On Friday, our friends at The Call published one of the most important local missives we've seen in 2020 and the consequences of the note threaten to impact the biggest construction project in Kansas City's history - New KCI.

A groundbreaking, front page editorial demands immediate sanction against Northland Council lady Teresa Loar for her confrontation with Council member Melissa Robinson.

We talked about this debate earlier in the week and believed it was merely a commonplace dispute among colleagues at City Hall.

Now, the conversation has clearly escalated and supporters of Council member Robinson have rallied to her defense.
Here the the premise of the argument . . .
"Our Black female leaders should not be accosted for foregoing white societal norms, which encourage them to be servile, passive, non-threatening and unseen to occupy seats of power. This type of racism is far too familiar to those in the Black community, and it is no better time than now for it to end. Mayor Lucas should strip Councilwoman Loar of her committee leadership assignment, and publicly denounce her actions, to strongly demonstrate to Kansas Citians that racist behavior will not be tolerated among city leadership."
Council Lady Loar is chair of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee.
Behind the scenes, she's also in the midst of a heated debate with East side leaders and Council member Robinson regarding an airport paving contract worth about 80 million bucks. That debate is part of the context of this story . . .

However, this passage explains the perspective of KCMO civil rights leader . . .
"Councilwoman Loar’s racist attack on Councilwoman Robinson is but a continuation of a long and bloody history of hate by white women against the Black community. This behavior of provocation, lying, then playing the victim is not new. When Loar questioned Robinson’s intelligence, caricatured her in front of her colleagues, then told the Kansas City Star that “All I asked her was who wrote that,” and “She gets very emotional about things, and she did kind of take my head off. I couldn’t figure out what it was all about,” Loar was lying, and engaging in the same type of white fragility that is responsible for thousands of Black men, women and children being lynched by the Ku Klux Klan in the Jim Crow era. Just as a white woman lied about 14-year old Emmet Till whistling at her, which resulted in a shotgun blast to his face and his body thrown in the Tallahatchie river; just as Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Black Wall Street was burnt to the ground because a white woman accused a Black man of rape; just as the thousands of lies uttered by whites have ended in the demise of Black careers, businesses, organizations, political movements, and yes, lives, Loar’s lies intended to cause more harm to Robinson – while downplaying the damage and shielding herself from criticism."
That's a heavy passage which accuses council lady Loar of a lot of things . . . Stopping just short of the JFK assassination.
However, this isn't just any angry letter, the note was signed by civil rights champions who have been at the forefront of recent Black Lives Matter protests in addition to more than a generation of advocacy.
Urban League of Greater Kansas City
Southern Christian Leadership Conference GKC (SCLC)
NAACP KC Chapter
Now . . .
The argument penned by urban leaders is open to debate but this scathing rebuke against Council Lady Loar signals that the discussion is no longer merely a professional disagreement but a citywide dispute that has implications for all of Kansas City and puts Mayor Lucas at yet another crossroads in his career.
Developing . . .
And all of this is why the airport is delayed and will be delayed even further.
ReplyDeleteF*cking hell. I guess we can't get a long.
DeleteMayor Q is too busy hiding from his shadow to do anything about any of this. Sorry.
DeleteRace card hustlers of the world, unite!
ReplyDeleteThis is ridiculous. Councilwoman Loar is not a racist. Questioning another council person’s motives or intentions when they happen to be of another skin tone will automatically cause certain “leaders” to play the race card. Terry Riley did it to Deb Hermann. Now they are doing it to Teresa Loar. It’s the last play in a thin playbook and it reeks of desperation.
ReplyDeleteBill cosby didn't rape enough hateful white women.
ReplyDeleteIt’s the only card that worthless Robinson can play because she can’t do nothing without it, she’s so worthless and dumb she thinks people believe this stupid ignorant crap, she took a page right out of the fat fake revs playbook, she’s promoting hatred and racism as her only option.
ReplyDeleteLet’s see how qball handles this lie.
White woman must go! This shitty must be governed by blacks only, and no one North of the river need apply.
ReplyDeletei like being re-educated, again and again and again.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, the "civil rights leaders" choose to ignore the important things in their community to focus on accusing someone of "racism".
ReplyDelete110 homicides, almost all of which have taken place in the black community, and not a peep from these bozos.
In fact, marching around and "demanding" that the feds who came to help try to quell the tide of chaos and tragedy have to leave because they represent an "occupying force".
What, exactly, is a greater "civil right" than life itself?
You would think that after these clowns make fools of themselves over and over again, they'd at least learn to give a little thought before they have something to say.
And,of course, you'd be wrong.
What a joke this City Council is turning into. Their collective IQ hovers around room temperature. Nothing will get done in this city for a long time, if ever.
ReplyDeleteLying Racist Bastards at the Call!
ReplyDeleteYou dumbasses just proved that EVERY African American prejudges EVERY White person based on the color of their skin, the very definition of "Racism"!
Lying Racist Bastards every one!
ReplyDelete"THE CALL believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every man, regardless of race, color or creed, his human and legal rights. Hating no man, fearing no man, THE CALL strives to help every man in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back."
...but when it comes to women, we love a good catfight!!!
Segregation Anyone?
The Call is an African-American weekly newspaper founded in 1919 in Kansas City, Missouri by Chester A. Franklin. It continues to serve the black community of Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas.
It was an innocuous question. If Robinson took it the wrong way, that's her problem.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, the Council Members will crumble like a cheap tent. There's not a single backbone to be found in any of them.
Racism, racism, racism. If you're not black, you're a racist and out to get blacks.
ReplyDeleteBlacks can't be racists.
I'm sick of the double standard.
Equal rights do not guarantee equal outcome.
Blacks are not unsuccessful due to be systemic racism; PEOPLE who don't try are unsuccessful.
I love watching Democrats eat their own! Keep feeding the crocodile. I've got lots of popcorn.
ReplyDeleteand when some white guy comes up to you outside a motel and walks off after telling you about the time him and his friends unloaded several machines on a hippo, he's just drama yanking your chain too.
ReplyDelete1233 what?
Delete"....a long and bloody history of hate by white women against the Black community." WTF?! Somebody 'splain how we're seeing so very many increasing numbers of Patrick Mahomeses, Lenny Kravitzes, Barry Obamases, etc. in our society, then---famous types, and everyday joes---huh?! Looks like white woman NOT HATING BLACKS right there!! So, the hypocrite LEFTISTS are, again, deploying their VERBAL VOODOO/CANCEL CULTURE/RACE HUSTLE/VICTIM CULTURE/GREIVANCE INDUSTRY/WHITE PRIVILEGE....NONSENSE!!
ReplyDeleteIf it’s true that whites women hate blacks, can you blame them?
ReplyDeleteJust the latest ignored "demand" from "leaders" in the black community.
ReplyDeleteThe list keeps getting longer and longer and still these people think that they can influence events.
If only they "demanded" the thugs in their own community would stop killing each other and anyone else who gets in the line of fire, including four year-old buys in their own beds.
Focused and continued irrelevance.
Jesus, blacks are soooooooo fucking fragile.
ReplyDeleteNever has there been such a fragile people that mere words or disagreement can make them wet their pants and cry like fucking little children.
robinson should have told loar that she had baked her some buttery biscuits but couldn't bring them because she sat on them.
ReplyDeleteI have read some really lame bullshit in my days but I am here to tell you that ranks about #1 on the "Total Bullshit" list.
ReplyDeleteThe new reality is if you're black and you can't get your way lets make it a race issue.
Politics can be a rough game to be a part of and if you have thin skin or feel intimidated during important discussions you best seek out a new career.
If Ms. Robinson could of just answered the question saying yes, I wrote all of that or no, I did not write that, we wouldn't be responding to a post like this.
ReplyDeleteWhat did Loar say that wasnt true. I've watched enough city council meetings to confirm Robinson is indeed a qualified idiot, 80 million for a company that isnt qualified to pour a foundation, much less anything at the airport - All because they are mbe / wbe
ReplyDeleteOn a side note what the hell are any of these fools doing to address this crime issue.
Police money for education for those not smart enough to pass at some of the worst schools in the country
Now you've got the idiot who hosed county taxes sponsored by freedom for a representatives seat
Stop the world, I want to get off
The old-school leadership didn't get Q to back down on the Feds. They just need a crumb or two from Q to show they are still relevant in the COVID-BLM era. So far, they got nothing to show. They can still deliver Eastside votes, so he will need to throw something their way, but the momentum is with the new young activists. Q's got good instincts ... see if he skates past this.
ReplyDeleteWhat's next ? Blacks holding their breath in tbe street until they get their way. Low IQ African blood is bringing down the smartest most innovative country on tbe planet.
ReplyDeleteangry black females hates them blonde White wimmens.
Biggest crock of shit I’ve heard this week!!!, the Call calling somebody racist, now that’s choice!
ReplyDeleteThey are going to end up generating a whole lot more racism and mistrust than they will ever solve with their witch trial tactics. It will blow up in their faces. Liberals can never resist overplaying their hand and it always bites them square in their asses and then they turn on each other. The race card is always the last to come out. It's a tell that they are out of ammunition. They have it in their heads that it is an unbeatable argument when it never was to start with. Looks like I'd better order more popcorn. This movie is going to drag out for a while.
ReplyDeleteWouldn’t it be easier to remove Melissa and her lard ass from the council. Then her feelings wouldn’t get hurt and she could eat full time.
ReplyDelete“They have it in their heads that it is an unbeatable argument when it never was to start with.”
ReplyDeleteEvery time I hear my black friends say this crap I ask them to prove it and it shuts them up every time.
1:54 I’d love to see her at the Thursday clowncil meetings where they bring in so much food it could feed an army, I bet she eats like she’s the army! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about having fried chicken and watermelon delivered to the next meeting.
ReplyDeleteNegroes are racist, much more than whites are.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of thing only reassures me as the destructive racist BLM mentality neuters itself in endless destructive attacks on all white people who would normally be considered friendly to black folks struggles. The BLM has actually revived racism of all kinds where it was fading. The anger out there among everyone is the creation of a lie. That Police are picking on black people and murdering them. No, I'm not as worried as I was two months ago.
ReplyDeleteWhat an enormous load of crap. A letter written by the trifecta of racism in this city. Politics can get rough so if Robinson can't run with the big dogs maybe she should just stay on the porch. Having said that, however, nothing Councilwoman Loar said was racist, maybe a little snarky, but I would imagine she has to listen to a whole lot of stupid stuff so no harm no foul. Nothing will happen with this anyway because Lucas would have to make a decision and stick to it and we all know that is not his strong suit.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Melissa should bake Teresa a “pie”
ReplyDeleteCouncil Member Loar is no racist and everyone knows it! Loar stands up to the Council Bullies and they can't take it!
ReplyDelete10:56 YOU are on the money. And now you can see who is trying to divide the CITY. AND THE LOCAL MEDIA IS HELPING. SHE MAY BE CALLING A SPADE A SPADE. I HAVE tried to deal with a few city employees. And some of them are not very intelligent.
ReplyDeleteAin't no White woman from North of de ribber gonna tells us whats to do!
ReplyDeletethe call envoked ghosts of klansmen, jim krow, envoked new phantasms dreamt up courtesy of robin dieangelo, white fragility,,, what was not envoked is the meat and bread of what needs to get done,at the airport,,, alll this is a cry for prefered treatment and more public money based on being negro. no mention of what black companies were waiting in the wings to break ground on this project, no deatails, just she rayciss n shiet juz like da klan, dont axe me no question you rayciss too!
ReplyDeleteTonys Readers Remember it is a Democratic RUN City .And the Far Left is going to destroy it Its now a BANANA REPUBLIC. RACE CARD IS ALL THEY HAVE.This is Bad public relations for the City. Business will locate in a smaller town,in Missouri or Kansas Because of the Far left Politicians. If you are a Midsized Factory. Or Shipping Hub,YOU will locate in Harrisonville,Rather than K.C.MO.
ReplyDeleteSue Loar Sue. Call Nicholas Sandman's lawyer everyone else is calling him, Including the St. Louis couple.
Sue Loar Sue!
All BLM did was make more division. Like Oprah and Obummer's shit. Good luck to the Blackie, allowing white LGBT to create their end. Somehow they think opposite.
ReplyDeleteIf I hear one more black person say that something is racist, that white people have privilege, or that there is systemic racism, I am going to actually become racist. My god, we capitalize the name of their race now because of their shared culture, we have holidays to celebrate black leaders, we devote an entire month to black history, we fought a civil war to free blacks from slavery, we have EOE, fair housing, scholarships, etc. This country bends over backwards to ensure the black people don't whine about being discriminated against and they have every opportunity anyone else has to be successful, yet they whine constantly. I'm sorry blacks, just as you destroy statues and decry everything as racist, I have forgotten all about Emmett Till and Black Wall Street. If you want to erase this country's history, then you don't get to choose what history you can reference. Watch this: *poof* Did you see that? Martin who? Rosa what? That long letter...White people are so evil, yet not one word about black-on-black crime or the majority crime statistics in this country that affect other races perpetrated by blacks. Weird.
ReplyDeleteThat poor woman got the vapors when Loar called her out.
ReplyDeleteWaaaaaa I am black, I want, want , want.
ReplyDeleteby Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
4:36, Amen. I have been a liberal all my life, that changed with the Ferguson Fantasy. My attitudes as well as others has been degenerating into an intolerance for any and all racial BS for sometime now.
ReplyDeleteIt would be comical if everybody got the joke, but they spew this BS as gospel with the seriousness of telling children of the existence of the Tooth Fairy and the Boogeyman. The politicians and the media are in on this monumentally cruel joke and they're not going to explain the facts & the reality no matter how ignorant it makes black folks look.
It's the perfect, perpetual grift.
It's actually pretty simple - by standing up to the "Urban Leader's" racism, Councilwoman Loar has made it inevitable that, if she wishes to run, she will be the next Kansas City Mayor.
ReplyDeleteShe will accomplish this easily, without a single Black vote, and in spite of the rabid opposition of the Coon Platoon.
Ya overplayed your hand, chumps, and now you've united everyone else
&!%, remember) in opposition to your bullying!
"Another crossroads of Mayor Lucas' career".
ReplyDeleteCareer doing what, exactly?
The guy is a weather vane that has done nothing but spun wildly in one direction after another already during his brief tenure.
Smiley selfies kneely Lucas really needs to consider going back to teaching college kids where there's really no need to know what he's doing and there aren't any consequences for anyone but himself.
No one in metro believes a thing he says.
Good luck to the folks in KCMO who elected this clown.
Why are black people so racist?
ReplyDeleteSince democrats say there is no voter fraud, then i can say there is no racism
ReplyDeleteLucas is a cunt, he won’t do anything. Just a scared little cunt.
ReplyDeleteThat's insulting to cunts!
ReplyDeleteLoar should be running this city. She'd end the violence. She doesn't put up with any shit, especially not that race-baiting BS. Good for her. I hope she tells "The Call" (a racist rag) to FOAD.
ReplyDeleteOh Sillyvestur @6:33, nobody says there is no voter fraud,
ReplyDeletewhy here were four instances discovered in the 2016 Elections,
Kansas City has indeed made me a racist!!! This place is not healthy, time to leave it to the zoo keepers!
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing has made people racist or more racist than they were before. On the other side it has put black people back many many years. It went from we shouldn’t see color to know we must bow to all colored people..... This will not propel the black community.
DeleteMs. Piggy always plays the race card, ask Walmart and her colleagues .. oink oink bitch
ReplyDeleteSigh. Gwen Grant & Vernon Howard strike again. So old...
ReplyDeleteThey sure hate Whitey, don't they? Talk about racists!