As KCMO now copes with more than 100 homicides, a pandemic and a budget crisis . . . Cash for anti-crime groups has now come under fire.
Accordingly, TKC readers are keeping an eye on this ongoing discussion . . . A hot take:
"$1.5 million from Aim4Peace to "dispute resolution" from the health levy fund??? I thought KCMO had an ongoing coronavirus issue."
An ordinance introduced by Councilman Ellington: "Reducing an appropriation in the amount of $1,519,466.00 in the Health Levy Fund; appropriating that amount to the evidence based crime prevention program account; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. ** At Councilman Barnes request, this item will be held until Wednesday, July 22nd 2020.**"
Deets . . .
Section 1. That the sum of $1,519,466.00 is reduced from the following account in the Health Levy Fund:
21-2330-501900 Aim4Peace $1,519,466.00
Section 2. That the sum of $1,519,466.00 is appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Health Levy Fund to the following account in the Health Levy Fund:
21-2330-102140-B Dispute Resolution $1,519,466.00
Accordingly . . .
Aim4Peace hasn't been effective in curbing the local murder count and MILLIONS more to their efforts in the midst a budget crisis is coming under fire not only from both budget hawks and urban leaders.
Developing . . .
the money should go to put more police on the streets!
ReplyDeleteNope, the money should go to more social workers.
ReplyDelete^^^ Silly voters. Most of the city hall money just goes back to developers.
ReplyDeleteThis is WAY past due and should only be the start of de-funding these ridiculously ineffective "anti-crime" nonprofits.
ReplyDeleteAim4Peace came from, of all places, Chicago, the epicenter of horrendous violence and homicides in the entire country.
And this local version long ago lost its way of employing ex-offenders who might be able to interact with the local thugs and reduce their propensity for killing each other.
For years now Aim4Peace has been nothing but a make-work jobs program for otherwise unemployable people and has constantly searched for some rationale for its existence.
It latest "activity" has been handing out face masks.
There are millions wasted on this crap year after year, including the $20 million generated by the county COMBAT sales tax, which is supposed to address drug rehab and reduction as well as other crimes.
If these elected clowns had any real interest in the east side residents and had any guts to tell these grifters NO, there would be millions of tax dollars to actually try to reduce the violence.
Doubling the police presence in East Patrol would be a good start.
The Earnings Tax is going to a good cause! That's why you dummies keep voting for every sales tax on the ballot. Stop complaining.
ReplyDelete@10:50 Although I agree that the group is wasting money, adding more police officers is not the answer until KCPD does more with what they already have working. Exchanging one money pit for another is not the way to go. KCPD is to top heavy and has more Chiefs than Indians by their own fault. Start holding them accountable to be more efficient with their resources.
ReplyDeleteUse the money to build more statues!
ReplyDeleteThe Grift continues.
ReplyDeleteBuild a bigger city jail! Hire more cops! Audit the City Council to see where all that tax money went!
ReplyDeleteNow go after that lyin winch Gwen and her crony buddies and take everything away from them
ReplyDeleteHalf of the Shootings are because of anger, the other half is because of mental illness.AND YOU need a million dollars to figure out that out. The Citizens are being PLAYED. A GOOD
ReplyDeleteAim4peace has been a joke from the very beginning!! A full audit would likely uncover a variety of issues!
ReplyDelete^^and yet you have no idea what they have or have not done, their finances, their results, or really anything about them whatsoever. You're talking out of your ass and we all know it. Weird.
ReplyDelete1.5 mil wow that's an awful lot of candles pizza, homemade signs and t shirts. What does the project do??? NOTHING Just like the do NOTHING mayor.
@12:41 How do you know what everyone else on here knows? There's clearly nothing that gets done and nothing that gets better so why don't you shut your ass hole up WEIRD.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem with pausing to undertake a "study" of the KCPD is that it would take months for the usual academics or consultants to produce a report, and those recommendations have been mostly ignored in the past.
Meanwhile the city is suffering one of the worst levels of violence and murders in years.
It would seem prudent to try to do what's necessary to try to stem the killing and then do an analysis of the department.
At the end of the day, the elected folks in KCMO and the appointed people on the police board have to know enough about the operation to be able to ask tough questions and then have the guts to demand the necessary changes.
And then manage to them and hold people accountable.
A whole new skill set for the crew that "runs" KCMO.
12:41 STFU
ReplyDeleteYou mean AIM for the knappy head.
ReplyDelete^ha ha! You got knocked the fuck out!
ReplyDeleteHow many potholes would that $1.5 million fill? Not that there is any chance of using the money for anything that would benefit the public.
ReplyDeleteJust think of what America would have been if all leadership history was black. Can anyone say, like the corruption of African Countries. Weird
ReplyDelete^^Or get this CHUD...what would happen if all the Boomers who populate this little blog got off their lazy asses and did something for a change? What would that look like? We'll never know because you people are horrendous wastes.
ReplyDeleteUse the money for incentives - hire and train black narcs and pay them generously afterwards for any information that leads to the nabbing of the bad guys.
ReplyDeleteAim4Piece of the taxpayer funded trough. Nice come up but grossly overrated and the effectiveness of the program is almost non-existent, especially given the record number of violent crimes in the 3rd district. This expenditure cannot be justified.... at all.
ReplyDelete3:40, for someone who gets their panties in a twist about how much time others spend posting worthless shit on here, you seem to do an awful lot of it yourself. Bitter much?
ReplyDeleteAim4Peace should rename to Aim4Chest.