Activists, protesters, clergy and urban leaders have united in an unprecedented coalition in order to advocate for the removal of the Kansas City Police Department Chief.
This historic open letter delivers an ultimatum to the mayor and demands he answer the call of his constituents.
Whilst the mayor also confronts a demand for his own resignation from the Northland; this organized outcry for leadership from city hall represents a far greater existential threat to his administration.
Here's the word . . .
Open Letter to Mayor Quinton Lucas
Are you not exhausted? Are you not sick and tired of the carnage that is being dealt upon Black lives in this country - George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Philando Castille, Botham Jean, Michael Brown, and Tamir Rice - and in Kansas City, Ryan Stokes, Terrance Bridges, Cameron Lamb, and Donnie Sanders? These are only a few names of Black men and women victims of homicides at the hands of law enforcement officers.
How many more juveniles have to be forced to crawl on the ground like an animal, have their heads slammed on the pavement, teeth broken out, head gashed open, and choked while screaming “I can’t breathe!” before you remove Chief Rick Smith from his position and take swift action to implement the wide-sweeping excessive force reforms that our community has demanded for weeks?
How many more incidents before you lead? How many more of our Black children have to be afraid of the police? How many more Black mothers, fathers, and grandparents have to live with fear and anxiety every single time our sons and daughters go for a drive or take a walk through their neighborhoods?
Chief Smith presides over a culture of corruption that breeds a pervasive disregard for the letter of the law throughout the police department. He has allowed his department to operate without integrity and accountability since his appointment, and the result has been an array of indictments of his officers, attempts by his office to conceal officer crimes from public scrutiny, dishonest community relations, and a consistent abuse of power. The latest grand jury indictment of Sergeant Matthew Neal for felony assault of a 15-year-old child, and the road to his indictment, speaks to the systemic shortcomings of a department void of virtue, and Chief Smith’s impotent leadership.
If there is any hope for reform, transparency and accountability in law enforcement in the Kansas City Police Department, Smith must go. And you must lead the change.
On numerous occasions you have told us and others that you and Bishop Tolbert are ready to fire Chief Smith, but you don’t have the votes. Our community wants to see you stand on your convictions and do the right thing, irrespective of the politics. If you and Bishop Tolbert believe Smith needs to go, then make it known on the record. At the next Board of Police Commissioners meeting speak up for justice. Make a motion to fire Chief Smith. If what you say about Tolbert is true, he can second the motion. Make your case for Smith’s removal and call for the question. Let the votes fall where they may.
Let the public see if Don Wagner, Nathan Garrett, and Cathy Dean’s guiding principles are more aligned with perpetuating abusive practices and institutionalizing a two-tiered system of justice, where victims are denied recompense, and officers are protected from punishment for abusing their powers, rather than promoting fairness in processes, transparency, accountability, and impartiality in the administration of justice.
Our hope is that your fellow commissioners will choose to do the right thing. It is our hope that they will choose to protect and serve the community. If they choose not to do so, our community will deal with them accordingly.
Gwendolyn Grant, Urban League of Greater Kansas City
Rev. Dr. Vernon Howard, Southern Christian Leadership Conference-KC Chapter
Rev. Rodney Williams, NAACP-KC Chapter
City Council – City of Kansas City, Missouri
Board of Police Commissioners
Ad Hoc Group Against Crime
Metro Organization for Racial & Economic Equity(MORE2)
Black Rainbow
Committee to Abolish Poverty, Inc.
White Rose KC
Unity Southeast
Sunrise Movement
KC Tenants
No Justice No Peace
Miller Dream
Jewish Community Relations Bureau
Missouri Jobs With Justice
Indian Mound Neighborhood Association
Greater Kansas City Chamber
Urban Summit
State Representative Barbara Ann Washington
Stacy Shaw – Liberty Law
Here's the message.
Developing . . .
mayor is finally going to have to make a choice about who he really represents. He better make it fast. And he better be right.
ReplyDeleteThis is what's interesting about this letter. They say that the Mayor wants to remove the Chief. I didn't know that but I'm absolutely sure he said that to them.
DeleteGood for them that they're telling people the promises the mayor is making behind the scenes.
I am not sure if any big move before the election would be wise. I would advise everyone to chill. Surprised Smith didn't already step down.
DeleteDemocrats just can't help but take from the Combat Tax fund. State audit proved the dems profit from minorities being slaughtered.
ReplyDeleteBy any means necessary, dems will ensure the violence continues or becomes worse. The moment it subsides, people are going to wonder why we're all being taxed so dems can profit.
So Smith is to blame for all those deaths listed? See that right there shows how stupid and ill thought out this letter and demand is.
ReplyDeleteA recall petition in in effect right now and this just might be the added ammo needed to push Lucas out of office.
Chief Smith should stay right where he is. He is an excellent Chief and we are lucky to have him. Smith was handed a total mess from Forte. That mess is just now starting to be cleaned. Behind the scene no one could realize the mess Forte left. Hang in there chief.
ReplyDeleteWho thinks along with me that Stacy Shaw is the one who wrote this letter? Just how chummy are her and Lucas?
ReplyDelete^^Nobody. Nobody thinks with you because your a retard.
ReplyDelete'You're'. As in 'You're a retard calling other people retards.'
DeletePoor Chimpy. Still working on human speech.
Fuck off grammar Nazi.
DeleteTo: Gwendolyn Grant, Urban League of Greater Kansas City
ReplyDeleteRev. Dr. Vernon Howard, Southern Christian Leadership Conference-KC Chapter
Rev. Rodney Williams, NAACP-KC Chapter
RE: Elephant in the Room
Why are you not talking about the hundreds of murders and shootings which are committed in the Urban core every year? Any how many cops have been shot in the line of duty over the past few years? It appears that your end game here is simply less law enforcement.
CC City Council – City of Kansas City, Missouri
Board of Police Commissioners
Ad Hoc Group Against Crime
Metro Organization for Racial & Economic Equity(MORE2)
Black Rainbow
Committee to Abolish Poverty, Inc.
White Rose KC
Unity Southeast
Sunrise Movement
KC Tenants
No Justice No Peace
Miller Dream
Jewish Community Relations Bureau
Missouri Jobs With Justice
Indian Mound Neighborhood Association
Greater Kansas City Chamber
Urban Summit
State Representative Barbara Ann Washington
Stacy Shaw – Liberty Law
@3:00, Dave makes a bloody good point there retard! And just for the record it's you who can go fuck off.
ReplyDeleteWell done 3:02
ReplyDeleteGet over it you whiny little bitches, the Chief isn't going anywhere and Q Ball has successfully fucked you out of you wet dream, "local control", through astounding incompetence.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Ins't the title "Chief" racist now?
@3:02pm hit it out of the park.
ReplyDeleteJust think how many people are "represented" by that list of organizations and how much do they might do if they were honest about the homicide problem in KCMO and the carnage perpetrated on the black community by a minority of its members year after year.
Instead they march around, cash in where they can, and make "demands" about issues about which they have ZERO responsibilities, any serious understanding of, and nothing to contribute.
They'll now all desperate and have found the weakest link in the "governance chain" in KCMO.
That would be the gutless kneely one, but none of these individuals or groups have ever done anything for anyone but themselves.
If smiley selfies Lucas thinks he can buy their support and loyalty, he hasn't paid much attention for many years.
The police should just stop responding to domestic violence and similar calls where the family or relatives should take care of the problem themselves. Cops are not therapists. Bringing police into a volatile family confrontation is very likely to result in real violence.
ReplyDeleteThere are more Black on Black killing in KANSAS CITY MISSOURI AND KANSAS CITY KANSAS THEN Police shooting Blacks .They should Focus on Stopping the Blacks from Shooting each other .And the Majority of the Metro feel the same .Most are committing crimes when they are apprehended.That is why the Jail is full. And the Media won't report this.
ReplyDeleteAsk the Jailer they will tell you the Nasty criminal,elements they have to deal with. I
ReplyDeleteIsn’t Gwen’s group of misfits supposed to stop the crimes committed by her people? Isn’t that what she gets paid for?
ReplyDeleteYou have a few angry Preachers and far left wackos That want a Police Chief to Resign,IT won't change a thing as long as criminals try to resist arrest .
ReplyDeleteThe KC Chamber of Commerce is on this list?
ReplyDeleteDo they actually think that these groups and their agendas are good for KCMO or metro businesses?
The Chamber cowards aren't brave enough to even look after their own best interests.
Rule by the mob in KCMO.
A sucking chest wound on the entire region.
Q, can have only 1.
ReplyDeleteWhiney Democrat Scammers say; yadda, yadda, yadda
Esclade parade DEMANDS............
ReplyDeleteA letter not signed by a single Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian...
No support at all from the other 71% of Kansas City.
I think Gwen Grant, Vernon Howard and Rodney Williams lack expertise on police matters. Their expertise would be limited to spending money that isn’t theirs and eating massive amounts of fried chicken. They should shut their fat lying mouths.
ReplyDeleteMayor Lucas is a Tom.
ReplyDeleteSo this is a blatant racist attack on whitey then?
ReplyDeleteHow can a police chief do his job when the mayor takes a knee with anarchists ?
How can mayor mckneely keep up with all these lies and backstabbings? I swear he is sick with multiple personality disorder, or he’s just that stupid.
ReplyDeletethey really should be interested in taking down forte then too.
ReplyDeleteWhere did Gwen grant receive her education?
ReplyDeleteFire the KC Police Chief for actions done elsewhere? That’s what these racists call justice? Screw them all! Lucas can’t fire him if he wanted to. But, we can fire HIM. #recallQ
ReplyDeleteGwen Grant needs to just shut the hell up!
ReplyDeleteAnd if the mayor has truly had the conversation about firing Smith then I hope the recall is successful. Shameful on his part to play both sides, If true, shows the dirty, corrupt side of him.
there ya go, fire smith & forte OR fire smith & lucas.
ReplyDeleteWe're all sick and tired of the black shit.
ReplyDeleteLucas is a fucking pussy, so who knows what he will do. He is a scared fucking pussy.
ReplyDeletei would think stacey shaw would FERVENTLY support firing smith & lucas.
ReplyDeleteShe should make a fervent video calling for that.
ReplyDeleteYou know Lucas is getting ready to lie....
ReplyDelete“Frankly” When he opens his mouth!
PLEASE - publish this letter all over the place. Put it on the front page of the KC Star, Pitch, Ingrams, KC Business Journal, Thrifty Nickle, Auto Trader, the Price Chopper advertisement.
ReplyDeleteThis is the single biggest reason to vote for Trump and is the best way to show the American public the craziness that the Democrat party wants .
ReplyDeleteWhy does the Jewish Community Relations Bureau want the KCPD Chief removed.
I thought not-for-profit tax exempt organizations lose their tax exemption status if they become political.
The Coalition for the "New Detroit".