReplyDeleteControl your waistline you fat hog and then maybe look to spread you infinite wisdom.
ReplyDeletewould be a hoot if some of the downtown homeless bums saw these privileged BLM scammers and mugged them!
KCPD might be a tad "slow" to respond
Sounds like something my four year old would do.
ReplyDeleteLOL on the food truck comment. Nice to see we can still have some laughs around here, that's something that all of these "woke" people won't do.
ReplyDeletelet's start a count of how many people can be taken down by virtuous adorable pregnant women!
ReplyDeleteLook out! Stacy gonna get hangry.
ReplyDeleteDamn, not a lot of support in the turd blog tonight for Diabeesha and gang. Did all the loony libs change into fresh depends and call it a night already?
ReplyDeleteOne thing I know is that Stacy Shaw actually lives there, & she gives a damn. She understands that the chief must be held accountable to the actual people his policies, & methodologies, impact directly. One of the ways people are held accountable is that they are removed from command.
ReplyDeleteShaw thinks,The criminals are the Boss. The pregnant women interferes with a police arrest.And the group was fighting in a parking lot .The pregnant women was resisting arest.ANGRY BLACK PEOPLE.You can't fire someone for doing there job. This inner city crime .The police should not show up. Let the hoods shoot each other and just show up and do the paperwork.
ReplyDelete1:44 AM Cancel culture. Her cause on this occasion is flawed with her own racism. She misleads the slow folks down the fast path to embarrassment. What was the police alternative?. Not to police? If that's the case then okay, we can scratch responding to disturbances involving violent circumstances and go to the station and do paperwork all night and the citizens be damned. Your detailed method how you would have handled this situation, please.
ReplyDeleteWhere is she going to piss or shit? On the sidewalk?
ReplyDeleteConstruction site nearby, where they got the barriers for blocking the street. I am sure the construction workers are not going to be happy when they find their portable restrooms are full up by morning or Monday.
ReplyDeleteStacy please also hold your breath. We all thank you.
ReplyDelete"until the Chief is removed from HER job"? Fix that shit Anthony.
ReplyDelete^^^ or what?
ReplyDelete11:08 for the win
ReplyDeleteShaw didn’t stay out there all night, nobody did. Much ado about nothing with this dim bulb.
ReplyDeleteFun fact; Mayor mcdrinkerson and shaw are best friends doing each other’s bidding just in case you all didn’t know that. He feeds her information to help in his never ending quest to divide the city and get rid of the white police chief. Why is mayor mckneely doing this? He truly and I mean truly hates white people. Why else did he tell the city manager to furlough all the white people first, racist that’s why.
Fired for what? Being white? Video is out that AGAIN proves Stacy and her "victims" are lying their asses off. Once again, who's been telling the truth the whole time? The cops.
ReplyDelete^^^I agree
ReplyDeleteGeeze, call it what it is...they want the white police chief out, and a black person in. No qualifications required. Just like the KC School District must have a black superintendent and the city a black Mayor.
ReplyDeleteRacist based on their own definition, but of course no one ever can call them out as they will be attacked and called racist.
What a heifer!
ReplyDeleteRumor going around is that mayor lickass had a house set on fire to scare off cleavers competition, lickass doesn’t want white boy Derks to beat cleaver. Derks is serious competition and has a decent chance at beating him. Cleaver is only in office to keep the Jazz district afloat and if he loses so does that failure the Jazz district.
Stacy is a racist and what she is doing against all the facts should be considered a hate crime.
ReplyDeleteConsidering the level of "Systemic Racism" that exists in the very fiber of Kansas City, wouldn't it be best for "The People" to just leave this shithole to its fate and move someplace more welcoming, like Tupelo Mississippi or Lynchburg Tennessee?
ReplyDeleteStacey, you can become the savior of "The People" by leading this migration out of Kansas City and forward to "The Promised Land"!
KC has a new Carol Coe
ReplyDeleteFilthy disgusting sub human animals.
ReplyDeleteHey, no dissing of Carole Coe! She was a very manly woman. There was a woman who beat up her husband on a regular basis! Carole Coe looks like Shirley from "What's Happening". These new BLM punks have no idea about "What's Happening" - either the 1970s superstar hit show or in general!!
ReplyDeleteWhy in the world would any thinking person aspire to be a Kansas City, Mo Police Officer is beyond my comprehension. Once they get their black Chief of Police then the outrage will disappear regardless of what happens. One has only to look at the Kansas City School District to see what inferior leadership leads to. How many millions of dollars have been thrown at that District and how many minority superintendents have been employed and yet after 40 somemyears nothing has changed. Except that parenting in the inner city has yet to evolve.
ReplyDeleteQuinton Lucas, the alcoholic KC Mayor, needs to resign. Lucas is incompetent.
ReplyDeleteDefund da police, the zoo.
ReplyDeleteKcmo needs more zoo keepes than police.
Instead of trying to arrest these animals just send in a squad of zoo keepers, tranquilize the animals and transport them to a cage at the zoo.
^^^ lulz!
ReplyDeleteTwo comments:
ReplyDeleteDispatch Animal Control not the police.
Rained last night on the pajama party, WAP, WAP, WAP!
What a circus?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Lucas?
Who is Stacy?
I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message.
There is absolutely no sense of personal responsibility in that grievance group. A nine month pregnant women has no business getting into fights and resisting arrest. It is not just unwise, it is potentially criminal if she puts her unborn baby at risk of harm. Let them protest, they are definitely the ones in the wrong.
ReplyDeleteNext city election, Rick Smith for Mayor and Police Chief.
ReplyDelete8:54 Agree! To avoid letting them resist arrest use tranquilizer darts and nets.
ReplyDeleteWAP now that's funny and true. Bet most TKC folks don't know what that means.
Shaw only hates the chief because he's white. It's racism at its finest. If he were black, she'd love him to death.
ReplyDeleteHow many people does it take for an effective uprising to demand the Chief be fired, if not then an occupation?
ReplyDeleteIn relation to KCs population her group of dozens doesn't amount to anything more than a minor skin irritation in the crack of the Citys ass.
Stacy is going for National media coverage like her buddy the Mayor. Notice no Revs, official BLM and the other usual suspects. Even they are smart enough not to run with this false narrative and that's saying alot for all those bottom feeders. Kudos.
Stacey should be more concerned about a child being shot in a car by fellow BLM supporters instead of drunk pregnant unruly black looser.
ReplyDeleteThe pregnant girl fighting cops would of made less news and got less sympathy if one of the other savages had shot her.
ReplyDeleteGood thing she doesn't have any real lawyer work to do.
ReplyDeleteHe business cards should say:
Seriously there is so much hate in this womans heart for white police it should be investigated as the hate crime it is. A person can hate all they want and call it whatever they want, but when you incite others...
verb- encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).
"the offense of inciting racial hatred")
That's criminal and the responsible citizens of this city should hold her personally accountable. The bulk of the Black community seems to have already distanced from her. She needs to be officially called out as a racist as any racist should be. Black Privilege? Friends in City Hall? What is her malfunction?
She needs to get laid in several positions that way she can view thangs from different angles.
ReplyDeleteIt's not as egregious as threatening an Asian storekeeper (Ferguson), overdosing on Fentanyl (Minneapolis), running around naked (Rochester), or kidnapping a kid (Kenosha), but now BLM and Stacey are lionizing an expectant mother who was outside partying at midnight.
ReplyDeleteThe black community deserves better role models. Sad thing is, they have them (Thomas, Cain, Sowell, West, Rice, Carson, Owens, Walker, to name barely a few). And if leadership devoted 5% of the same effort to promoting them instead of criminals, true American integration could be ours.
ReplyDeleteCan Newton has Corona Virus.
Inside sources tell me he has it.
Well Mayor 10-10-10... what say you?
We beat the KC Star posting this!!
You can't blame UMKC Law School for this one...Stacey Shaw did not go there.
ReplyDeleteDid she get an online degree or one out of a Cracker Jack box?
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone follow Stacy Shaw?
She's a licensed attorney, an officer of the court.
If you believe White Institutional Racism controls the legal/judicial system, Shaw is a member of that system. She makes her living by being a cog within the system.
Does she have roots in KCMO?
Shaw is from Wichita, went to a black college in St. Louis, a black law school in Texas, returned to St. Louis to practice law, but then skipped town after a couple of years when she ran into problems. She came to KC to start over, and reinvent herself.
When she ran late-night Traffic Lawyer TV ads, she presented herself as a long-haired, glam make-up model who drove the streets of KC in a black Chrysler 300. Now that she's trying to become a political leader, she's reverted to her short-hair loud butch lesbian look.
Shaw hasn't been abused by the KCPD, she likes the KCPD. When drivers receive traffic tickets, it means more business for her.
Shaw likes irresponsible stupid people, because it's an opportunity for her to represent them for a fee.
Shaw is smart enough to not assault a police officer herself, but will represent uneducated violent criminals in the hopes of winning an insurance settlement or nuisance case against the City of KCMO.
Shaw is a narcissistic opportunist seeking to ride on the back of KC's Eastside agitated BLM malcontents, until she can start a political career.
@ 10:37 are you volunteering? I wouldn't touch that ignorant bitch with two sets of gloves on. You can have her.
ReplyDeleteShe does appear to have enough subcutaneous insulation to keep her somewhat warm as she protests outside during some winter blizzards. Maybe Chief Smith will send her down some hot cocoa.