Two more murders added to the homicide count on Sunday leave Kansas City desperate for answers and skeptical of rhetoric regarding curbing crime from "many sides" of the debate.

Whilst many protesters claim that defunding police and focusing on community-based efforts is the solution. Right-wing conservatives celebrate Prez Trump's federal crackdown along with "law & order" rhetoric.

Meanwhile . . .

Mayor Quinton Lucas seems caught in the middle of the divisive conversation.

To be fair, he seems to be working diligently on the problem but none of his efforts have moved the dial so far. Moreover, in a desperate attempt to please everyone, the mayor has incurred anger from EVERY FACTION of this debate.

Local newsies have mostly failed to take on the political aspect of this debate but FINALLY, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday pressed the mayor with tough questions.

Here's what we thought were the most important parts of the conversation . . .

About the mayor's promise to keep the murder rate below 100:

Mayor Q: "There's a significant challenge in Kansas City and a number of American cities that actually started long before Black Lives Matter protests, long before COVID-19. We have an increase in homicides, more activity related to illegal gun trafficking in our communities and enhanced and increased gang activity . . . We want to find a multi-faceted approach to how to address it but we recognize that just more patrols isn't necessarily the way."

Chris Wallace: Do you feel that Covid-19 and the reaction to the George Floyd killing along with anti-police feeling in communities has added to the homicide problem?

Mayor Q: "I do not think it has. Actually, I was pretty frustrated this week - the President at his press conference mentioned the George Floyd protests, mentioned the Black Lives Matter movement, mentioned an anti-police sentiment as the reason for an increase in shootings and homicides. That is not the case in Kansas City. We've had year over year increases. We've had positive relationships in years past with the Department of Justice in collaborative programs. And frankly, what we need help on is clearing the unsolved murders. Unsolved murders as distinct from protests. So I think, where you see the activities of federal agents in Portland, places like Seattle as well - That's detrimental. Whereas here in Kansas City we can just use help solving our murders that have happened so far this year. 39% of which are uncleared."

Chris Wallace: Given the homicides, shouldn't you be embracing the influx of (federal) officers?

Mayor Q: "What I'm saying and what other mayors, particularly Democrats around the country, are saying is: Let's actually try to have a pinpointed, targeted focus on solving murders. Not just doing a citywide warrant check of every individual possible. We're in a fairly tense situation with how we police right now in America. Just pouring fuel on the fire and stoking division, which is what the White House & the AG in their statements have done, is not helping us to get more people to trust the police and want to talk about folks picking up arms and killing people in Kansas City.

The conversation goes on from there and here's what is likely the money line:

“There are about 60 unsolved murders in Kansas City as we speak but they’ve sent 225 federal agents to do any number of things,” Mr. Lucas told “Fox News Sunday.” “I’d just as soon have each of them matched with an unsolved case and that’s how we can get through this instead of using this as a moment to try to create divisive rhetoric that I think is being exploited for the presidential election.”

Check the links:

Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace: Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas on role federal government should play as violence spikes in major cites

KCUR: Federal Agents Surging Into Kansas City Make Arrests And Stir Controversy

WT: Kansas City mayor: Trump trying to leverage city's 'pain' to win reelection

You decide . . .


  1. Finally some decent questions to the mayor. At least someone is holding him accountable.

    1. ^^^

      The questions were good but so were the answers.

    2. ^^

      Yet the homicides keep going up. Weird.

    3. Save KC, Lucas’s answers were weak. He was like a used car salesman, slick and smooth and no substance.


  2. LOL -Demosleazeball scammers like Q blaming President Trump for the horrendous, out of control crimes in KC and all the other Demo run cities..

  3. Lick Ass took a knee with rioters, say it again, took a knee with idiots having a temper tantrum.

  4. At least he went on Fox News and faced his political opposite.

    1. Chris Wallace is far from a political opposite of Q

  5. ^^^ They don't seem so "out of control", they're pretty much confined to one social stratum and one constantly high-crime geographical pat of the City. Sure there are outliers, but no more than anywhere else.

    What has changed is, after four years of promising, the President has only started fumbling around with the "problem" as an obvious re-election stunt.

    1. Always Trump’s fault. Let’s blame someone else for our own inadequacies.

  6. Save The Plaza7/26/20, 6:04 PM



    The mayor answered the question. Disagree if you want but he's not afraid to mix it up. That is damn good and something other local leaders won't do.

    May not always agree with the mayor but I respect him.


  7. they're showing a rerun of that show on Fox News now


  8. President Trump has sent 1000s of well-trained Fed Agents into the out-of-control Democrat cities..and they're doing a great job!Meanwhile, ingrate Demo mayors getting their panties in a bunch about "occupation"

    1. The Dems have no answer other than “let’s turn, one time livable cities in to violent dumps and blame someone else” for the bad situation we’re in. These idiots will be asking FEMA (which means you and me) for money after peaceful protestors aka thugs are done. KC suburbs have plenty going on, and you don’t have to worry about being accosted! Let’s these cities stew in their own crap. They failed to deal with it and when they are vacated by decent people and hard working business owners let them stew in it.

  9. You can't "lose" a fight that you haven't even joined, and Lucas just keeps playing both sides depending on who he's talking to.
    109 homicides at mid-year in KCMO is a catastrophe and an above comment about the easily defined demographic and geographic identities of the problem continue to be ignored by both Lucas and the local media.
    And Lucas insists on trying to make believe that Operation LeGend has anything at all in common with protecting the federal courthouse in Portland, which, of course, it does not.
    Lucas and other KCMO electeds should be doing everything they can to publicly support the federal help in working to lessen THEIR crime and violence problems and should also be making public statements criticizing the clowns who are marching around and calling it an occupation.
    Lucas is a phony on steroids and demonstrates how far over his head the job of mayor is each and every day.

    1. Completely. So far, worst mayor KC has ever had.

  10. The mayor is a retard! He is inept. A loser.

  11. ^^^ You misspelled "president" as "mayor" in your post, @6;23, but it's fixed now.

  12. should one be proud that one's mayor is on national television talking about a murder crisis?

  13. I respect that he went on Fox News this morning. He showed us all that he has a strong command of the vocabulary to help divert from answering questions. He also showed us he places politics ahead of saving Black Lives..... this guy is a big time faker that does his best work getting old white ladies at the Ozarks excited.

  14. Regardless of what one thinks of Mayor McKneely he/it is still your mayor.


  15. Fox News is a conservative network, but Wallace is their one liberal host.

    Sean Hannity woulda ripped him a new one

    1. Hannity is too busy tapping himself on the shoulder and scamming taxpayers on Section 8 housing

  16. Bandit Darville7/26/20, 6:56 PM

    Lost the fight against crime? The lazy, corrupt, inept, racist, closeted, mother fucker never tried to fight it to begin with!

  17. Where is Kojack winning ? weird

  18. Lucas hasn't lost the fight because he was never in it to begin with.

    Plus you know he had the questions before hand so he had time to prepare the answers.

    Like to see how well he'd fare with me not knowing the questions before hand

  19. The lynching monument needs to be restored and dedicated with Lucas swinging from a short rope.

  20. Perhaps Mayor 10-10-10 has lost the fight. Or maybe not.
    KC has lost the fight.

    The Mayor 10-10-10 never really had a plan.
    Ask 10 random people what Mayor 10-10-10’s Plan is for the horrible KC murder rate.

    Expect blank stares, random answers and even if someone had a guess... would you know it’s right?

    Mayor 10-10-10 had a plan for Covad. Compare that to the horrible violent shootings and homocides that seem to happen everyday in KC. Which do you think he cares most about by his actions?

    Mayor 10-10-10 has a nickname for a very good reason.
    It has nothing to do with solving the no good very bad scandalous murder rate.

  21. Are you kidding? He surrendered before he was ever elected...

  22. Bandit Darville7/26/20, 7:40 PM

    The high point of his tenure as mayor, if you can call it a high point, was when he sucked blm cock on national TV.


  23. Quinton Lucas asked for help because of the crime in KC and now he's saying it's because Trump wants reelection and it's to stir controversy????

    Quinton Lucas is a DIRTY LIAR. And what a dumb thing to say about Trump wanting reelection. I can not believe this piece of crap. He is lying, he asked for the help. He must have something really big to hide or he's afraid to go against the other democrats who are praising the crime.

    People call Lucas out on his lie. That he said he wanted help against the crime!

  24. In over his head from day one. Had no competition. Last KCMO mayoral race was like choosing the dog with the best breath.

  25. Bandit Darville7/26/20, 7:56 PM

    Not really a good comparison. Dogs have redeeming qualities.

  26. Somebody throw this guy a life preserver. He's done.

    1. He wouldn’t know what to do with a life preserver. Probably try to have intercourse with it.

  27. The Mayor is pathetic. He is clueless. He's trying to blame Trump for KC crime which is laughable. Democrats are clueless and pathetic. They are destroying the nation. KCMO is doomed. Local black leaders are determined to create another Detroit. I think they are ahead of schedule. Soon they will raise taxes a lot. Creating a hostile place for business and residents straining to get by in a recession. the media in Kansas City has always been grossly dishonest about what really does on here. The KC Star was and is the worst. Worse even are the incredibly stupid KCMO voters who elect these boobs.

  28. Now do you understand why white flight happened. This was all predictable.

    1. Hell, black flight is a reality.

  29. How did killa shittys mayor become the face and spokes person for the other crime and murder ridden cities? He’s ignoring his own crime and murderous city and the taxpayers for his own ego and agenda. Stick to doing the job you were elected for in kc and quit being so damn divisive and hateful, you are the one dividing this city not Trump or anybody else. Do what the 99% of the taxpayers want you to do.

    I guess his quarantine period is up or did he skip it for more face time on tv?

    It’s time to choose mayor, your political future or continue to destroy this city.

  30. Lucas talks about 60 unsolved murders in KCMO?
    There are at least that many unsolved THIS YEAR alone.
    The clearance rate for homicides in the city has been around 50% for years and with 130+ murders year after year, there are literally hundreds of them unsolved.
    Multi-homicide perpetrators roaming the streets.
    The entire black community, where 90%+ of the murders take place, should be out celebrating the arrival of federal help.
    Instead people like Gwen Grant and others are marching around calling them "occupiers".
    Self-serving hypocrites charlatans and grifters.
    Regular folks in the black community need some serious help, not these phonies.

  31. It’s time to start a recall of the mayor and perhaps a few clowncil members too.

  32. 8:29 the funny thing is all the feds have been doing is helping try to solve murders and somehow these morons call it occupying the city.

    When the gravy train relies on black on black murders no wonder they don’t want them here.

    And besides, the only occupiers are the rioters.

  33. I have an answer for abortion.....

    Cut their tubes and nut sacks after one baby! And I’m being generous!

  34. Does anyone willingly come to our shithole ghetto to “occupy” it? I hope they intend to arrest and shoot as many criminal hood rats as possible and then move on the the next Democrat-run shithole.

  35. @ 626: No it was right the first time. I fixed it back.

  36. Byron Funkhouser7/26/20, 11:59 PM

    7:04 your identity needs to be ascertained, & you need to put in jail.

    You are a low life terrorist, scum bag.

    Conservatives have no idea what freedom is.

  37. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^STFU you loser

  38. Byron if anyone needs to be ascertained put in jail it's you for fraud and hate crimes.


    Please notice The Chicken's blink-rate as he fails to answer the questions asked, and continually deflects to blame the KCPD, Governor, Attorney General, and White House.

    Earth to Chicken: Focusing on unsolved homicides doesn't mean KCMO's homicide epidemic will go away. Ever heard of a proactive approach to fighting crime?


  40. Lucas is clueless

  41. This Mayor is incompetent and has been exposed. Mr. Mask, who doesn't wear one btw, was quick to shut down small locally owned businesses in KC yet completely ignored people congregating at Walmart for months, the protestors looting those businesses and spreading the virus and the rapidly increasing crime and homeless population in Kansas City. He is a complete moron.

  42. Lucas needs to take a break or a vacation and let the Mayor Pro Tem run it. Lucas is under too much distress from the pandemic and destructive riots. He can’t remember what he has done from one minute to the next. And Lucas doesn’t know he is a hot mess. He needs to do something, or his family and friends should do something...intervention.

  43. Lucas looks like he's aged ten years. I love the deer in headlights look on his face.


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