Recently, a local group has been gaining traction online and pushing an effort to recall Mayor Quinton Lucas over disagreements with this coronavirus crackdown strategies.
From what we seen . . .
As always, we're here to help.
First, here's the muni-code that they'll need to understand in order to start the process . . .
Sec. 720.5. - Grounds for recall.
"Grounds for recall must relate to and affect the administration of the officials office, and be of a substantial nature directly affecting the rights and interests of the public. Grounds for recall are limited to objective reasons which reasonable people, regardless of their political persuasion, could agree would render any officials performance ineffective, which must be an act of misfeasance, the improper performance of some act which may lawfully be done, or malfeasance, the commission of some act wholly beyond the officials authority, or nonfeasance, the failure to perform a required duty. The Council shall not fail to place the matter before the voters based on the inadequacy of the grounds stated by the committee of petitioners."
(Ord. No. 051253, § 4, 5-18-06, eff. 9-1-06)
Now . . .
This is tricky because . . .
Petitioners must sign on to a legal document claiming the mayor has performed an act of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance . . . In turn, this claim opens up sponsors of the petition to a very real threat of legal push back.
In the last major effort to oust a politico from office, former recall petitioners against Mayor Mark Funkhouser were prepared to take on this risk . . . Mostly because the nincompoop politico was far less popular than current Mayor Lucas. Also, former politically inept Mayor Funky and his domineering wife didn't have as many lawyer friends as Mayor Q.
Let's also not forget that cowtown politics at this shady level is fraught with peril and scams . . . According to Midtown coffee shop legend, a long dead political consultant lifted about $10K from the group anti-Funkhouser petitioners as he pretended to "bundle" money for their cause and then pocketed the proceeds which he billed as a "fee" for his promotional services. We share this example not only as tribute to a formerly glorious grifter who is now pushing up daisies but also to warn local rubes of how easy it is to separate fools from their money in Kansas City politics.
Now, let's look at the numbers game . . .
Sec. 721. - Filing recall petition.
"A petition demanding the removal of any officer elected by the vote of the people shall be known as a recall petition. A recall petition, to be effective, must be filed with the City Clerk, or with the election authorities, within thirty (30) days after the filing of the affidavit as provided in the next preceding section, and to be sufficient, must bear the signatures of registered voters of the City or district from which such officer was elected equal in number to at least twenty per cent (20%) of the total vote cast therein for candidates for the office of Mayor at the last preceding regular municipal election. A recall petition, if insufficient as originally filed, may be supplemented as provided in this article. The committee of petitioners hereinafter described shall have the right, at their option, to file a recall petition either with the City Clerk or with the election authorities of the City, and the City Clerk or the election authorities, as the case may be, with equal force and effect, shall have the power to certify as to the sufficiency of such recall petition."
First here's a look at some math on the requirements for recall:
According to KMBC, Mayor Quinton Lucas won election by 59% with 39,216 votes. Former council lady Jolie Justus garnered 27,747 votes or 41% of the turnout
A rough calculation estimates that petitioners will need around 13,393 VALID KCMO VOTER SIGNATURES in order to start the process.
This is actually good news for petitioners given that the low turnout election which put Mayor Q in office produced a significantly easier threshold for removal than required by the previous effort. Supporters of the campaign against Mayor Funky needed to obtain 16,950 valid signatures of registered voters in order to get the issue on the August 2009 ballot. They were only able to gather 16,821 signatures. A mere 129 signatures kept Mayor Funky in office and I'm sure about half of that total was lost in the backseat of TKC's old Toyota when I overslept and forgot to send the petition sheets I had collected. My bad.
Anyhoo . . .
Now, we're not saying that a recall isn't possible . . . The social media political push back against Mayor Q is real and increasing daily . . . However, at this point, the recall effort seems far fetched and mostly looks like a gambit to garner social media attention rather than make a valid, real, political power play.
Developing . . .
methinks it's just another way to get donations from suckers and get some of their personal info for GOP 2020 donations.
ReplyDeleteI think in may circles and especially out north, Quinton Lucas is a lot less popular than Funkhouser ever was.
DeleteOn what horizon do they see a conservative replacement? This shitty will not elect someone with the backbone to say no to libs and developers. Wasted effort.
ReplyDeleteQ is a one termer whether he is recalled or not.
ReplyDelete39K votes out of a population of almost half a million people.
Apathy rules KCMO and the results are there for all to see.
High crime, horrendous homicide rate, terrible streets, high water bills, upside-down priorities, silliness like millions for bike lanes, endless "development" subsidies, financial mismanagement, insider dealing, and outright corruption.
Poor choices create terrible outcomes.
And have for decades.
Lucas and the council haven't even begun to address the actual issues of the city while they play at the BLM riots and Covid 19 declarations.
Tomorrow is not likely to be any brighter.
If the petitioners are White, they won’t have any problem getting the requisite signatures. Black voters can’t read, don’t know whether they’re actually registered to vote, registered in their mamma’s name, etc. #RecallReed
ReplyDeleteIf Q Ball isn't recalled he will have the three longest years of his life Either way, it will take area businesses over a decade to recover from his ineptness. Watch for legalized theft (taxes and fees not looting) to increase, more residents and businesses to vacate to friendlier climates and screams of "RACISM!" to increase when that all transpires. The man is tone deaf and a racebaiting fool. The city will pay for a long time because of it.
ReplyDeleteDoubt me? Even the liberal wingnuts in the Land of Fruits and Nuts that got the utopia that they wanted have now figured out that it wasn't what they wanted.
This is so much fun to watch!
This after only a year in office. Come to think of it - he turned out to be an ‘educated’ Jermaine Reed (versus the stupid Jermaine Reed we know today). This is why children shouldn’t be Mayor.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job!
ReplyDeleteNorthland should secede if possible. Look at NKC in camparasion.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I sign at
ReplyDeleteIf Lucas had a brain he would design. Dead man walking.
ReplyDeleteRemember he was pushing people to go out drinking and supporting the economy right up until the lock down.
ReplyDeleteThere's your case.
Sold my house Friday. LATER SUCKERZ!
ReplyDelete^^^and yet you’re still here like so many of the other liars and life-failures who populate this blog. Weird.
ReplyDeleteSays the loser who bitches about people being here,brilliant
DeleteOnly weird thing about this blog is you....weird. Back to your basement.
ReplyDeleteRecall Lucas over the COVID? That's only one thing. How about recall over dipping into the GO Bond money that the residents have never seen at work. How about using tax dollars for painting BLM on the streets where there is mostly white people with some pretty expensive houses. Seems pretty racist and deceitful doesn't it?
They would be better to focus on cutting the Mayor and City Council's salaries by 75% and maybe eliminating pensions for elected officials.
ReplyDeleteRecall him over:
ReplyDelete*Creating ridiculous business regulations resulting from his own paranoia
*Creating massive unemployment directly through his own actions
*Promoting and endorsing property loss and destruction directly through is own actions
*Lowering property values directly through his actions
*Making the general climate of Kansas City unfriendly to businesses and taxpayers
*For having a racist attitude in general in part creating all of the above
Sweden has served as a control group to compare policies intended to decrease deaths from covid-19. Sweden has been unfairly criticized for its policy despite having an outcome more favorable than places with authoritarian lockdown policies (CA, NY, etc.). Sweden did not close its schools. Other than stopping gatherings of more than fifty people, the Swedish government left decisions of closing businesses, using masks, and social distancing to the Swedish people. The government encouraged the use of masks and social distancing, but there were no requirements and there were no penalties for those who declined to follow the advice. Mortality attributed to covid-19 hit a peak value of 11.38 deaths per day per million population on April 8, 2020. This mortality was matched on April 15, and mortality has decreased since then. Daily mortality has been less than one death per day per million population for the previous eighteen days. Cases are very low. For all practical purposes, the covid-19 epidemic is over in Sweden. Almost certainly herd immunity has been achieved in Sweden irrespective of any antibody test results. Testing is usually only for IgG antibody and the herd can become immune via IgA antibody or cellular mechanisms that are not detected by the usual testing. Whether covid-19 will reappear this next fall or winter remains to be seen.
ReplyDeleteThe data suggest that lockdowns have not prevented any deaths from covid-19. At best, lockdowns have deferred death for a short time, but they cannot possibly be continued for the long term. It seems likely that one will not have to even compare economic deprivation with loss of life, as the final death toll following authoritarian lockdowns will most likely exceed the deaths from letting people choose how to manage their own risk. After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation. Covid-19 is not going to be defeated; we will have to learn how to coexist with it. The only way we can learn how best to cope with covid-19 is to let individuals manage their own risk, observe the outcomes, and learn from mistakes. The world owes a great debt to Sweden for setting an example that the rest of us can follow.
^^^OMG NO! TL/DR. Nobody has any kind of time for this shit. Go away! You’re not qualified to speak on this. Stupid fucking Boomer!
ReplyDeleteFacts hurt your fee fees. Mommys got your binky
ReplyDeleteGive him his woobie and put him down for a nap.
ReplyDeleteIt should not be difficult to make a case for all three: mis, meal, and nonfeasance.
ReplyDeleteI'll sign
ReplyDeleteRecall folks are STUPID. Mayor Lucas is providing good leadership. Put on your mask, stay at home and shut up! Morons...
ReplyDeleteBut he said to go out canoodling the same day the federal government said "DON'T" and he took his mask off to protest against his own political party monopoly.
DeleteYou can't lie and get away with it anymore. The Democrat playbook is played out.
Remember that when basic city services crash moron.
ReplyDeleteMy scrotum is tingling ! Help me Dr. Rex Archer !
ReplyDeleteBest Regards,
Sleepy Joe Biden
Mayor Lucas couldn't even lead a refrigerator raid.
ReplyDelete10:13 That’s cammie Harris tickling his nuts to keep him awake! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteJoe and the Hoe!
ReplyDeleteMayor, please close the bars and restaurants ,to help save lives.
ReplyDeleteYes, please kill one of the few things that generate revenue Mayor. Pretty please!
ReplyDeleteI'm for Q Ball closing everything again. If you are going to kill Kansas Shitty go big or go the fuck home. He's destroying his political career in the process as well as showing his true colors. Shut it down. Shut it all the fuck down and do it now!
ReplyDeleteWhy Democrats insist on destroying everything they touch is a mystery. They are going scorched earth this time. They may as well go balls out.
ReplyDeleteAnd, the political silly season continues.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the political silly season for KCMO "government" is 24/7/365.
There's never any actual governance.
Just one celebrity make-believe show after another.
The financial desperation of KCMO has yet to be revealed.
Not good things coming down the road.
Not according to Chimpy. He thinks Q Ball is doing a great job LMAO
ReplyDelete^^^Hey shithead, you haven’t earned the right to call him Chimpy. He’s the best thing on this blog and you are the worst. Keep his name from out of your sorry mouth.
ReplyDeleteEat shit. I'll call the dummy whatever I want.
ReplyDelete^^^Stick to calling him daddy cock-breath because he owns your ass.
ReplyDeleteBeen a while since I have had a piece of ass !
ReplyDeleteYours Truly,
Sleepy Joe Biden
^^^Thats President Biden to you shit-eater.
ReplyDeleteKamala called out his sexual predation and racism. Why would you still support someone an important Democrat woman called out as evil?
DeleteSo her and Hillary can run the us into the ground
ReplyDelete12:47 I guess the same reason why hilly still supports ole one eyed silly! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteOne eyed willy
ReplyDelete@12:47 the same reason you support a President who cheated on his first wife with his second. Cheated on his second wife with his third. Cheated on his third with a porn stars and paid hush money to shut them up. Said it was OK to grab women by the pussy, and told an accused pedophile he wished her well.
ReplyDeleteExcept you're lying about the quotes.
DeleteHe was talking about women's behavior around powerful men.
You don't understand sarcasm (that takes nuance and an appreciation for the truth) because Epstein ended up dead...
If you went by the cheating on spouse bit then you'd be out of luck voting for any contender.
Wow, you just got blown the fuck out!
Oh goddamn! 12:47 just got knocked the fuck out, and I mean knocked the fuck out!! That was as brutal of an eviscerating of a Trumptard as I’ve ever see! Absolutely brutal! Well done good sir/madam, well done!
ReplyDeleteUncle Joe going to bring you some free shit? Mutha fucka, I be goin to get
DeleteMe some free shit from the gunmetal! You’ll be in the same miserable existence you’re in, now, ass clown.
When that accused pedophile has enough info to bring down any number of prominent Democrats you fervently wish her well. You don’t want her to strangle herself with her own bedsheet or commit suicide by shooting herself a couple of times in the back of the head. That would be terribly disappointing.
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton and Epstein had quite a sick thing going on their castaway island.
ReplyDeleteBarry was part of that as well. He was the dirtiest prick of all of them. Wait for the Durham report comes out. Barry is going to be somebody’s bitch in prison.
DeleteThe petitioners should probably consult Wickham and James before proceeding.
ReplyDeleteTaking a knee with protestors over a childish exaggeration of racism was enough for me. We all ain't one, they and he made that clear.
ReplyDeleteBandit Darville, you failure as a human. Please go away and let the rest of us live with other humans who are not failures. Your attempted insights show what a worthless piece of shit you were, are, and will forever be. Mommy never showed you love, we know. Mommy died knowing you were her worst mistake.
ReplyDeleteI didn't care for George W Bush but I do like a Hairy Bush.
ReplyDeleteFaithfully yours,
Sleep Joe Biden
Bite my ass 2:30. Not going anywhere. Learn to live with it.
ReplyDeleteGotta admit that Harris has polish. The same brand that she used so often on Willie's knob.
ReplyDeleteShe's used to BBC. Deepthroating Joe should be no problem. He won't remember anyway. I bet she never thought her bedroom antics would come up later in life.
ReplyDeleteDumbest move EVER to pick her as a human shield for a pathetic and cognitively challenged candidate. Pinata time! And the Democrats thought a black vagina on the ticket was invincible. Kamala Ferraro.
ReplyDeleteNOTE TO LIBTARD DEMS: People are tired of being shut down, intentionally put out of work and followed around by your Karen Gestapo and told to do stupid shit that is pointless. There is a backlash from hell coming and you people have no idea what you've started. Please continue the heavy handed shit and the whining. Everybody that isn't brainwashed and in denial knows who is responsible. You've even managed to piss off a lot of your base. Pretend it's not happening if you want. That will make the show that much more entertaining!
Amen to that! Shit storm is coming.
DeleteYears ago Bridport Connecticut Filed for Bankruptcy. Because they scared away there Tourists. New Yorkers,Would always visit Connecticut. But not Bridgeport. There are many places in Missouri other than KANSAS CITY TOURIST WILL VISIT.
ReplyDelete^^^Huh?!?! I think somebody is missing their retard. Would one of you come get him?
ReplyDeleteStay where you are Chimpy. They are on their way.
ReplyDelete@2:44-The quote is accurate. Quit trying to deflect blame. Classic repubturd behavior there. 12:47 triggered your lying ass. You got run! Stay down chump. Stay down.
ReplyDelete3:24-you seem like the type that to go down. Are you Quinton’s girl friend?
DeleteAwww!!! Isn't that cute! Chimpy has his beer muscles on!
ReplyDelete^^Hey stop posting so much, let other people post for a while. You’re not furthering the thread. You’re just spamming now. Hope someone reports you.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are Chimpy? Wan't me to dig up your greatest "hits" from today? There are some real winners there lemme tell ya! LMFAO
ReplyDeleteLet him stay and let KCMO voters feel the sting of their bad choices. i'm ready to see them bent over and getting it deep and hard.
ReplyDeleteThey will get bent whether they want to or not.
ReplyDeleteOh gee... Chimpytard is still pissed LMAO
ReplyDeleteThere will always be those on here that would rather snipe back and forth than to read facts. But for those who are up for an eye-opening read, check out the link at 7:17 am. I find it particularly interesting because it’s from London’s Daily Mail, so not likely to be biased toward either party in the US.
ReplyDeleteUnemployed weird/chimpy, time for you to get back in the Bonobo family tree
ReplyDeleteYou've been working hard posting stupid ad hominem TKC stuff and painting BLM potholes (for free).
Please learn how to walk upright and quit dragging your knuckles through the "mural" paint while it's still wet.
Take a nap, then groom and pick some fleas off your family for a snack.
Rested and fed, you should be ready to resume hating boomers (and Trump) again.
Mayor QQ, you are so sexy, I will love you and be a good man to you.