Kansas City FINALLY Granted COVID Cash

Followup on this hotly debated free money from the government that's desperately needed to protect the public and pay all of those loans that are financing so much of this town's speculative development.

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Kansas City to receive nearly $19 million in federal Coronavirus relief funding from Jackson County

More than two months after Kansas City's mayor requested the city's portion of federal funding for Coronavirus relief in Jackson County, the money is making its way to city hall. Mayor Quinton Lucas tweeted his frustration Sunday, "In Missouri it appears that even when we have billions to spend on public health, we can't get around to it.


  1. Interesting, a month ago it was $27 million.... somebody is lying

  2. Poof! 8 million dollars disappears, where did it go? Who’s pocket did it go in?

    Does the mayor think people aren’t paying attention?

  3. So now the KCMO city government ill waste the money instead of the folks at Jackson County.
    Only in KCMO is that called progress.


  4. Well I sure hope the feds make Kansas City prove where the money goes otherwise it will go into naming a street George Floyd or thrown into the failed and falling down jazz dist.

  5. ^^^^^True Dat

  6. This is the money the city or our idiot leader McKneely will use to bring the Thunder from Oklahoma City here just you watch and see.

  7. i always thought this is what puts frank white in jail, if he stands in the way of this federal money getting to KC public health needs. that would make enemies, attract a lot of attention about where money disappears in various eco devo schemes, non-profits, quasi public entities and rail authorities, etc. at Jackson county. this is welcome news. stupid public policy from congress to make cities of less than 500,000 go a-begging to their counties for their federal checkz

  8. Bandit Darville8/3/20, 10:42 AM

    Frank White won't go to jail. He will move to the city clowncil like Shields did. Jackson County is the first rung on the ladder of corruption.

  9. ^^^Go away. You're boring and here way too much.

  10. All the while you're just the same only more boring. Weird.


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